This module defines various types of interval objects.
Fundamental classes are Interval
and ChromaticInterval
- class music21.interval.Interval(arg0: t.Union[str, int, float, pitch.Pitch, note.Note, None] = None, arg1: pitch.Pitch | note.Note | None = None, /, *, diatonic: DiatonicInterval | None = None, chromatic: ChromaticInterval | None = None, pitchStart: pitch.Pitch | None = None, pitchEnd: pitch.Pitch | None = None, noteStart: note.Note | pitch.Pitch | None = None, noteEnd: note.Note | pitch.Pitch | None = None, name: str | None = None, **keywords)¶
An Interval class that encapsulates both
objects all in one model.The interval is specified either as named arguments, a
and aChromaticInterval
, or twoNote
objects (orPitch
objects), from which both a ChromaticInterval and DiatonicInterval are derived.>>> p1 = pitch.Pitch('c3') >>> p2 = pitch.Pitch('c5') >>> aInterval = interval.Interval(pitchStart=p1, pitchEnd=p2) >>> aInterval <music21.interval.Interval P15> >>> 'P15' >>> aInterval.pitchStart is p1 True >>> aInterval.pitchEnd is p2 True
Reduce to less than an octave:
>>> aInterval.simpleName 'P1'
Reduce to no more than an octave:
>>> aInterval.semiSimpleName 'P8'
An interval can also be specified directly:
>>> aInterval = interval.Interval('m3') >>> aInterval <music21.interval.Interval m3> >>> aInterval = interval.Interval('M3') >>> aInterval <music21.interval.Interval M3>
>>> aInterval = interval.Interval('p5') >>> aInterval <music21.interval.Interval P5> >>> aInterval.isChromaticStep False >>> aInterval.isDiatonicStep False >>> aInterval.isStep False
Some ways of creating half-steps.
>>> aInterval = interval.Interval('half') >>> aInterval <music21.interval.Interval m2> >>> aInterval.isChromaticStep True >>> aInterval.isDiatonicStep True >>> aInterval.isStep True
>>> aInterval = interval.Interval('-h') >>> aInterval <music21.interval.Interval m-2> >>> aInterval.directedName 'm-2' >>> 'm2'
A single int is treated as a number of half-steps:
>>> aInterval = interval.Interval(4) >>> aInterval <music21.interval.Interval M3>
>>> aInterval = interval.Interval(7) >>> aInterval <music21.interval.Interval P5>
If giving a starting pitch, an ending pitch has to be specified.
>>> aInterval = interval.Interval(pitchStart=p1) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: either both the starting and the ending pitch (or note) must be given or neither can be given. You cannot have one without the other.
An Interval can be constructed from a DiatonicInterval and ChromaticInterval object (or just one):
>>> diaInterval = interval.DiatonicInterval('major', 'third') >>> chrInterval = interval.ChromaticInterval(4) >>> fullInterval = interval.Interval(diatonic=diaInterval, chromatic=chrInterval) >>> fullInterval <music21.interval.Interval M3>
>>> fullInterval = interval.Interval(diatonic=diaInterval) >>> fullInterval.semitones 4 >>> fullInterval = interval.Interval(chromatic=chrInterval) >>> 'M3' >>> fullInterval.implicitDiatonic True
Two Intervals are the same if their Chromatic and Diatonic intervals are the same.
>>> aInt = interval.Interval('P4') >>> bInt = interval.Interval( ... diatonic=interval.DiatonicInterval('P', 4), ... chromatic=interval.ChromaticInterval(5), ... ) >>> aInt == bInt True
N.B. that interval.Interval(‘A4’) != ‘A4’
>>> interval.Interval('A4') == 'A4' False
More demonstrations using pitches:
>>> aPitch = pitch.Pitch('c4') >>> bPitch = pitch.Pitch('g5') >>> aInterval = interval.Interval(aPitch, bPitch) >>> aInterval <music21.interval.Interval P12> >>> bInterval = interval.Interval(pitchStart=aPitch, pitchEnd=bPitch) >>> aInterval.niceName == bInterval.niceName True
>>> aPitch = pitch.Pitch('c#4') >>> bPitch = pitch.Pitch('f-5') >>> cInterval = interval.Interval(aPitch, bPitch) >>> cInterval <music21.interval.Interval dd11>
>>> cPitch = pitch.Pitch('e#4') >>> dPitch = pitch.Pitch('f-4') >>> dInterval = interval.Interval(cPitch, dPitch) >>> dInterval <music21.interval.Interval dd2>
>>> ePitch = pitch.Pitch('e##4') >>> fPitch = pitch.Pitch('f--4') >>> dInterval = interval.Interval(ePitch, fPitch) >>> dInterval <music21.interval.Interval dddd2>
>>> gPitch = pitch.Pitch('c--4') >>> hPitch = pitch.Pitch('c##4') >>> iInterval = interval.Interval(gPitch, hPitch) >>> iInterval <music21.interval.Interval AAAA1>
>>> interval.Interval(pitch.Pitch('e##4'), pitch.Pitch('f--5')) <music21.interval.Interval dddd9>
Changed in v8: - Pitches are emphasized over notes. - It is not possible to create an interval with a name and a pitchStart/noteStart and automatically get a pitchEnd/noteEnd in the process. Set them later. - Incompatible keywords raise ValueError not IntervalException. - An empty instantiation gives a P1 interval.
read-only properties
- Interval.cents¶
Return the cents from the chromatic interval, where 100 cents = a half-step
>>> aInterval = interval.Interval('M3') >>> aInterval.cents 400.0
>>> p1 = pitch.Pitch('C4') >>> p2 = pitch.Pitch('D4') >>> p2.microtone = 30 >>> microtoneInterval = interval.Interval(pitchStart=p1, pitchEnd=p2) >>> microtoneInterval.cents 230.0
- Interval.complement¶
Return a new
object that is the complement of this Interval.>>> aInterval = interval.Interval('M3') >>> bInterval = aInterval.complement >>> bInterval <music21.interval.Interval m6>
>>> cInterval = interval.Interval('A2') >>> dInterval = cInterval.complement >>> dInterval <music21.interval.Interval d7>
- Interval.directedName¶
- Interval.directedNiceName¶
- Interval.directedSimpleName¶
- Interval.directedSimpleNiceName¶
- Interval.direction¶
- Interval.generic¶
Returns the
object associated with this Interval>>> interval.Interval('P5').generic <music21.interval.GenericInterval 5>
- Interval.intervalClass¶
Return the interval class from the chromatic interval, that is, the lesser of the number of half-steps in the simpleInterval or its complement.
>>> aInterval = interval.Interval('M3') >>> aInterval.intervalClass 4
>>> bInterval = interval.Interval('m6') >>> bInterval.intervalClass 4
Empty intervals return 0:
>>> interval.Interval().intervalClass 0
Changed in v6.5: empty intervals return 0
- Interval.isChromaticStep¶
- Interval.isDiatonicStep¶
- Interval.isSkip¶
- Interval.isStep¶
Return the simple name of the interval, ignoring direction:
>>> interval.Interval('Descending Perfect Fourth').name 'P4'
- Interval.niceName¶
>>> interval.Interval('m3').niceName 'Minor Third'
- Interval.semiSimpleName¶
- Interval.semiSimpleNiceName¶
- Interval.semitones¶
- Interval.simpleName¶
- Interval.simpleNiceName¶
- Interval.specificName¶
- Interval.specifier¶
Read-only properties inherited from Music21Object
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
read/write properties
- Interval.noteEnd¶
Return or set the Note that pitchEnd is attached to. For backwards compatibility
- Interval.noteStart¶
Return or set the Note that pitchStart is attached to. For backwards compatibility
- Interval.pitchEnd¶
Set the end pitch to a new value; this will adjust the value of the start pitch (pitchStart).
