


wrapper around xml.etree.ElementTree that prints a string in every case and indents tags and sorts attributes. (Prints, does not return)

>>> from music21.musicxml.helpers import dump
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
>>> e = Element('accidental')
>>> dump(e)
<accidental />
>>> e.text = '∆'
>>> e.text == '∆'
>>> dump(e)
music21.musicxml.helpers.dumpString(obj, *, noCopy=False) str

wrapper around xml.etree.ElementTree that returns a string in every case and indents tags and sorts attributes.

>>> from music21.musicxml.m21ToXml import Element
>>> from music21.musicxml.helpers import dumpString
>>> e = Element('accidental')
>>> dumpString(e)
'<accidental />'
>>> e.text = '∆'
>>> e.text == '∆'
>>> dumpString(e)
music21.musicxml.helpers.indent(elem, level=0)

helper method, indent an element in place:

music21.musicxml.helpers.insertBeforeElements(root, insert, tagList=None)

Insert element insert into element root at the earliest position of any instance of a child tag given in tagList. Append the element if tagList is None.

>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El
>>> from music21.musicxml.helpers import insertBeforeElements, dump
>>> root = El('<clef><sign>G</sign><line>4</line></clef>')
>>> insert = El('<foo/>')
>>> insertBeforeElements(root, insert, tagList=['line'])
>>> dump(root)
    <foo />

Now insert another element at the end by not specifying a tag list:

>>> insert2 = El('<bar/>')
>>> insertBeforeElements(root, insert2)
>>> dump(root)
    <foo />
    <bar />
music21.musicxml.helpers.isFullMeasureRest(r: music21.note.Rest) bool
music21.musicxml.helpers.measureNumberComesBefore(mNum1: str, mNum2: str) bool

Determine whether measureNumber1 strictly precedes measureNumber2 given that they could involve suffixes. Equal values return False.

>>> from music21.musicxml.helpers import measureNumberComesBefore
>>> measureNumberComesBefore('23', '24')
>>> measureNumberComesBefore('23', '23')
>>> measureNumberComesBefore('23', '23a')
>>> measureNumberComesBefore('23a', '23b')
>>> measureNumberComesBefore('23b', '23a')
>>> measureNumberComesBefore('23b', '24a')
>>> measureNumberComesBefore('23b', '23b')
music21.musicxml.helpers.setM21AttributeFromAttribute(m21El: t.Any, xmlEl: ET.Element, xmlAttributeName: str, attributeName: str | None = None, transform: Callable[[str], t.Any] | None = None) None

If xmlEl has at least one element of tag==tag with some text. If it does, set the attribute either with the same name (with “foo-bar” changed to “fooBar”) or with attributeName to the text contents.

Pass a function or lambda function as transform to transform the value before setting it

>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El
>>> e = El('<page-layout new-page="yes" page-number="4" />')
>>> setb = musicxml.helpers.setM21AttributeFromAttribute
>>> pl = layout.PageLayout()
>>> setb(pl, e, 'page-number')
>>> pl.pageNumber
>>> setb(pl, e, 'new-page', 'isNew')
>>> pl.isNew

Transform the pageNumber value to an int.

>>> setb(pl, e, 'page-number', transform=int)
>>> pl.pageNumber

More complex…

>>> convBool = musicxml.xmlObjects.yesNoToBoolean
>>> setb(pl, e, 'new-page', 'isNew', transform=convBool)
>>> pl.isNew
music21.musicxml.helpers.setXMLAttributeFromAttribute(m21El: t.Any, xmlEl: ET.Element, xmlAttributeName: str, attributeName: str | None = None, transform: Callable[[t.Any], t.Any] | None = None)

If m21El has at least one element of tag==tag with some text. If it does, set the attribute either with the same name (with “foo-bar” changed to “fooBar”) or with attributeName to the text contents.

Pass a function or lambda function as transform to transform the value before setting it

>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El
>>> e = El('<page-layout/>')
>>> setb = musicxml.helpers.setXMLAttributeFromAttribute
>>> pl = layout.PageLayout()
>>> pl.pageNumber = 4
>>> pl.isNew = True
>>> setb(pl, e, 'page-number')
>>> e.get('page-number')
>>> XB = musicxml.m21ToXml.XMLExporterBase()
>>> XB.dump(e)
<page-layout page-number="4" />
>>> setb(pl, e, 'new-page', 'isNew')
>>> e.get('new-page')

Transform the isNew value to ‘yes’.

>>> convBool = musicxml.xmlObjects.booleanToYesNo
>>> setb(pl, e, 'new-page', 'isNew', transform=convBool)
>>> e.get('new-page')
music21.musicxml.helpers.synchronizeIdsToM21(element: ET.Element, m21Object: Music21Object)

MusicXML 3.1 defines the id attribute (%optional-unique-id) on many elements which is perfect for setting as .id on a music21 element.

<fermata id=”hello”><id>bye</id></fermata>

>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El
>>> e = El('<fermata id="fermata1"/>')
>>> f = expressions.Fermata()
>>> musicxml.helpers.synchronizeIdsToM21(e, f)

Does not change the id if the id is not specified:

>>> e = El('<fermata />')
>>> f = expressions.Fermata()
>>> = 'doNotOverwrite'
>>> musicxml.helpers.synchronizeIdsToM21(e, f)
music21.musicxml.helpers.synchronizeIdsToXML(element: ET.Element, m21Object: prebase.ProtoM21Object | None) None

MusicXML 3.1 defines the id attribute (entity: %optional-unique-id) on many elements which is perfect for getting from .id on a music21 element.

>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El
>>> e = El('<fermata />')
>>> f = expressions.Fermata()
>>> = 'fermata1'
>>> musicxml.helpers.synchronizeIdsToXML(e, f)
>>> e.get('id')

Does not set attr: id if is not valid or default:

>>> e = El('<fermata />')
>>> f = expressions.Fermata()
>>> musicxml.helpers.synchronizeIdsToXML(e, f)
>>> e.get('id', None) is None
>>> = '123456'  # invalid for MusicXML id
>>> musicxml.helpers.synchronizeIdsToXML(e, f)
>>> e.get('id', None) is None

None can be passed in instead of a m21object.

>>> e = El('<fermata />')
>>> musicxml.helpers.synchronizeIdsToXML(e, None)
>>> e.get('id', 'no idea')
'no idea'