
Inner classes and functions for transcribing musical segments into braille.

This module was made in consultation with the manual “Introduction to Braille Music Transcription, Second Edition” by Mary Turner De Garmo, 2005. It is available from the Library of Congress here, and will henceforth be referred to as BMTM.


class music21.braille.segment.Affinity(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)


class music21.braille.segment.BrailleElementGrouping(*listElements)

A BrailleElementGrouping mimics a list of objects which should be displayed without a space in braille.

>>> from music21.braille import segment
>>> bg = segment.BrailleElementGrouping()
>>> bg.append(note.Note('C4'))
>>> bg.append(note.Note('D4'))
>>> bg.append(note.Rest())
>>> bg.append(note.Note('F4'))
>>> bg
<music21.braille.segment.BrailleElementGrouping [<music21.note.Note C>,
    <music21.note.Note D>, <music21.note.Rest quarter>, <music21.note.Note F>]>
>>> print(bg)
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Note D>
<music21.note.Rest quarter>
<music21.note.Note F>

These are the defaults, and they are shared across all objects.

>>> bg.keySignature
<music21.key.KeySignature of no sharps or flats>
>>> bg.timeSignature
<music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
>>> bg.descendingChords
>>> bg.showClefSigns
>>> bg.upperFirstInNoteFingering
>>> bg.withHyphen
>>> bg.numRepeats

BrailleElementGrouping bases

BrailleElementGrouping read-only properties

Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object:

BrailleElementGrouping methods


Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object:

BrailleElementGrouping instance variables


True if a Chord should be spelled from highest to lowest pitch in braille, False if the opposite is the case.


The last KeySignature preceding the grouping.


The number of times this grouping is repeated.


If True, clef signs are shown in braille. Representation of music in braille is not dependent upon clefs and staves, so the clef signs would be displayed for referential or historical purposes.


The last TimeSignature preceding the grouping.


If True, this grouping will end with a music hyphen.


class music21.braille.segment.BrailleGrandSegment(lineLength: int = 40)

A BrailleGrandSegment represents a pair of segments (rightSegment, leftSegment) representing the right and left hands of a piano staff (or other two-staff object).

>>> bgs = braille.segment.BrailleGrandSegment(lineLength=36)
>>> bgs.lineLength

BrailleGrandSegment bases

BrailleGrandSegment read-only properties


Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object:

BrailleGrandSegment read/write properties

Read/write properties inherited from BrailleText:

BrailleGrandSegment methods


Finds KeySignatures, TimeSignatures, TempoText, and Metronome Marks within the keyPairs, and removes some from allKeyPairs.


Fundamentally important method that adds a noteGrouping to the braille line.


Returns the BrailleText from the combined grouping keys


yields all the keys in order as a tuple of (rightKey, leftKey) where two keys are grouped if they have the same segmentKey except for the hand.

>>> bgs = braille.segment.BrailleGrandSegment()
>>> SegmentKey = braille.segment.SegmentKey  # namedtuple
>>> bgs[SegmentKey(1, 1, 1, 'right')] = '1r'
>>> bgs[SegmentKey(1, 1, 1, 'left')]  = '1l'
>>> bgs[SegmentKey(1, 2, 3, 'right')] = '2r'
>>> bgs[SegmentKey(1, 2, 4, 'left')] = '3l'
>>> bgs[SegmentKey(2, 1, 9, 'left')] = '4l'
>>> bgs[SegmentKey(2, 1, 9, 'right')] = '4r'
>>> bgs[SegmentKey(3, 1, 9, 'right')] = '5r'
>>> for l, r in bgs.yieldCombinedGroupingKeys():
...     (bgs[l], bgs[r])
('1r', '1l')
('2r', <music21.braille.segment.BrailleElementGrouping []>)
(<music21.braille.segment.BrailleElementGrouping []>, '3l')
('4r', '4l')
('5r', <music21.braille.segment.BrailleElementGrouping []>)
Known Bug:

Because this puts None elements into the defaultDict, it makes the assumption that all of .keys() will be SegmentKeys incorrect. In fact, if you run this method twice, the second time it will crash.