>>> aInterval = interval.Interval('M3') >>> aInterval.pitchEnd = pitch.Pitch('E4') >>> aInterval.pitchStart.nameWithOctave 'C4'
>>> aInterval = interval.Interval('m2') >>> aInterval.pitchEnd = pitch.Pitch('A#3') >>> aInterval.pitchStart.nameWithOctave 'G##3'
>>> p1 = pitch.Pitch('G#3') >>> p2 = pitch.Pitch('C3') >>> aInterval = interval.Interval(p1, p2) >>> aInterval.directedName # downward augmented fifth 'A-5' >>> aInterval.pitchEnd = pitch.Pitch('C4') >>> aInterval.pitchStart.nameWithOctave 'G#4'
>>> aInterval = interval.Interval('M3') >>> aInterval.pitchEnd = pitch.Pitch('A-3') >>> aInterval.pitchStart.nameWithOctave 'F-3'
- Interval.pitchStart¶
Get the start pitch or set it a new value. Setting this will adjust the value of the end pitch (pitchEnd).
>>> maj3 = interval.Interval('M3') >>> maj3.pitchStart = pitch.Pitch('c4') >>> maj3.pitchEnd.nameWithOctave 'E4'
>>> p1 = pitch.Pitch('c3') >>> p2 = pitch.Pitch('g#3') >>> a5 = interval.Interval(p1, p2) >>> 'A5'
>>> a5.pitchStart = pitch.Pitch('g4') >>> a5.pitchEnd.nameWithOctave 'D#5'
>>> descM3 = interval.Interval('-M3') >>> descM3.pitchStart = pitch.Pitch('c4') >>> descM3.pitchEnd.nameWithOctave 'A-3'
>>> descM2 = interval.Interval('M-2') >>> descM2.pitchStart = pitch.Pitch('A#3') >>> descM2.pitchEnd.nameWithOctave 'G#3'
Implicit diatonic intervals do not need to follow the diatonic directed name:
>>> halfStep = interval.Interval('h') >>> halfStep.directedName 'm2' >>> halfStep.implicitDiatonic True >>> halfStep.pitchStart = pitch.Pitch('F-3') >>> halfStep.pitchEnd.nameWithOctave 'F3'
Read/write properties inherited from Music21Object
- Interval.__eq__(other)¶
True if .diatonic and .chromatic are equal.
>>> a = interval.Interval('a4') >>> b = interval.Interval('d5') >>> c = interval.Interval('m3') >>> d = interval.Interval('d5') >>> a == b False >>> b == d True >>> a == c False >>> b in [a, c, d] True
Now, of course, this makes sense:
>>> a == 'hello' False
But note well that this is also a False expression:
>>> a == 'a4' False
- Interval.isConsonant() bool ¶
returns True if the pitches are a major or minor third or sixth or perfect fifth or unison.
These rules define all common-practice consonances (and earlier back to about 1300 all imperfect consonances)
>>> i1 = interval.Interval(note.Note('C'), note.Note('E')) >>> i1.isConsonant() True >>> i1 = interval.Interval(note.Note('B-'), note.Note('C')) >>> i1.isConsonant() False
- Interval.reverse()¶
Return a reversed version of this interval. If
objects are stored as pitchStart and pitchEnd, these pitches are reversed.>>> p1 = pitch.Pitch('c3') >>> p2 = pitch.Pitch('g3') >>> intvP5 = interval.Interval(pitchStart=p1, pitchEnd=p2) >>> intvP5 <music21.interval.Interval P5> >>> revInterval = intvP5.reverse() >>> revInterval <music21.interval.Interval P-5> >>> revInterval.pitchStart is intvP5.pitchEnd True
>>> m3 = interval.Interval('m3') >>> m3.reverse() <music21.interval.Interval m-3>
- Interval.transposePitch(p: pitch.Pitch, *, reverse=False, maxAccidental: int | None = 4, inPlace=False)¶
Given a
object, return a new, transposed Pitch, that is transformed according to this Interval. This is the main public interface to all transposition routines found on higher-level objects.The maxAccidental parameter sets an integer number of half step alterations that will be accepted in the transposed pitch before it is simplified. For example, a value of 2 will permit double sharps but not triple sharps. The maxAccidental default is 4, because music21 does not support quintuple sharps/flats. Set to None to try anyhow.
>>> p1 = pitch.Pitch('A#4') >>> i = interval.Interval('m3') >>> p2 = i.transposePitch(p1) >>> p2 <music21.pitch.Pitch C#5> >>> p2 = i.transposePitch(p1, reverse=True) >>> p2 <music21.pitch.Pitch F##4> >>> i.transposePitch(p1, reverse=True, maxAccidental=1) <music21.pitch.Pitch G4>
Pitch objects without octaves are transposed also into objects without octaves. This might make them appear to be lower than the original even if transposed up:
>>> anyA = pitch.Pitch('A') >>> anyC = i.transposePitch(anyA) >>> anyC <music21.pitch.Pitch C> >>> < # !! True
If inPlace is True then function is done in place and no pitch is returned.
>>> p1 = pitch.Pitch('A4') >>> i = interval.Interval('m3') >>> i.transposePitch(p1, inPlace=True) >>> p1 <music21.pitch.Pitch C5>
Note that reverse=True is only there for historical reasons; it is the same as i.reverse().transposePitch(x) and that format will be much faster when calling many times.
Changed in v6: inPlace parameter added. Reverse and maxAccidental changed to keyword only.
Methods inherited from IntervalBase
Methods inherited from Music21Object
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
instance variables
Instance variables inherited from Music21Object
- class music21.interval.ChromaticInterval(semitones: int | float = 0, **keywords)¶
Chromatic interval class. Unlike a
, this IntervalBase subclass treats interval spaces in half-steps. So Major 3rd and Diminished 4th are the same.Two ChromaticIntervals are equal if their size and direction are equal.
>>> aInterval = interval.ChromaticInterval(-14) >>> aInterval.semitones -14 >>> aInterval.undirected 14 >>> aInterval.mod12 10 >>> aInterval.intervalClass 2 >>> aInterval.isChromaticStep False >>> aInterval.isStep False
>>> aInterval = interval.ChromaticInterval(1) >>> aInterval.isChromaticStep True >>> aInterval.isStep True
read-only properties
- ChromaticInterval.cents¶
Return the number of cents in a ChromaticInterval:
>>> dime = interval.ChromaticInterval(0.1) >>> dime.cents 10.0
- ChromaticInterval.directed¶
A synonym for .semitones
>>> tritoneDown = interval.ChromaticInterval(-6) >>> tritoneDown.directed -6
- ChromaticInterval.direction¶
Returns an enum of the direction:
>>> interval.ChromaticInterval(-3).direction <Direction.DESCENDING: -1>
note that the number can be helpful for multiplication:
>>> interval.ChromaticInterval(-3).direction * 9 -9
- ChromaticInterval.intervalClass¶
- ChromaticInterval.isChromaticStep¶
- ChromaticInterval.isStep¶
- ChromaticInterval.mod12¶
The number of semitones within an octave using modulo arithmatic.
for a similar method that puts musical intuition above mathematical intuition)>>> interval.ChromaticInterval(15).mod12 3 >>> interval.ChromaticInterval(-4).mod12 8 >>> interval.ChromaticInterval(-16).mod12 8
- ChromaticInterval.simpleDirected¶
The number of semitones within an octave while preserving direction.
>>> interval.ChromaticInterval(15).simpleDirected 3 >>> interval.ChromaticInterval(-4).simpleDirected -4 >>> interval.ChromaticInterval(-16).simpleDirected -4
- ChromaticInterval.simpleUndirected¶
The number of semitones within an octave while ignoring direction.
for a similar method that puts mathematical intuition above musical intuition)>>> interval.ChromaticInterval(15).simpleUndirected 3 >>> interval.ChromaticInterval(-4).simpleUndirected 4 >>> interval.ChromaticInterval(-16).simpleUndirected 4
- ChromaticInterval.undirected¶
The absolute value of the number of semitones:
>>> tritoneDown = interval.ChromaticInterval(-6) >>> tritoneDown.undirected 6
Read-only properties inherited from Music21Object
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
read/write properties
Read/write properties inherited from Music21Object
- ChromaticInterval.__eq__(other)¶
True if number of semitones is the same.
>>> a = interval.ChromaticInterval(-14) >>> b = interval.ChromaticInterval(14) >>> c = interval.ChromaticInterval(-14) >>> d = interval.ChromaticInterval(7) >>> e = interval.ChromaticInterval(2)
>>> a == b False >>> a == c True >>> a == d False >>> b == e False
Intervals do not equal numbers:
>>> interval.ChromaticInterval(7) == 7 False
- ChromaticInterval.getDiatonic() DiatonicInterval ¶
Given a ChromaticInterval, return a
object of the same size.While there is more than one Generic Interval for any given chromatic interval, this is needed to permit easy chromatic specification of Interval objects. Augmented or diminished intervals are never returned except for the interval of 6 which returns a diminished fifth, not augmented fourth.
