

class music21.alpha.analysis.fixer.DeleteFixer(changes, midiStream, omrStream)

The DeleteFixer was designed to fit the specifications of the OpenScore project. The goal of the OpenScore project is to open-source music with open source software (like music21!). OpenScore will use a combination of computer and human power to digitize classical music scores and put them in the public domain. One idea is that software can identify wrong recognized notes in a scanned score and mark or delete the entire measure that that note is in and pass it off to a human corrector to re-transcribe the entire measure. The DeleteFixer could be the computer power in this method of score correction that OpenScore is using.

CAUTION: this does really weird things still.

DeleteFixer bases

DeleteFixer methods


Methods inherited from OMRMidiFixer:


class music21.alpha.analysis.fixer.EnharmonicFixer(changes, midiStream, omrStream)

Fixes incorrectly spelled enharmonics initialized with self.changes – a list of tuples in this form: (MIDIReference, OMRReference, op) MIDIReference and OMRReference are actual note/rest/chord object in some stream op is a ChangeOp that relates the two references

TEST 1, no changes in OMR stream

>>> omrStream1 = stream.Stream()
>>> midiStream1 = stream.Stream()
>>> omrNote1 = note.Note('A#4')
>>> omrNote2 = note.Note('A#4')
>>> midiNote1 = note.Note('B-4')
>>> midiNote2 = note.Note('B-4')
>>> omrStream1.append([omrNote1, omrNote2])
>>> midiStream1.append([midiNote1, midiNote2])
>>> subOp = alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Substitution
>>> ct1 = (midiNote1, omrNote1, subOp)
>>> ct2 = (midiNote2, omrNote2, subOp)
>>> changes1 = [ct1, ct2]
>>> fixer1 = alpha.analysis.fixer.EnharmonicFixer(changes1, None, None)
>>> fixer1.fix()
>>> omrStream1[0]
<music21.note.Note A#>
>>> omrStream1[1]
<music21.note.Note A#>

TEST 2, no changes in OMR stream

>>> omrStream2 = stream.Stream()
>>> midiStream2 = stream.Stream()
>>> omr2Note1 = note.Note('A#4')
>>> omr2Note2 = note.Note('A#4')
>>> midi2Note1 = note.Note('A#4')
>>> midi2Note2 = note.Note('A#4')
>>> omrStream2.append([omr2Note1, omr2Note2])
>>> midiStream2.append([midi2Note1, midi2Note2])
>>> ncOp = alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.NoChange
>>> ct2_1 = (midi2Note1, omr2Note1, ncOp)
>>> ct2_2 = (midi2Note2, omr2Note2, ncOp)
>>> changes2 = [ct2_1, ct2_2]
>>> fixer2 = alpha.analysis.fixer.EnharmonicFixer(changes2, None, None)
>>> fixer2.fix()
>>> omrStream2[0]
<music21.note.Note A#>
>>> omrStream1[1]
<music21.note.Note A#>

TEST 3 (case 1)

>>> midiNote3 = note.Note('A4')
>>> omrNote3 = note.Note('An4')
>>> subOp = alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Substitution
>>> ct3 = (midiNote3, omrNote3, subOp)
>>> changes3 = [ct3]
>>> omrNote3.pitch.accidental
<music21.pitch.Accidental natural>
>>> fixer3 = alpha.analysis.fixer.EnharmonicFixer(changes3, None, None)
>>> fixer3.fix()
>>> omrNote3.pitch.accidental

TEST 4 (case 2-1) e.g MIDI = g#, ground truth = a-, OMR = an

>>> midiNote4 = note.Note('G#4')
>>> omrNote4 = note.Note('An4')
>>> subOp = alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Substitution
>>> ct4 = (midiNote4, omrNote4, subOp)
>>> changes4 = [ct4]
>>> omrNote4.pitch.accidental
<music21.pitch.Accidental natural>
>>> fixer4 = alpha.analysis.fixer.EnharmonicFixer(changes4, None, None)
>>> fixer4.fix()
>>> omrNote4.pitch.accidental
<music21.pitch.Accidental flat>

TEST 5 (case 2-2) e.g midi = g-, gt = f#, omr = fn

>>> midiNote5 = note.Note('G-4')
>>> omrNote5 = note.Note('Fn4')
>>> subOp = alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Substitution
>>> ct5 = (midiNote5, omrNote5, subOp)
>>> changes5 = [ct5]
>>> omrNote5.pitch.accidental
<music21.pitch.Accidental natural>
>>> fixer5 = alpha.analysis.fixer.EnharmonicFixer(changes5, None, None)
>>> fixer5.fix()
>>> omrNote5.pitch.accidental
<music21.pitch.Accidental sharp>

TEST 6.1 (case 3) e.g. midi = g#, gt = g#, omr = gn or omr = g-

>>> midiNote6_1 = note.Note('G#4')
>>> midiNote6_2 = note.Note('G#4')
>>> omrNote6_1 = note.Note('Gn4')
>>> omrNote6_2 = note.Note('G-4')
>>> subOp6_1 = alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Substitution
>>> subOp6_2 = alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Substitution
>>> ct6_1 = (midiNote6_1, omrNote6_1, subOp6_1)
>>> ct6_2 = (midiNote6_2, omrNote6_2, subOp6_2)
>>> changes6 = [ct6_1, ct6_2]
>>> omrNote6_1.pitch.accidental
<music21.pitch.Accidental natural>
>>> omrNote6_2.pitch.accidental
<music21.pitch.Accidental flat>
>>> fixer6 = alpha.analysis.fixer.EnharmonicFixer(changes6, None, None)
>>> fixer6.fix()
>>> omrNote6_1.pitch.accidental
<music21.pitch.Accidental sharp>
>>> omrNote6_2.pitch.accidental
<music21.pitch.Accidental sharp>