Methods inherited from BrailleSegment:

Methods inherited from BrailleKeyboard:

Methods inherited from BrailleText:

Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object:

BrailleGrandSegment instance variables

Instance variables inherited from BrailleSegment:


class music21.braille.segment.BrailleSegment(lineLength: int = 40)

BrailleSegment bases

BrailleSegment read-only properties


Returns the string from the BrailleText object

Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object:

BrailleSegment read/write properties

Read/write properties inherited from BrailleText:

BrailleSegment methods


Adds as many dummy rests as self.dummyRestLength to the signatures of brailleText

>>> seg = braille.segment.BrailleSegment()
>>> seg.dummyRestLength = 4
>>> print(braille.lookup.rests['dummy'])

>>> seg.addDummyRests()
>>> print(seg.brailleText)

Modifies the attributes of all BrailleElementGrouping instances in a list of BrailleSegment instances. The necessary information is retrieved from the segment and from the found clef, if any.


Adds the appropriate number of repeat symbols, following DeGarmo chapter 17.

>>> seg = braille.segment.BrailleSegment()
>>> seg.addRepeatSymbols(0)
>>> print(seg.brailleText)
>>> seg.addRepeatSymbols(1)
>>> print(seg.brailleText)

>>> seg = braille.segment.BrailleSegment()
>>> seg.addRepeatSymbols(2)
>>> print(seg.brailleText)
>>> seg = braille.segment.BrailleSegment()
>>> seg.addRepeatSymbols(3)
>>> print(seg.brailleText)

Does not yet handle situations beginning with Example 17-6 (repeats at different octaves), and further


Puts together certain types of elements according to the last digit of their key (if it is the same as Affinity.NOTEGROUP or not.

>>> SK = braille.segment.SegmentKey
>>> BS1 = braille.segment.BrailleSegment()
>>> BS1[SK(ordinal=0, affinity=2)] = ['hi', 'hello', 'there']
>>> BS1[SK(ordinal=1, affinity=9)] = ['these', 'get']
>>> BS1[SK(ordinal=2, affinity=9)] = ['put', 'together']
>>> BS1[SK(ordinal=3, affinity=4)] = ['in', 'new', 'group']
>>> BS1[SK(ordinal=4, affinity=9)] = ['with', 'the', 'previous']
>>> BS2 = BS1.consolidate()
>>> for (groupingKey, groupingList) in sorted(BS2.items()):
...     print(groupingKey, groupingList)
SegmentKey(measure=0, ordinal=0, affinity=2, hand=None) ['hi', 'hello', 'there']
SegmentKey(measure=0, ordinal=1, affinity=9, hand=None) these
SegmentKey(measure=0, ordinal=3, affinity=4, hand=None) ['in', 'new', 'group']
SegmentKey(measure=0, ordinal=4, affinity=9, hand=None) with

Extract a KeySignature, TempoText and MetronomeMark and add an appropriate braille heading to the brailleText object inputted.

BrailleSegment.extractInaccordGrouping() None

Extract the Long Expression that is in the ElementGrouping in cgk and add it to brailleText.


Adds a measure number from the segmentKey needing processing

>>> segKey = braille.segment.SegmentKey(measure=4, ordinal=1, affinity=9)
>>> seg = braille.segment.BrailleSegment()

Initialize a new Key

>>> type(seg[segKey])
<class 'music21.braille.segment.BrailleElementGrouping'>
>>> seg.extractMeasureNumber()
>>> print(seg.brailleText)

Add a dot to the measure number if the segment begins mid-measure

>>> seg = braille.segment.BrailleSegment()
>>> seg[segKey]
<music21.braille.segment.BrailleElementGrouping []>
>>> seg.beginsMidMeasure = True
>>> seg.extractMeasureNumber()
>>> print(seg.brailleText)
BrailleSegment.extractNoteGrouping() None

Fundamentally important method that adds a noteGrouping to the braille line.