>>> aInterval = interval.ChromaticInterval(5) >>> aInterval.getDiatonic() <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval P4>
>>> aInterval = interval.ChromaticInterval(6) >>> aInterval.getDiatonic() <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval d5>
>>> aInterval = interval.ChromaticInterval(7) >>> aInterval.getDiatonic() <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval P5>
>>> aInterval = interval.ChromaticInterval(11) >>> aInterval.getDiatonic() <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval M7>
- ChromaticInterval.reverse() ChromaticInterval ¶
Return an inverted
, that is, reversing the direction.>>> aInterval = interval.ChromaticInterval(-14) >>> aInterval.reverse() <music21.interval.ChromaticInterval 14>
>>> aInterval = interval.ChromaticInterval(3) >>> aInterval.reverse() <music21.interval.ChromaticInterval -3>
- ChromaticInterval.transposePitch(p: pitch.Pitch, *, inPlace=False)¶
Given a
object, return a new, transposed Pitch, that is transformed according to this ChromaticInterval.Because
object do not take into account diatonic spelling, the new Pitch is simplified to the most common intervals. SeesimplifyEnharmonic()
withmostCommon = True
to see the results.>>> tritone = interval.ChromaticInterval(6) >>> p = pitch.Pitch('E#4') >>> p2 = tritone.transposePitch(p) >>> p2 <music21.pitch.Pitch B4> >>> p3 = tritone.transposePitch(p2) >>> p3 <music21.pitch.Pitch F5>
If no octave number is given then octaves “wrap around” and thus even after transposing upward, you could end up with a pitch that is displayed as lower than the original:
>>> p4 = pitch.Pitch('B') >>> 71.0 >>> p5 = tritone.transposePitch(p4)
Since the octave on p4 was implicit, the ps here wraps around
>>> 65.0
Afterward, the spelling of the new pitch will always be inferred.
>>> p4.spellingIsInferred False >>> p5.spellingIsInferred True
Can be done inPlace as well:
>>> p = pitch.Pitch('E#4') >>> tritone.transposePitch(p, inPlace=True) >>> p <music21.pitch.Pitch B4> >>> p.spellingIsInferred True
Changed in v6: added inPlace
Methods inherited from IntervalBase
Methods inherited from Music21Object
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
instance variables
Instance variables inherited from Music21Object
- class music21.interval.DiatonicInterval(specifier: str | int = 'P', generic: int | GenericInterval | str = 1, **keywords)¶
A class representing a diatonic interval. Two required arguments are a string specifier (such as perfect, major, or minor) and generic, either an int of an interval size (such as 2, 2nd, or second) or a
object.Two DiatonicIntervals are the same if their GenericIntervals are the same and their specifiers are the same and they should be if their directions are the same, but this is not checked yet.
The specifier is an enumeration/Specifier object.
The generic is an integer or GenericInterval instance.
>>> unison = interval.DiatonicInterval(interval.Specifier.PERFECT, 1) >>> unison <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval P1> >>> unison.simpleName 'P1' >>> unison.specifier <Specifier.PERFECT> >>> unison.generic <music21.interval.GenericInterval 1> >>> unison.direction <Direction.OBLIQUE: 0>
The first value can be a string:
>>> major3a = interval.DiatonicInterval('major', 3) >>> major3a.simpleName 'M3' >>> major3a.niceName 'Major Third' >>> major3a.semiSimpleName 'M3' >>> major3a.directedSimpleName 'M3' >>> major3a.mod7inversion 'm6'
Or the first attribute can be a string abbreviation (not case sensitive, except Major vs. minor):
>>> major3b = interval.DiatonicInterval('M', 3) >>> major3b.niceName 'Major Third'
A string can be given for the second argument (generic interval):
>>> major3c = interval.DiatonicInterval('major', 'third') >>> major3c.niceName 'Major Third'
>>> p8 = interval.DiatonicInterval('perfect', 'octave') >>> p8.niceName 'Perfect Octave'
>>> genericTenth = interval.GenericInterval(10) >>> minor10 = interval.DiatonicInterval('m', genericTenth) >>> minor10.mod7 'm3' >>> minor10.isDiatonicStep False >>> minor10.isStep False
>>> aInterval = interval.DiatonicInterval('major', 2) >>> aInterval.isDiatonicStep True >>> aInterval.isStep True
>>> augAscending = interval.DiatonicInterval('augmented', 1) >>> augAscending <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval A1> >>> augAscending.isDiatonicStep False >>> augAscending.isStep # TODO: should this be True??? False >>> augAscending.directedNiceName 'Ascending Augmented Unison'
For Augmented Unisons, the diatonic interval is ascending while the .generic is oblique:
>>> augAscending.direction <Direction.ASCENDING: 1> >>> augAscending.generic.direction <Direction.OBLIQUE: 0>
>>> dimDescending = augAscending.reverse() >>> dimDescending <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval d1> >>> dimDescending.directedNiceName 'Descending Diminished Unison' >>> dimDescending.direction <Direction.DESCENDING: -1>
This raises an error:
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Perfect', -1) Traceback (most recent call last): music21.interval.IntervalException: There is no such thing as a descending Perfect Unison
read-only properties
- DiatonicInterval.cents¶
Return the number of cents in this interval. Returns a float, always assuming an equal-tempered presentation.
>>> i = interval.DiatonicInterval('minor', 'second') >>> i.niceName 'Minor Second' >>> i.cents 100.0
- DiatonicInterval.directedName¶
The name of the interval in abbreviated form with direction.
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Minor', -6).directedName 'm-6'
- DiatonicInterval.directedNiceName¶
The name of the interval in full form with direction.
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('P', 11).directedNiceName 'Ascending Perfect Eleventh' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Diminished', 'Descending Octave').directedNiceName 'Descending Diminished Octave'
- DiatonicInterval.directedSemiSimpleName¶
The name of the interval in abbreviated form with direction, reduced to one octave, except for octaves themselves
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Minor', -14).directedSemiSimpleName 'm-7' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('P', 'Octave').directedSemiSimpleName 'P8'
- DiatonicInterval.directedSemiSimpleNiceName¶
The name of the interval in full form with direction.
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('P', 11).directedSemiSimpleNiceName 'Ascending Perfect Fourth' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Diminished', 'Descending Octave').directedSemiSimpleNiceName 'Descending Diminished Octave'
- DiatonicInterval.directedSimpleName¶
The name of the interval in abbreviated form with direction, reduced to one octave
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Minor', -14).directedSimpleName 'm-7'
- DiatonicInterval.directedSimpleNiceName¶
The name of the interval, reduced to within an octave, in full form with direction.
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('P', 11).directedNiceName 'Ascending Perfect Eleventh' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Diminished', 'Descending Octave').directedNiceName 'Descending Diminished Octave'
- DiatonicInterval.direction¶
The direction of the DiatonicInterval:
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Augmented', 'Twelfth').direction <Direction.ASCENDING: 1>
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('M', -2).direction <Direction.DESCENDING: -1>
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('P', 1).direction <Direction.OBLIQUE: 0>
In the absence of other evidence, assumes that augmented unisons are ascending and diminished unisons are descending:
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('d', 1).direction <Direction.DESCENDING: -1>
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('A', 1).direction <Direction.ASCENDING: 1>
Note that in the case of non-perfect unisons/primes, the .generic.direction will be OBLIQUE while the diatonic direction may be ASCENDING, DESCENDING, or OBLIQUE.
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('A', 1).generic.direction <Direction.OBLIQUE: 0>
- DiatonicInterval.isDiatonicStep¶
Same as GenericInterval.isDiatonicStep and .isStep
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('M', 2).isDiatonicStep True >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('P', 5).isDiatonicStep False
- DiatonicInterval.isSkip¶
Same as GenericInterval.isSkip
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('M', 2).isSkip False >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('P', 5).isSkip True
- DiatonicInterval.isStep¶
Same as GenericInterval.isStep and .isDiatonicStep
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('M', 2).isStep True >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('P', 5).isStep False
- DiatonicInterval.mod7¶
Return this interval as string of a specifier followed by a number 1-7, representing a diatonic interval within an octave, but unlike simpleDirected or simpleUndirected, turns descending seconds into sevenths, etc.