TEST 7 (case 4-1, 4-2) notes are on different step, off by an interval of 2: * 4-1: e.g. midi = g#, gt = a-, omr = a# * 4-2: e.g. midi = a-, gt = g#, omr = g-

>>> midiNote7_1 = note.Note('G#4')
>>> omrNote7_1 = note.Note('A#4')
>>> midiNote7_2 = note.Note('A-4')
>>> omrNote7_2 = note.Note('G-4')
>>> subOp7_1 = alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Substitution
>>> subOp7_2 = alpha.analysis.aligner.ChangeOps.Substitution
>>> ct7_1 = (midiNote7_1, omrNote7_1, subOp7_1)
>>> ct7_2 = (midiNote7_2, omrNote7_2, subOp7_2)
>>> changes7 = [ct7_1, ct7_2]
>>> omrNote7_1.pitch.accidental
<music21.pitch.Accidental sharp>
>>> omrNote7_2.pitch.accidental
<music21.pitch.Accidental flat>
>>> fixer7 = alpha.analysis.fixer.EnharmonicFixer(changes7, None, None)
>>> fixer7.fix()
>>> omrNote7_1.pitch.step
>>> omrNote7_1.pitch.accidental
<music21.pitch.Accidental flat>
>>> omrNote7_2.pitch.step
>>> omrNote7_2.pitch.accidental
<music21.pitch.Accidental sharp>

EnharmonicFixer bases

EnharmonicFixer methods


Fixes the enharmonic errors in the OMR by changing the pitch of the note.


Returns True if the omrRef has an accidental, False otherwise


Returns True if the omrRef has a natural accidental, False otherwise


Returns True if the omrRef has a sharp or flat accidental, False otherwise

EnharmonicFixer.intervalTooBig(midiRef, omrRef, setInt=5)

Returns True if the intervalClass between the two notes is greater than setInt.

Note that intervalClass and not actual interval size is used.

EnharmonicFixer.isEnharmonic(midiRef, omrRef)

Returns True if the omrRef is enharmonic to the midiRef, False otherwise

EnharmonicFixer.stepEq(midiRef, omrRef)

Returns True if the steps are equal, False otherwise

EnharmonicFixer.stepNotEq(midiRef, omrRef)

Returns True if the steps are not equal, False otherwise

Methods inherited from OMRMidiFixer:


class music21.alpha.analysis.fixer.OMRMidiFixer(changes, midiStream, omrStream)

Base class for future fixers changes is a list of changes associated with the midiStream and omrStream, not a list of lists

OMRMidiFixer methods

OMRMidiFixer.checkIfNoteInstance(midiRef, omrRef)


class music21.alpha.analysis.fixer.OrnamentFixer(changes, midiStream, omrStream, recognizers, markChangeColor='blue')

Fixes missed ornaments in OMR using expanded ornaments in MIDI initialized with self.changes – a list of tuples in this form: (MIDIReference, OMRReference, op) MIDIReference and OMRReference are actual note/rest/chord object in some stream op is a ChangeOp that relates the two references

recognizers can be a single recognizer or list of recognizers, but self.recognizers is always a list. recognizers take in stream of busy notes and optional stream of simple note(s) and return False or an instance of the ornament recognized

OrnamentFixer bases

OrnamentFixer methods

OrnamentFixer.addOrnament(selectedNote: Note, ornament: Ornament, *, show=False) bool

Adds the ornament to the selectedNote when selectedNote has no ornaments already.

  • selectedNote: Note.note to add ornament to

  • ornament: Expressions.ornament to add to note

  • show: True when note should be colored blue

Returns True if added successfully, or False if there was already an ornament on the note and it wasn’t added.

OrnamentFixer.findOrnament(busyNotes, simpleNotes) Ornament | None

Finds an ornament in busyNotes based from simpleNote using provided recognizers.

  • busyNotes – stream of notes

  • simpleNotes – stream of notes

Tries the recognizers in order, returning the result of the first one to successfully recognize an ornament.

OrnamentFixer.fix(*, show=False, inPlace=True) OMRMidiFixer | None

Corrects missed ornaments in omrStream according to midiStream :param show: Whether to show results :param inPlace: Whether to make changes to own omr stream or return a new OrnamentFixer with changes

Methods inherited from OMRMidiFixer:


class music21.alpha.analysis.fixer.TrillFixer(changes, midiStream, omrStream)

Fixes missed trills in OMR using expanded ornaments in MIDI. initialized with self.changes – a list of tuples in this form: (MIDIReference, OMRReference, op) MIDIReference and OMRReference are actual note/rest/chord object in some stream op is a ChangeOp that relates the two references

TrillFixer bases

TrillFixer methods

Methods inherited from OrnamentFixer:

Methods inherited from OMRMidiFixer:


class music21.alpha.analysis.fixer.TurnFixer(changes, midiStream, omrStream)

Fixes missed turns/inverted turns in OMR using expanded ornaments in MIDI. initialized with self.changes – a list of tuples in this form: (MIDIReference, OMRReference, op) MIDIReference and OMRReference are actual note/rest/chord object in some stream op is a ChangeOp that relates the two references

TurnFixer bases

TurnFixer methods

Methods inherited from OrnamentFixer:

Methods inherited from OMRMidiFixer:


music21.alpha.analysis.fixer.getNotesWithinDuration(startingGeneralNote, totalDuration, referenceStream=None)

Returns maximal stream of deepcopies of notes, rests, and chords following (and including) startingNote which occupy no more than totalDuration combined.

  • startingGeneralNote is a GeneralNote (could be a note, rest, or chord)

  • totalDuration is a duration

  • referenceStream is optionally a stream which the startingGeneralNote’s

    active site should be set to when provided