

class music21.alpha.analysis.hasher.Hasher

This is a modular hashing object that can hash notes, chords, and rests, and some of their properties. Steps to using and calling the hasher:

  1. Initialize a hasher object

  2. Set the properties that you want to hash. There are 4 main groups of properties/settings:

    a) self.validTypes should be some combination of notes, chords, rests
    b) general hashing settings include self.includeReference. if
       self.includeReference is True, a reference to the original note/rest/chord is created
       and kept track of during the hashing process.
    c) note properties are things like pitch, duration, offset, and some slightly fancier
    d) self.stateVars is a dictionary of things you might want to hash that require some memory
       e.g. current key signature, interval from the last note
  3. call the hashStream() function on the stream you want to hash.

This is what the Hasher object does the in background once hashStream() is called:

1) It runs self.setupValidTypesAndStateVars() and sets up properties from (a) and (d) from above based on your settings

  1. It runs self.preprocessStream() and based on settings from (d)

  2. It determines which objects in the passed-in stream should be hashed

4) It runs self.setupTupleList() and sets up self.tupleList, self.hashingFunctions and self.tupleClass, all related to each other. self.tupleList is a list of all the properties that are hashed. self.hashingFunctions is a dictionary of which hashing function should be used for each property (there are multiple ways of hashing a note’s pitch, for example, by MIDI number, or by a string representation). self.tupleClass is a NamedTuple that is constructed ad hoc based on which properties are to be hashed.

5) For all the elements from the stream that are to be hashed, the hasher hashes every one of its properties that are to be hashed using the hashing function listed in self.hashingFunctions. It creates a single NamedTuple called a NoteHash for each element from the stream. However, if self.includeReference is set to True, a NoteHashWithReference tuple is created instead.

Hasher methods

Hasher.addHashToFinalHash(singleNoteHash, finalHash, reference)
Hasher.addNoteHashToFinalHash(finalHash, tupleHash)

creates a NoteHash object from tupleHash and adds the NoteHash object to the end of finalHash

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> n = note.Note('C4')
>>> NoteHash = namedtuple('NoteHash', ['Pitch', 'Duration'])
>>> nh = NoteHash(n.pitch, n.duration)
>>> finalHash = []
>>> h = alpha.analysis.hasher.Hasher()
>>> h.addNoteHashToFinalHash(finalHash, nh)
>>> finalHash
[(<music21.pitch.Pitch C4>, <music21.duration.Duration 1.0>)]
Hasher.addNoteHashWithReferenceToFinalHash(finalHash, tupleHash, reference)

creates a NoteHashWithReference object from tupleHash and with the reference pass in and adds the NoteHashWithReference object to the end of finalHash

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> n = note.Note('C4')
>>> NoteHash = namedtuple('NoteHash', ['Pitch', 'Duration'])
>>> nh = NoteHash(n.pitch, n.duration)
>>> finalHash = []
>>> h = alpha.analysis.hasher.Hasher()
>>> h.addNoteHashWithReferenceToFinalHash(finalHash, nh, n)
>>> finalHash
[NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=C4, Duration=<music21.duration.Duration 1.0>)]
>>> finalHash[0] ==

lightweight hasher. only hashes number of notes, first and last pitch


This method is the meat of the program. It goes through all the elements that are left to be hashed and individually hashes them by looking up which hashing functions ought to be used on each element and passing off the element to the method self.addSingleNoteHashToFinalHash, which creates the appropriate hash for that element and adds it to self.finalHash


Sets up self.hashingFunctions, a dictionary of which properties of self.validTypes should be hashed and which hashing functions should be used for those properties. Creates a tupleList of all the properties that are hashed and uses that to create a named tuple NoteHash with those properties. This is how we can generate a malleable named tuple NoteHash that is different depending upon which properties a particular instance of Hasher object hashes.


Sets up the self.stateVars dictionary depending on how the flags for self.hashIntervalFromLastNote and self.hashIsAccidental are set.

>>> h = alpha.analysis.hasher.Hasher()
>>> h.hashIntervalFromLastNote = True
>>> h.setupValidTypesAndStateVars()
>>> h.stateVars
{'IntervalFromLastNote': None}
>>> h2 = alpha.analysis.hasher.Hasher()
>>> h2.hashIsAccidental = True
>>> h2.setupValidTypesAndStateVars()
>>> h2.stateVars
{'KeySignature': None}
>>> key.KeySignature in h2.validTypes


class music21.alpha.analysis.hasher.NoteHash(tupEls)
>>> note1 = note.Note('C4')
>>> nh = alpha.analysis.hasher.NoteHash((1, 2))
>>> nh
(1, 2)
>>> a, b = nh
>>> a
>>> b
>>> nh.__class__
<... 'music21.alpha.analysis.hasher.NoteHash'>


class music21.alpha.analysis.hasher.NoteHashWithReference(hashItemsNT)

returns tuple with reference to original note or chord or rest

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> NoteHash = namedtuple('NoteHash', ['Pitch', 'Duration'])
>>> nh = NoteHash(60, 4)
>>> nhwr = alpha.analysis.hasher.NoteHashWithReference(nh)
>>> nhwr.reference = note.Note('C4')
>>> nhwr
NoteHashWithReference(Pitch=60, Duration=4)
>>> nhwr.Pitch
>>> nhwr.Duration
>>> nhwr.hashItemsKeys
('Pitch', 'Duration')
>>> for val in nhwr:
...     print(val)
>>> nhwr.reference
<music21.note.Note C>