For instance, going down a minor second from C would give a B, which is the same as going up a major seventh to B.
This method gives a string representing a diatonic interval that will reach the same note as this DiatonicInterval but within an octave up from the basic note.
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('m', -2).mod7 'M7' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('m', 2).mod7 'm2' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('M', 9).mod7 'M2' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Perfect', 'Unison').mod7 'P1' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Perfect', 'Descending Octave').mod7 'P1' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval(interval.Specifier.AUGMENTED, -4).mod7 'd5'
for a place this is used.
- DiatonicInterval.mod7inversion¶
Return an inversion of the interval within an octave, losing direction. Returns as a string.
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('M', 2).mod7inversion 'm7' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('A', 4).mod7inversion 'd5' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('P', 1).mod7inversion 'P8'
Everything is within an octave:
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('M', 9).mod7inversion 'm7'
Direction is lost:
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('d', -3).mod7inversion 'A6'
The name of the interval in abbreviated form without direction.
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Perfect', 'Fourth').name 'P4' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval(interval.Specifier.MAJOR, -6).name 'M6'
- DiatonicInterval.niceName¶
Return the full form of the name of a Diatonic interval
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('P', 4).niceName 'Perfect Fourth'
- DiatonicInterval.perfectable¶
Is the generic component of this interval able to be made perfect? That is, is this a type of unison, fourth, fifth, or octave (or larger component).
Note that this does not ask if THIS interval is perfect. A diminished fifth is not perfect, but as a fifth it is perfectable.
An augmented seventh sounds like a perfect octave but no seventh can ever be perfect.
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('M', 2).perfectable False >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('P', 12).perfectable True >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('A', 12).perfectable True
- DiatonicInterval.semiSimpleName¶
Return the name of a Diatonic interval removing octaves except that octaves (and double octaves) themselves are 8 instead of 1
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Augmented', 'Twelfth').semiSimpleName 'A5' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Diminished', 'Descending Octave').semiSimpleName 'd8'
- DiatonicInterval.semiSimpleNiceName¶
Return the full name of a Diatonic interval removing octaves except that octaves (and double octaves) themselves are 8 instead of 1
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Augmented', 'Twelfth').semiSimpleNiceName 'Augmented Fifth' >>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Diminished', 'Descending Octave').semiSimpleNiceName 'Diminished Octave'
- DiatonicInterval.simpleName¶
Return the name of a Diatonic interval removing octaves
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('Augmented', 'Twelfth').simpleName 'A5'
- DiatonicInterval.simpleNiceName¶
Return the full name of a Diatonic interval, simplifying octaves
>>> interval.DiatonicInterval('d', 14).simpleNiceName 'Diminished Seventh'
- DiatonicInterval.specificName¶
Same as .specifier.niceName – the nice name of the specifier alone
>>> p12 = interval.DiatonicInterval('P', -12) >>> p12.specificName 'Perfect'
- DiatonicInterval.specifierAbbreviation¶
Returns the abbreviation for the specifier.
>>> i = interval.Interval('M-10') >>> d = i.diatonic >>> d.specifierAbbreviation 'M'
Read-only properties inherited from Music21Object
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
read/write properties
Read/write properties inherited from Music21Object
- DiatonicInterval.__eq__(other)¶
True if generic, specifier, and direction are the same.
>>> a = interval.DiatonicInterval('major', 3) >>> b = interval.DiatonicInterval('minor', 3) >>> c = interval.DiatonicInterval('major', 3) >>> d = interval.DiatonicInterval('diminished', 4) >>> a == b False >>> a == c True >>> a == d False >>> e = interval.DiatonicInterval('d', 4) >>> d == e True
Intervals do not compare to strings:
>>> e == 'd4' False
- DiatonicInterval.getChromatic() ChromaticInterval ¶
Return a
based on the size of this Interval.>>> aInterval = interval.DiatonicInterval('major', 'third') >>> aInterval.niceName 'Major Third' >>> aInterval.getChromatic() <music21.interval.ChromaticInterval 4>
>>> aInterval = interval.DiatonicInterval('augmented', -5) >>> aInterval.niceName 'Augmented Fifth' >>> aInterval.getChromatic() <music21.interval.ChromaticInterval -8>
>>> aInterval = interval.DiatonicInterval('minor', 'second') >>> aInterval.niceName 'Minor Second' >>> aInterval.getChromatic() <music21.interval.ChromaticInterval 1>
- DiatonicInterval.reverse() DiatonicInterval ¶
Return a
that is an inversion of this Interval.>>> aInterval = interval.DiatonicInterval('major', 3) >>> aInterval.reverse().directedName 'M-3'
>>> aInterval = interval.DiatonicInterval('augmented', 5) >>> aInterval.reverse().directedName 'A-5'
(Ascending) Augmented Unisons reverse to (Descending) Diminished Unisons and vice-versa
>>> aug1 = interval.DiatonicInterval('augmented', 1) >>> aug1.direction <Direction.ASCENDING: 1> >>> aug1.directedName 'A1' >>> dimUnison = aug1.reverse() >>> dimUnison.directedName 'd1' >>> dimUnison.directedNiceName 'Descending Diminished Unison'
- DiatonicInterval.transposePitch(p: pitch.Pitch, *, inPlace=False)¶
Calls transposePitch from a full interval object.
This is not particularly optimized since it requires creating both a ChromaticInterval object and a full Interval object. But it’s here for completeness.
>>> di = interval.DiatonicInterval('P', 11) >>> p = pitch.Pitch('C#4') >>> di.transposePitch(p) <music21.pitch.Pitch F#5>
Previous pitch was unchanged. inPlace=True changes that.
>>> p <music21.pitch.Pitch C#4> >>> di.transposePitch(p, inPlace=True) >>> p <music21.pitch.Pitch F#5>
Changed in v6: added inPlace
Methods inherited from IntervalBase
Methods inherited from Music21Object
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
instance variables
- DiatonicInterval.generic¶
enum representing the general interval.
Instance variables inherited from Music21Object
- class music21.interval.Direction(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- class music21.interval.GenericInterval(value: int | str = 'Unison', **keywords)¶
A GenericInterval is an interval such as Third, Seventh, Octave, or Tenth. Constructor takes an integer or string specifying the interval and direction.
The interval is not specified in half-steps, but in numeric values derived from interval names: a Third is 3; a Seventh is 7, etc. String values for interval names (‘3rd’ or ‘third’) are generally accepted, but discouraged since not every one will work.
staffDistance: the number of lines or spaces apart, eg:
E.g. C4 to C4 = 0; C4 to D4 = 1; C4 to B3 = -1
Two generic intervals are the equal if their size and direction are the same.
>>> gi = interval.GenericInterval(8) >>> gi <music21.interval.GenericInterval 8>
>>> third = interval.GenericInterval(3) >>> third.directed 3 >>> third.direction <Direction.ASCENDING: 1> >>> third.perfectable False >>> third.staffDistance 2
We can also specify intervals from strings:
>>> third = interval.GenericInterval('Third') >>> third <music21.interval.GenericInterval 3> >>> third.directed 3
or like this:
>>> thirdDown = interval.GenericInterval('Descending Third') >>> thirdDown <music21.interval.GenericInterval -3> >>> thirdDown.directed -3
A lot of tools for working with large intervals
>>> twelfthDown = interval.GenericInterval(-12) >>> twelfthDown.niceName 'Twelfth' >>> twelfthDown.perfectable True >>> twelfthDown.staffDistance -11 >>> twelfthDown.mod7 4 >>> twelfthDown.directed -12 >>> twelfthDown.undirected 12
>>> complement12 = twelfthDown.complement() >>> complement12.niceName 'Fourth' >>> complement12.staffDistance 3
Note this illegal interval:
>>> zeroth = interval.GenericInterval(0) Traceback (most recent call last): music21.interval.IntervalException: The Zeroth is not an interval
However, this is okay:
>>> descendingUnison = interval.GenericInterval(-1) >>> descendingUnison.direction <Direction.DESCENDING: -1> >>> descendingUnison.directed -1 >>> descendingUnison.undirected 1
This is because we don’t yet know what type of unison this is: is it a Perfect Unison or an Augmented Unison (or Augmented Prime as some prefer)? Thus, the illegal check will be moved to a higher level Interval object.
