Music Dictionary Reference:

I'm probably the only one in the world stupid enough to continually photocopy pages from NG and MGG without writing down what volume they're from so that when I go to cite it in a paper I have to walk down to the library for the ref. So this is just for my own benefit, and anyone as dumb as me.

New Grove (1980)

1. A to Bacilly
2. Back to Bolivia
3. Bollioud-Mermet to Castro
4. Castrucci to Courante
5. Couraud to Edlund
6. Edmund to Fryklund
7. Fuchs to Gyuzeleu
8. H to Hypoichema
9. Iacobus to Kerman
10. Kern to Lindelheim
11. Lineman to Meantone
12. Meares to Mutis
13. Muwashshah to Ory
14. Osaka to Player Piano
15. Playford to Riedt
16. Riegel to Schisterfleck
17. Schutz to Spinto
18. Spiridion to Tin Whistle
19. Tiomkin to Virdung
20. Virelai to Zywny, Appendix

MGG (1954)

1. Aachen to Blum
2. Bocc to Da Ponte
3. Daquin to Fechner
4. Fede to Gesang
5. Gese to Hay
6. Hea to Jenn
7. Jensen to Kyrie
8. Laaf to Mejtus
9. Mel to On
10. Op to Rap
11. Ras to Schn
12. Scho to Symp
13. Syr to Volk
14. Voll to Zy
15. Supp A-D
16. Supp E-Z
17. Register

New MGG (1994)

1. A to Bog
2. Boh to Enc
3. Eng to Hanb
4. Harm to Kar
5. Keg to Mein
6. Meis to Mus
7. Mut to Que
8. Quer to Swi
9. Sy to Z