Extracts a key signature, time signature, and possibly an outgoing key signature from the currentGroupingKey and adds it to the BrailleText object.


Extracts a tempo text and processes it.


Goes through each BrailleSegment and modifies the list of articulations of a Note if appropriate. In particular, two rules are applied:

  • Doubling rule => If four or more of the same Articulation are found in a row, the first instance of the articulation is doubled and the rest are omitted.

    It is permissible (not mandatory) to observe this doubling with bowings. (BMTM, 114) For this reason, any TechnicalIndication but for bowings (e.g. fingering, harmonic) is skipped, because it does not braille as an articulation.

  • Staccato, Tenuto rule => “If two repeated notes appear to be tied, but either is marked staccato or tenuto, they are treated as slurred instead of tied.” (BMTM, 112)

BrailleSegment.needsSplitToFit(brailleNoteGrouping) bool

Returns boolean on whether a note grouping needs to be split in order to fit.

Generally a noteGrouping will need to be split if the amount of space left is more than 1/4 of the line length and the brailleNoteGrouping cannot fit.

>>> n1 = note.Note('C1')
>>> n2 = note.Note('D1')
>>> n3 = note.Note('E1')
>>> beg1 = braille.segment.BrailleElementGrouping([n1, n2, n3])
>>> seg = braille.segment.BrailleSegment()
>>> seg.needsSplitToFit(beg1)
>>> seg.lineLength = 10
>>> seg.needsSplitToFit(beg1)
BrailleSegment.showLeadingOctaveFromNoteGrouping(noteGrouping: BrailleElementGrouping)

Given a noteGrouping, should we show the octave symbol?

>>> n1 = note.Note('C1')
>>> n2 = note.Note('D1')
>>> n3 = note.Note('E1')
>>> beg1 = braille.segment.BrailleElementGrouping([n1, n2, n3])
>>> bs1 = braille.segment.BrailleSegment()

This is True because last note is None

>>> bs1.lastNote is None
>>> bs1.showLeadingOctaveFromNoteGrouping(beg1)

But if we run it again, now we have a note within a fourth, so we do not need to show the octave:

>>> bs1.lastNote
<music21.note.Note E>
>>> bs1.showLeadingOctaveFromNoteGrouping(beg1)

And that is true no matter how many times we call it on the same BrailleElementGrouping:

>>> bs1.showLeadingOctaveFromNoteGrouping(beg1)

But if we give a new, much higher BrailleElementGrouping, we will see octave marks again.

>>> nHigh1 = note.Note('C6')
>>> nHigh2 = note.Note('D6')
>>> beg2 = braille.segment.BrailleElementGrouping([nHigh1, nHigh2])
>>> bs1.showLeadingOctaveFromNoteGrouping(beg2)

But if we set self.suppressOctaveMarks to True, we won’t see any when we switch back to beg1:

>>> bs1.suppressOctaveMarks = True
>>> bs1.showLeadingOctaveFromNoteGrouping(beg2)

We also show octaves if for some reason two noteGroups in the same measure have different BrailleElementGroupings keyed to consecutive ordinals. The code simulates that situation.

>>> bs1.suppressOctaveMarks = False
>>> bs1.previousGroupingKey = braille.segment.SegmentKey(measure=3, ordinal=1,
...                                          affinity=braille.segment.Affinity.NOTEGROUP)
>>> bs1.currentGroupingKey = braille.segment.SegmentKey(measure=3, ordinal=2,
...                                          affinity=braille.segment.Affinity.NOTEGROUP)
>>> bs1.showLeadingOctaveFromNoteGrouping(beg2)
>>> bs1.showLeadingOctaveFromNoteGrouping(beg1)
>>> bs1.showLeadingOctaveFromNoteGrouping(beg1)
BrailleSegment.splitNoteGroupingAndTranscribe(noteGrouping, showLeadingOctaveOnFirst=False, addSpaceToFirst=False)

Take a noteGrouping and split it at a logical place, returning braille transcriptions of each section.