A second is a step:
>>> second = interval.GenericInterval(2) >>> second.isDiatonicStep True >>> second.isStep True
A third is not:
>>> third = interval.GenericInterval(-3) >>> third.isDiatonicStep False >>> third.isStep False
Intervals more than three octaves use numbers with abbreviations instead of names
>>> threeOctaveSecond = interval.GenericInterval(23) >>> threeOctaveSecond.niceName '23rd'
>>> threeOctaveThird = interval.GenericInterval(24) >>> threeOctaveThird.niceName '24th' >>> threeOctaveThird.isDiatonicStep False >>> threeOctaveThird.isStep False >>> threeOctaveThird.simpleNiceName 'Third'
Changed in v6: large intervals get abbreviations
read-only properties
- GenericInterval.direction¶
Returns a Direction Enum value for the direction of this interval:
>>> interval.GenericInterval('Descending Fifth').direction <Direction.DESCENDING: -1>
>>> interval.GenericInterval('Unison').direction <Direction.OBLIQUE: 0>
>>> interval.GenericInterval(4).direction <Direction.ASCENDING: 1>
- GenericInterval.isDiatonicStep¶
Return True if this interval is a step (a second). A synonym for isStep for generic intervals.
>>> interval.GenericInterval(-2).isDiatonicStep True >>> interval.GenericInterval(1).isDiatonicStep False >>> interval.GenericInterval(9).isDiatonicStep False
Note that Unisons are neither steps nor skips.
- GenericInterval.isSkip¶
Returns True if the undirected interval is bigger than a second.
>>> interval.GenericInterval('Octave').isSkip True >>> interval.GenericInterval('Descending 2nd').isSkip False >>> interval.GenericInterval(1).isSkip False
Note that Unisons are neither steps nor skips.
- GenericInterval.isStep¶
Return True if this interval is a step (a second). A synonym for isDiatonicStep for generic intervals.
>>> interval.GenericInterval(2).isStep True >>> interval.GenericInterval(1).isStep False >>> interval.GenericInterval(-9).isStep False
- GenericInterval.isUnison¶
Returns True if this interval is a Unison.
Note that Unisons are neither steps nor skips.
- GenericInterval.mod7¶
Return this interval as a number 1-7, that is, within an octave, but unlike simpleDirected or simpleUndirected, turn descending seconds into sevenths, etc. Used for calculating step names.
For instance, going down a step from C, or GenericInterval(-2), would give a B, which is the same as GenericInterval(7) (not counting octaves), but going up a step from C, or GenericInterval(2) is D, which is the same as going up a 9th.
>>> interval.GenericInterval(-2).mod7 7 >>> interval.GenericInterval(2).mod7 2 >>> interval.GenericInterval(9).mod7 2 >>> interval.GenericInterval('Unison').mod7 1 >>> interval.GenericInterval('Descending Octave').mod7 1 >>> interval.GenericInterval(15).mod7 1
for a place this is used.
- GenericInterval.mod7inversion¶
Return the inversion of this interval within an octave. For instance, seconds become sevenths, octaves become unisons, and vice-versa.
All are undirected intervals.
>>> interval.GenericInterval(4).mod7inversion 5 >>> interval.GenericInterval('Descending Octave').mod7inversion 1 >>> interval.GenericInterval(9).mod7inversion 7
- GenericInterval.niceName¶
Return the niceName as a string for this Interval
>>> interval.GenericInterval(4).niceName 'Fourth' >>> interval.GenericInterval(-12).niceName 'Twelfth' >>> interval.GenericInterval(3).niceName 'Third'
Extremely large intervals get displayed as abbreviations
>>> interval.GenericInterval(44).niceName '44th'
Changed in v6: large numbers get the ‘th’ or ‘rd’ etc. suffix
- GenericInterval.octaves¶
Return the number of octaves with direction.
>>> interval.GenericInterval(5).octaves 0 >>> interval.GenericInterval('Descending Ninth').octaves -1 >>> interval.GenericInterval(8).octaves 1 >>> interval.GenericInterval(-15).octaves -2
- GenericInterval.perfectable¶
Returns True if the interval might represent a perfect interval, that is, it is a Generic 4th, 5th, or unison/octave
>>> interval.GenericInterval(4).perfectable True >>> interval.GenericInterval(-12).perfectable True >>> interval.GenericInterval(3).perfectable False
- GenericInterval.semiSimpleDirected¶
Return the same as semiSimpleUndirected but with descending intervals as a negative number
>>> interval.GenericInterval('Descending Ninth').semiSimpleDirected -2 >>> interval.GenericInterval(8).semiSimpleDirected 8 >>> interval.GenericInterval(-15).semiSimpleDirected -8 >>> interval.GenericInterval(-8).semiSimpleDirected -8
- GenericInterval.semiSimpleNiceName¶
Return the niceName as a string for this Interval’s semiSimple form
>>> interval.GenericInterval(4).semiSimpleNiceName 'Fourth' >>> interval.GenericInterval(-12).semiSimpleNiceName 'Fifth' >>> interval.GenericInterval(8).semiSimpleNiceName 'Octave'
- GenericInterval.semiSimpleUndirected¶
Same as simpleUndirected, but allows octaves and double octaves, etc. to remain 8, which is useful for a number of parallel octave vs. unison routines.
>>> interval.GenericInterval('Descending Ninth').semiSimpleUndirected 2 >>> interval.GenericInterval(8).semiSimpleUndirected 8 >>> interval.GenericInterval(-15).semiSimpleUndirected 8
- GenericInterval.simpleDirected¶
Return the directed distance within an octave
>>> interval.GenericInterval('Descending Ninth').simpleDirected -2 >>> interval.GenericInterval(8).simpleDirected 1 >>> interval.GenericInterval(-8).simpleDirected 1
- GenericInterval.simpleNiceName¶
Return the niceName as a string for this Interval’s simple form
>>> interval.GenericInterval(4).simpleNiceName 'Fourth' >>> interval.GenericInterval(-12).simpleNiceName 'Fifth' >>> interval.GenericInterval(8).simpleNiceName 'Unison'
- GenericInterval.simpleUndirected¶
Return the undirected distance within an octave
>>> interval.GenericInterval('Descending Ninth').simpleUndirected 2 >>> interval.GenericInterval(8).simpleUndirected 1
- GenericInterval.staffDistance¶
Return the number of spaces/stafflines that this interval represents. A unison is 0, an ascending second is 1, a descending third is -2, etc.
Useful for interval arithmetic
>>> interval.GenericInterval('Ascending Third').staffDistance 2 >>> interval.GenericInterval(-8).staffDistance -7 >>> interval.GenericInterval(1).staffDistance 0
- GenericInterval.undirected¶
Returns the absolute value of self.directed. Read-only
>>> sixthDown = interval.GenericInterval(-6) >>> sixthDown.undirected 6
- GenericInterval.undirectedOctaves¶
Returns the number of octaves (without direction) for an interval
>>> interval.GenericInterval(5).undirectedOctaves 0 >>> interval.GenericInterval('Descending Ninth').undirectedOctaves 1 >>> interval.GenericInterval(8).undirectedOctaves 1 >>> interval.GenericInterval(-15).undirectedOctaves 2
Read-only properties inherited from Music21Object
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
read/write properties
- GenericInterval.directed¶
Synonym for self.value
>>> sixthDown = interval.GenericInterval(-6) >>> sixthDown.directed -6 >>> sixthDown.directed = 2 >>> sixthDown.value 2
- GenericInterval.value¶
The size of this interval as an integer. Synonym for self.directed
>>> interval.GenericInterval('Descending Sixth').value -6
Read/write properties inherited from Music21Object
- GenericInterval.__eq__(other)¶
True if value and direction are the same.
>>> a = interval.GenericInterval('Third') >>> b = interval.GenericInterval(-3) >>> c = interval.GenericInterval(3) >>> d = interval.GenericInterval(6) >>> a == b False >>> a == a == c True >>> b == c False >>> a != d True >>> a in [b, c, d] True
>>> a == '' False >>> a is None False
- GenericInterval.complement() GenericInterval ¶
Returns a new GenericInterval object where 3rds are 6ths, etc.
