
Functions for finding external modules, converting colors to Matplotlib colors, etc.


class music21.graph.utilities.ExtendedModules(matplotlib, Axes3D, collections, patches, plt, networkx)



Changes a label possibly containing a modifier such as “-” or “#” into a unicode string.

>>> graph.utilities.accidentalLabelToUnicode('B-4')

Since matplotlib’s default fonts do not support double sharps or double flats, etc. these are converted as best we can.

>>> graph.utilities.accidentalLabelToUnicode('B--4')

Convert any specification of a color to a hexadecimal color used by matplotlib.

>>> graph.utilities.getColor('red')
>>> graph.utilities.getColor('r')
>>> graph.utilities.getColor('Steel Blue')
>>> graph.utilities.getColor('#f50')
>>> graph.utilities.getColor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
>>> graph.utilities.getColor(0.8)
>>> graph.utilities.getColor([0.8])
>>> graph.utilities.getColor([255, 255, 255])

Invalid colors raise GraphExceptions:

>>> graph.utilities.getColor('l')
Traceback (most recent call last):
music21.graph.utilities.GraphException: invalid color abbreviation: l
>>> graph.utilities.getColor('chalkywhitebutsortofgreenish')
Traceback (most recent call last):
music21.graph.utilities.GraphException: invalid color name: chalkywhitebutsortofgreenish
>>> graph.utilities.getColor(True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
music21.graph.utilities.GraphException: invalid color specification: True

this is done inside a function, so that the slow import of matplotlib is not done in from music21 import * unless it’s actually needed.

Returns a namedtuple: (matplotlib, Axes3D, collections, patches, plt, networkx)