
Harmonic annotations from humdrum to music21.

The **harm representation is described here:


class music21.humdrum.harmparser.HarmDefs

Regular expression definitions for the HarmParser class


class music21.humdrum.harmparser.HarmParser

Parses an expression in **harm syntax

HarmParser methods

HarmParser.parse(harmExpression) dict[str, Any]



Converts a **harm string into a string that can be used to instantiate a RomanNumeral object.

This is necessary because the two notations are not identical. For example, a “V7b” in **harm turns into “V65”.

Instantiate a HarmParser to process **harm strings

>>> convertHarmToRoman = humdrum.harmparser.convertHarmToRoman

Convert a few **harm strings to music21.roman.RomanNumeral figures

>>> diatonicTriads = ['I', 'Vc', 'Ib', 'iib', 'V', 'viiob', 'vib']
>>> [convertHarmToRoman(x) for x in diatonicTriads]
['I', 'V64', 'I6', 'ii6', 'V', 'viio6', 'vi6']

A few seventh-chord inversions >>> diatonicSevenths = [‘V7’, ‘viio7c’, ‘V7d’, ‘viio7b’, ‘V7c’] >>> [convertHarmToRoman(x) for x in diatonicSevenths] [‘V7’, ‘viio43’, ‘V2’, ‘viio65’, ‘V43’]

Inversion-wise, augmented sixth chords are a bit tricky German and French are treated as seventh-chords (4 notes) Italians are treated as triads

>>> italianSixths = ['Lt', 'Ltb', 'Ltc']
>>> [convertHarmToRoman(x) for x in italianSixths]
['It', 'It6', 'It64']
>>> frenchSixths = ['Fr', 'Frb', 'Frc', 'Frd']
>>> [convertHarmToRoman(x) for x in frenchSixths]
['Fr7', 'Fr65', 'Fr43', 'Fr2']
>>> germanSixths = ['Gn', 'Gnb', 'Gnc', 'Gnd']
>>> [convertHarmToRoman(x) for x in germanSixths]
['Ger7', 'Ger65', 'Ger43', 'Ger2']