>>> third = interval.GenericInterval('Third') >>> third.complement() <music21.interval.GenericInterval 6>
Note that currently direction is lost after a complement relationship:
>>> fourth = interval.GenericInterval(-4) >>> fourthComp = fourth.complement() >>> fourthComp <music21.interval.GenericInterval 5> >>> fourthComp.directed 5
Called more than once, this may return the exact identical object:
>>> fourthComp.complement() is fourthComp.complement() True
- GenericInterval.getDiatonic(specifier: Specifier | str) DiatonicInterval ¶
Given a specifier, return a
object.Specifier should be provided as an interval.Specifier enumeration or a string name, such as ‘dd’, ‘M’, or ‘perfect’.
>>> third = interval.GenericInterval('Third') >>> third.getDiatonic(interval.Specifier.MAJOR) <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval M3> >>> third.getDiatonic('minor') <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval m3> >>> third.getDiatonic('d') <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval d3> >>> third.getDiatonic(interval.Specifier.TRPAUG) <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval AAA3>
Old in, specifier values are also allowed
>>> third.getDiatonic(2) <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval M3>
>>> fifth = interval.GenericInterval('fifth') >>> fifth.getDiatonic('perfect') <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval P5>
>>> fifth.getDiatonic('major') Traceback (most recent call last): music21.interval.IntervalException: Cannot create a 'Major Fifth'
- GenericInterval.reverse() GenericInterval ¶
Returns a new GenericInterval object that is inverted.
>>> aInterval = interval.GenericInterval('Third') >>> aInterval.reverse() <music21.interval.GenericInterval -3>
>>> aInterval = interval.GenericInterval(-13) >>> aInterval.direction <Direction.DESCENDING: -1> >>> aInterval.reverse() <music21.interval.GenericInterval 13>
Unisons invert to unisons
>>> aInterval = interval.GenericInterval(1) >>> aInterval.reverse() <music21.interval.GenericInterval 1>
- GenericInterval.transposePitch(p: pitch.Pitch, *, inPlace=False)¶
transpose a pitch, retaining the accidental if any.
>>> aPitch = pitch.Pitch('g4') >>> genericFifth = interval.GenericInterval(5) >>> bPitch = genericFifth.transposePitch(aPitch) >>> bPitch <music21.pitch.Pitch D5>
If inPlace is True then applied to the current pitch:
>>> gPitch = pitch.Pitch('g4') >>> genericFifth = interval.GenericInterval(5) >>> genericFifth.transposePitch(gPitch, inPlace=True) >>> gPitch <music21.pitch.Pitch D5>
A generic interval transformation retains accidentals:
>>> a2 = pitch.Pitch('B-') >>> cPitch = genericFifth.transposePitch(a2) >>> cPitch <music21.pitch.Pitch F-> >>> a2.octave == cPitch.octave True
Can be done inPlace as well, in which case, nothing is returned:
>>> gSharp = pitch.Pitch('g#4') >>> genericFifth = interval.GenericInterval(5) >>> genericFifth.transposePitch(gSharp, inPlace=True) >>> gSharp <music21.pitch.Pitch D#5>
- GenericInterval.transposePitchKeyAware(p: pitch.Pitch, k: key.KeySignature | None = None, *, inPlace: bool = False)¶
Transposes a pitch while remaining aware of its key context, for modal transposition:
If k is None, works the same as .transposePitch:
>>> aPitch = pitch.Pitch('g4') >>> genericFifth = interval.GenericInterval(5) >>> bPitch = genericFifth.transposePitchKeyAware(aPitch, None) >>> bPitch <music21.pitch.Pitch D5>
But if a key or keySignature (such as one from .getContextByClass(key.KeySignature)) is given, then the fun begins:
>>> fis = pitch.Pitch('F#4') >>> e = pitch.Pitch('E') >>> gMaj = key.Key('G') >>> genericStep = interval.GenericInterval('second') >>> genericStep.transposePitchKeyAware(fis, gMaj) <music21.pitch.Pitch G4> >>> genericStep.transposePitchKeyAware(e, gMaj) <music21.pitch.Pitch F#>
If a pitch already has an accidental that contradicts the current key, the difference between that pitch and the new key is applied to the new pitch:
>>> fNat = pitch.Pitch('F4') >>> genericStep.transposePitchKeyAware(fNat, gMaj) <music21.pitch.Pitch G-4>
inPlace should work:
>>> genericStep.transposePitchKeyAware(fis, gMaj, inPlace=True) >>> fis <music21.pitch.Pitch G4>
This is used for Stream.transpose when a GenericInterval is given:
>>> s = converter.parse('tinyNotation: 4/4 d4 e f f# g1 a-4 g b- a c1') >>> s.measure(1).insert(0, key.Key('G')) >>> s.measure(3).insert(0, key.Key('c')) >>> s2 = s.transpose(interval.GenericInterval(2)) >>>'text') {0.0} < 1 offset=0.0> {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef> {0.0} <music21.key.Key of G major> {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4> {0.0} <music21.note.Note E> {1.0} <music21.note.Note F#> {2.0} <music21.note.Note G-> {3.0} <music21.note.Note G> {4.0} < 2 offset=4.0> {0.0} <music21.note.Note A> {8.0} < 3 offset=8.0> {0.0} <music21.key.Key of c minor> {0.0} <music21.note.Note B-> {1.0} <music21.note.Note A-> {2.0} <music21.note.Note C> {3.0} <music21.note.Note B> {12.0} < 4 offset=12.0> {0.0} <music21.note.Note D> {4.0} < type=final>
Does not take into account harmonic or melodic minor.
Methods inherited from IntervalBase
Methods inherited from Music21Object
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
instance variables
Instance variables inherited from Music21Object
- class music21.interval.IntervalBase(id: str | int | None = None, groups: Groups | None = None, sites: Sites | None = None, duration: Duration | None = None, activeSite: stream.Stream | None = None, style: Style | None = None, editorial: Editorial | None = None, offset: OffsetQL = 0.0, quarterLength: OffsetQLIn | None = None, **keywords)¶
General base class for inheritance.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from Music21Object
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
read/write properties
Read/write properties inherited from Music21Object
- abstract IntervalBase.reverse()¶
IntervalBase does not know how to do this, so it must be overridden in derived classes.
- IntervalBase.transposeNote(note1: note.Note) note.Note ¶
Uses self.transposePitch to do the same to a note.
>>> n1 = note.Note('C#4', quarterLength=2.0) >>> i = interval.Interval('d5') >>> n2 = i.transposeNote(n1) >>> n2 <music21.note.Note G> >>> n2.pitch <music21.pitch.Pitch G4> >>> n2.duration.type 'half'
- abstract IntervalBase.transposePitch(pitch1: pitch.Pitch, *, inPlace: bool = False)¶
IntervalBase does not know how to do this, so it must be overridden in derived classes.
Methods inherited from Music21Object
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
instance variables
Instance variables inherited from Music21Object
- class music21.interval.Specifier(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
An enumeration for “specifiers” such as Major, Minor, etc. that has some special properties.
>>> from music21.interval import Specifier >>> Specifier.PERFECT <Specifier.PERFECT>
Value numbers are arbitrary and just there for backwards compatibility with pre v6 work:
>>> Specifier.PERFECT.value 1 >>> 'PERFECT'
>>> str(Specifier.PERFECT) 'P' >>> str(Specifier.MINOR) 'm' >>> str(Specifier.DBLDIM) 'dd' >>> Specifier.DBLDIM.niceName 'Doubly-Diminished'
- music21.interval.notesToChromatic(n1: pitch.Pitch | note.Note, n2: pitch.Pitch | note.Note) ChromaticInterval ¶
Given two
objects, returns aChromaticInterval
object.Works equally well with
objects.>>> aNote = note.Note('c4') >>> bNote = note.Note('g#5') >>> interval.notesToChromatic(aNote, bNote) <music21.interval.ChromaticInterval 20>
>>> aPitch = pitch.Pitch('c#4') >>> bPitch = pitch.Pitch('f-5') >>> bInterval = interval.notesToChromatic(aPitch, bPitch) >>> bInterval <music21.interval.ChromaticInterval 15>
- music21.interval.intervalsToDiatonic(gInt: GenericInterval, cInt: ChromaticInterval) DiatonicInterval ¶
Given a
and aChromaticInterval
object, return aDiatonicInterval
.>>> aInterval = interval.GenericInterval('descending fifth') >>> bInterval = interval.ChromaticInterval(-7) >>> cInterval = interval.intervalsToDiatonic(aInterval, bInterval) >>> cInterval <music21.interval.DiatonicInterval P5>
- music21.interval.intervalFromGenericAndChromatic(gInt: GenericInterval | int, cInt: ChromaticInterval | int | float) Interval ¶
Given a
and aChromaticInterval
object, return a fullInterval
.>>> aInterval = interval.GenericInterval('descending fifth') >>> bInterval = interval.ChromaticInterval(-8) >>> cInterval = interval.intervalFromGenericAndChromatic(aInterval, bInterval) >>> cInterval <music21.interval.Interval A-5>
>>> 'A5' >>> cInterval.directedName 'A-5' >>> cInterval.directedNiceName 'Descending Augmented Fifth'
>>> interval.intervalFromGenericAndChromatic(3, 4) <music21.interval.Interval M3> >>> interval.intervalFromGenericAndChromatic(3, 3) <music21.interval.Interval m3>
>>> interval.intervalFromGenericAndChromatic(5, 6) <music21.interval.Interval d5> >>> interval.intervalFromGenericAndChromatic(5, 5) <music21.interval.Interval dd5> >>> interval.intervalFromGenericAndChromatic(-2, -2) <music21.interval.Interval M-2>
>>> interval.intervalFromGenericAndChromatic(1, 0.5) <music21.interval.Interval A1 (-50c)>
- music21.interval.add(intervalList)¶
Add a list of intervals and return the composite interval Intervals can be Interval objects or just strings.
(Currently not particularly efficient for large lists)
>>> A2 = interval.Interval('A2') >>> P5 = interval.Interval('P5')
>>> interval.add([A2, P5]) <music21.interval.Interval A6> >>> interval.add([P5, 'm2']) <music21.interval.Interval m6> >>> interval.add(['W', 'W', 'H', 'W', 'W', 'W', 'H']) <music21.interval.Interval P8>
Direction does matter:
>>> interval.add([P5, 'P-4']) <music21.interval.Interval M2>
- music21.interval.convertDiatonicNumberToStep(dn: int) tuple[Literal['C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'A', 'B'], int] ¶
Convert a diatonic number to a step name (without accidental) and an octave integer. The lowest C on a Bösendorfer Imperial Grand is assigned 1 the D above it is 2, E is 3, etc. See pitch.diatonicNoteNum for more details
>>> interval.convertDiatonicNumberToStep(15) ('C', 2) >>> interval.convertDiatonicNumberToStep(23) ('D', 3) >>> interval.convertDiatonicNumberToStep(0) ('B', -1) >>> interval.convertDiatonicNumberToStep(1) ('C', 0)
Extremely high and absurdly low numbers also produce “notes”.
>>> interval.convertDiatonicNumberToStep(2100) ('B', 299) >>> interval.convertDiatonicNumberToStep(-19) ('D', -3)
- music21.interval.convertGeneric(value: int | str) int ¶
Convert an interval specified in terms of its name (second, third) into an integer. If integers are passed, assume they are correct.
>>> interval.convertGeneric(3) 3 >>> interval.convertGeneric('third') 3 >>> interval.convertGeneric('3rd') 3 >>> interval.convertGeneric('octave') 8 >>> interval.convertGeneric('twelfth') 12 >>> interval.convertGeneric('descending twelfth') -12 >>> interval.convertGeneric(12) 12 >>> interval.convertGeneric(-12) -12 >>> interval.convertGeneric(1) 1
>>> interval.convertGeneric(None) Traceback (most recent call last): music21.interval.IntervalException: Cannot get a direction from None.
Strings are not the same as numbers:
>>> interval.convertGeneric('1') Traceback (most recent call last): music21.interval.IntervalException: Cannot convert '1' to an interval.
But this works:
>>> interval.convertGeneric('1st') 1
- music21.interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGeneric(count: int | float) tuple[Specifier, int] ¶
Given a number of semitones, return a default diatonic specifier, and a number that can be used as a GenericInterval
>>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGeneric(0) (<Specifier.PERFECT>, 1) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGeneric(-2) (<Specifier.MAJOR>, -2) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGeneric(1) (<Specifier.MINOR>, 2) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGeneric(7) (<Specifier.PERFECT>, 5) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGeneric(11) (<Specifier.MAJOR>, 7) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGeneric(12) (<Specifier.PERFECT>, 8) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGeneric(13) (<Specifier.MINOR>, 9) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGeneric(-15) (<Specifier.MINOR>, -10) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGeneric(24) (<Specifier.PERFECT>, 15)
Note that the tritone is given as diminished fifth, not augmented fourth:
>>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGeneric(6) (<Specifier.DIMINISHED>, 5)
Microtones are rounded here:
>>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGeneric(0.4) (<Specifier.PERFECT>, 1) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGeneric(0.6) (<Specifier.MINOR>, 2)
- music21.interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGenericMicrotone(count: int | float) tuple[Specifier, int, float] ¶
Given a number of semitones (positive or negative), return a default diatonic specifier and cent offset.
>>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGenericMicrotone(2.5) (<Specifier.MAJOR>, 2, 50.0) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGenericMicrotone(-2.5) (<Specifier.MINOR>, -3, 50.0) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGenericMicrotone(-2.25) (<Specifier.MAJOR>, -2, -25.0) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGenericMicrotone(-1.0) (<Specifier.MINOR>, -2, 0.0) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGenericMicrotone(2.25) (<Specifier.MAJOR>, 2, 25.0) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGenericMicrotone(1.0) (<Specifier.MINOR>, 2, 0.0) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGenericMicrotone(1.75) (<Specifier.MAJOR>, 2, -25.0) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGenericMicrotone(1.9) (<Specifier.MAJOR>, 2, -10.0...) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGenericMicrotone(0.25) (<Specifier.PERFECT>, 1, 25.0) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGenericMicrotone(12.25) (<Specifier.PERFECT>, 8, 25.0) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGenericMicrotone(24.25) (<Specifier.PERFECT>, 15, 25.0) >>> interval.convertSemitoneToSpecifierGenericMicrotone(23.75) (<Specifier.PERFECT>, 15, -25.0)
- music21.interval.convertStaffDistanceToInterval(staffDist)¶
Returns an integer of the generic interval number (P5 = 5, M3 = 3, minor 3 = 3 also) etc. from the given staff distance.
>>> interval.convertStaffDistanceToInterval(3) 4 >>> interval.convertStaffDistanceToInterval(7) 8 >>> interval.convertStaffDistanceToInterval(0) 1 >>> interval.convertStaffDistanceToInterval(-1) -2
- music21.interval.getAbsoluteHigherNote(note1: note.Note, note2: note.Note | pitch.Pitch) note.Note ¶
- music21.interval.getAbsoluteHigherNote(note1: pitch.Pitch, note2: note.Note | pitch.Pitch) pitch.Pitch
Given two
objects, returns the higher element based on sounding pitch. If both sounding pitches are the same, returns the first element given.>>> aNote = note.Note('c#3') >>> bNote = note.Note('d--3') >>> interval.getAbsoluteHigherNote(aNote, bNote) <music21.note.Note C#>
- music21.interval.getAbsoluteLowerNote(note1: note.Note, note2: note.Note | pitch.Pitch) note.Note ¶
- music21.interval.getAbsoluteLowerNote(note1: pitch.Pitch, note2: note.Note | pitch.Pitch) pitch.Pitch
Given two
objects, returns the lower element based on actual pitch. If both pitches are the same, returns the first element given.>>> aNote = pitch.Pitch('c#3') >>> bNote = pitch.Pitch('d--3') >>> interval.getAbsoluteLowerNote(aNote, bNote) <music21.pitch.Pitch D--3>
- music21.interval.getWrittenHigherNote(note1: note.Note, note2: note.Note | pitch.Pitch) note.Note ¶
- music21.interval.getWrittenHigherNote(note1: pitch.Pitch, note2: note.Note | pitch.Pitch) pitch.Pitch
Given two
objects, this function returns the higher element based on diatonic note numbers. If the diatonic numbers are the same, returns the sounding higher element, or the first element if that is also the same.>>> cis = pitch.Pitch('C#') >>> deses = pitch.Pitch('D--') >>> higher = interval.getWrittenHigherNote(cis, deses) >>> higher is deses True
>>> aPitch = pitch.Pitch('c#3') >>> bPitch = pitch.Pitch('d-3') >>> interval.getWrittenHigherNote(aPitch, bPitch) <music21.pitch.Pitch D-3>
>>> aNote = note.Note('c#3') >>> bNote = note.Note('c3') >>> interval.getWrittenHigherNote(aNote, bNote) is aNote True
- music21.interval.getWrittenLowerNote(note1: note.Note, note2: note.Note | pitch.Pitch) note.Note ¶
- music21.interval.getWrittenLowerNote(note1: pitch.Pitch, note2: note.Note | pitch.Pitch) pitch.Pitch
Given two
objects, returns the lower element based on diatonic note number. If the diatonic number is the same returns the sounding lower element, or the first element if sounding pitch is also the same.>>> aNote = pitch.Pitch('C#3') >>> bNote = pitch.Pitch('D--3') >>> interval.getWrittenLowerNote(aNote, bNote) <music21.pitch.Pitch C#3>
>>> aNote = pitch.Pitch('C#3') >>> bNote = pitch.Pitch('D-3') >>> interval.getWrittenLowerNote(aNote, bNote) <music21.pitch.Pitch C#3>
Both elements should be pitches or notes – if note2 is lower and not the same class as note1 raises a ValueError:
>>> aNote = pitch.Pitch('C#4') >>> bNote = note.Note('C#3') >>> interval.getWrittenLowerNote(aNote, bNote) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: note1 <music21.pitch.Pitch C#4> and note2 <music21.note.Note C#> must both be notes or pitches
- music21.interval.intervalToPythagoreanRatio(intervalObj: Interval) Fraction ¶
Returns the interval ratio in pythagorean tuning, always as a Fraction object.
>>> iList = [interval.Interval(name) for name in ('P4', 'P5', 'M7', 'm23')] >>> iList [<music21.interval.Interval P4>, <music21.interval.Interval P5>, <music21.interval.Interval M7>, <music21.interval.Interval m23>]
>>> [interval.intervalToPythagoreanRatio(i) for i in iList] [Fraction(4, 3), Fraction(3, 2), Fraction(243, 128), Fraction(2048, 243)]
Throws an exception if no ratio can be found, such as for quarter tones.
>>> p1, p2 = pitch.Pitch('C1'), pitch.Pitch('C1') >>> p2.accidental = 'half-sharp'
>>> fiftyCent = interval.Interval(p1, p2) >>> fiftyCent <music21.interval.Interval A1 (-50c)>
>>> interval.intervalToPythagoreanRatio(fiftyCent) Traceback (most recent call last): music21.interval.IntervalException: Could not find a pythagorean ratio for <music21.interval.Interval A1 (-50c)>.
- music21.interval.notesToGeneric(n1: pitch.Pitch | note.Note, n2: pitch.Pitch | note.Note) GenericInterval ¶
Given two
objects, returns aGenericInterval
object.Works equally well with
objects>>> aNote = note.Note('c4') >>> bNote = note.Note('g5') >>> aInterval = interval.notesToGeneric(aNote, bNote) >>> aInterval <music21.interval.GenericInterval 12>
>>> aPitch = pitch.Pitch('c#4') >>> bPitch = pitch.Pitch('f-5') >>> bInterval = interval.notesToGeneric(aPitch, bPitch) >>> bInterval <music21.interval.GenericInterval 11>
- music21.interval.notesToInterval(n1, n2) Interval ¶
Soon to be DEPRECATED: Call Interval Directly
Given two
objects, returns anInterval
object. The same functionality is available by calling the Interval class with two Notes as arguments.>>> aNote = note.Note('c4') >>> bNote = note.Note('g5') >>> aInterval = interval.notesToInterval(aNote, bNote) >>> aInterval <music21.interval.Interval P12>
- music21.interval.parseSpecifier(value: str | int | Specifier) Specifier ¶
Given an integer or a string representing a “specifier” (major, minor, perfect, diminished, etc.), return the Specifier.
>>> interval.parseSpecifier('p') <Specifier.PERFECT> >>> interval.parseSpecifier('P') <Specifier.PERFECT> >>> interval.parseSpecifier('M') <Specifier.MAJOR> >>> interval.parseSpecifier('major') <Specifier.MAJOR> >>> interval.parseSpecifier('m') <Specifier.MINOR> >>> interval.parseSpecifier('Augmented') <Specifier.AUGMENTED> >>> interval.parseSpecifier('a') <Specifier.AUGMENTED>
This is not very useful, but they are there for completeness:
>>> interval.parseSpecifier(interval.Specifier.MAJOR) <Specifier.MAJOR>
This is the same as calling a Specifier by value:
>>> interval.parseSpecifier(3) <Specifier.MINOR>
Why? Because of this:
>>> interval.Specifier.MINOR.value 3
Unparsable strings raise an IntervalException:
>>> interval.parseSpecifier('Zebra') Traceback (most recent call last): music21.interval.IntervalException: Cannot find a match for value: 'Zebra'
Illegal intervals raise a ValueError:
>>> interval.parseSpecifier(None) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Value None must be int, str, or Specifier
- music21.interval.subtract(intervalList)¶
Starts with the first interval and subtracts the following intervals from it:
>>> interval.subtract(['P5', 'M3']) <music21.interval.Interval m3> >>> interval.subtract(['P4', 'd3']) <music21.interval.Interval A2>
>>> m2Object = interval.Interval('m2') >>> interval.subtract(['M6', 'm2', m2Object]) <music21.interval.Interval AA4> >>> interval.subtract(['P4', 'M-2']) <music21.interval.Interval P5> >>> interval.subtract(['A2', 'A2']) <music21.interval.Interval P1> >>> interval.subtract(['A1', 'P1']) <music21.interval.Interval A1>
>>> interval.subtract(['P8', 'P1']) <music21.interval.Interval P8> >>> interval.subtract(['P8', 'd2']) <music21.interval.Interval A7> >>> interval.subtract(['P8', 'A1']) <music21.interval.Interval d8>
>>> a = interval.subtract(['P5', 'A5']) >>> a.niceName 'Diminished Unison' >>> a.directedNiceName 'Descending Diminished Unison' >>> a.chromatic.semitones -1
- music21.interval.transposeNote(note1: note.Note, intervalString: str | Interval) note.Note ¶
To be deprecated: call n.transpose(intervalString) directly.
Given a
and an interval string (such as ‘P5’) or an Interval object, return a new Note object at the appropriate pitch level.>>> aNote = note.Note('c4') >>> bNote = interval.transposeNote(aNote, 'p5') >>> bNote <music21.note.Note G> >>> bNote.pitch <music21.pitch.Pitch G4>
>>> aNote = note.Note('f#4') >>> bNote = interval.transposeNote(aNote, 'm2') >>> bNote <music21.note.Note G>
- music21.interval.transposePitch(pitch1: pitch.Pitch, interval1: str | Interval, *, inPlace=False) pitch.Pitch ¶
DEPRECATED: call p.transpose(interval1) directly
Given a
and aInterval
object (Not another class such as ChromaticInterval) or a string such as ‘P5’ or a number such as 6 (=tritone), return a new Pitch object at the appropriate pitch level.>>> aPitch = pitch.Pitch('C4') >>> P5 = interval.Interval('P5') >>> bPitch = interval.transposePitch(aPitch, P5) >>> bPitch <music21.pitch.Pitch G4> >>> bInterval = interval.Interval('P-5') >>> cPitch = interval.transposePitch(aPitch, bInterval) >>> cPitch <music21.pitch.Pitch F3>
Pitches with implicit octaves should work,
>>> dPitch = pitch.Pitch('G') >>> ePitch = interval.transposePitch(dPitch, P5) >>> ePitch <music21.pitch.Pitch D>
Can be done inPlace as well
>>> C4 = pitch.Pitch('C4') >>> interval.transposePitch(C4, P5, inPlace=True) >>> C4 <music21.pitch.Pitch G4>
Changed in v6: added inPlace parameter