Transcribes all noteGroupings in this dict by:

  • First transcribes the Heading (if applicable)

  • then the Measure Number

  • then adds appropriate numbers of dummyRests

  • then adds the Rest of the Note Groupings

Returns brailleText

Methods inherited from BrailleText:

Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object:

BrailleSegment instance variables


If True, then the initial measure number of this segment should be followed by a dot. This segment is starting in the middle of a measure.


If True, the previous key signature should be cancelled immediately before a new key signature is encountered.


For a given positive integer n, adds n “dummy rests” near the beginning of a segment. Designed for test purposes, as they are used to demonstrate measure division at the end of braille lines.


If True, then the last BrailleElementGrouping of this segment will be followed by a music hyphen. The last grouping is incomplete, because a segment break occurred in the middle of a measure.


The maximum amount of braille characters that should be present in a line. The standard is 40 characters.


If True, then a measure number is shown following the heading (if applicable) and preceding the music.


If set to “right” or “left”, shows the corresponding hand sign at the beginning of the first line.


If True, then a braille heading is displayed. See transcribeHeading() for more details on headings.


If True, then all octave marks are suppressed. Designed for test purposes, as octave marks were not presented until Chapter 7 of BMTM.


class music21.braille.segment.GroupingGlobals


class music21.braille.segment.SegmentKey(measure, ordinal, affinity, hand)


music21.braille.segment.areGroupingsIdentical(noteGroupingA, noteGroupingB)

Takes in two note groupings, noteGroupingA and noteGroupingB. Returns True if both groupings have identical contents. False otherwise.

Helper for numRepeats.

Needs two identical length groupings.

>>> a = [note.Note('C4'), note.Note('D4')]
>>> b = [note.Note('C4'), note.Note('D4')]
>>> braille.segment.areGroupingsIdentical(a, b)
>>> d = b.pop()
>>> braille.segment.areGroupingsIdentical(a, b)
>>> c = [note.Rest(), note.Note('D4')]
>>> braille.segment.areGroupingsIdentical(a, c)
music21.braille.segment.extractBrailleElements(music21MeasureOrVoice: Measure | Voice) BrailleElementGrouping

Takes in a Measure or Voice and returns a BrailleElementGrouping of correctly ordered Music21Object instances which can be directly transcribed to braille.

>>> from music21.braille import segment
>>> tn = converter.parse('tinynotation: 2/4 c16 c c c d d d d', makeNotation=False)
>>> tn = tn.makeNotation(cautionaryNotImmediateRepeat=False)
>>> measure = tn[0]
>>> measure.append(spanner.Slur(measure.notes[0],measure.notes[-1]))
{0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
{0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 2/4>
{0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
{0.25} <music21.note.Note C>
{0.5} <music21.note.Note C>
{0.75} <music21.note.Note C>
{1.0} <music21.note.Note D>
{1.25} <music21.note.Note D>
{1.5} <music21.note.Note D>
{1.75} <music21.note.Note D>
{2.0} <music21.spanner.Slur <music21.note.Note C><music21.note.Note D>>
{2.0} < type=final>

Spanners are dealt with in prepareSlurredNotes(), so they are not returned by this function, as seen below.

>>> print(segment.extractBrailleElements(measure))
<music21.meter.TimeSignature 2/4>
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Note D>
<music21.note.Note D>
<music21.note.Note D>
<music21.note.Note D>
< type=final>
music21.braille.segment.findSegments(music21Part, *, setHand=None, cancelOutgoingKeySig=True, descendingChords=None, dummyRestLength=None, maxLineLength=40, segmentBreaks=None, showClefSigns=False, showFirstMeasureNumber=True, showHand=None, showHeading=True, showLongSlursAndTiesTogether: bool | None = None, showShortSlursAndTiesTogether=False, slurLongPhraseWithBrackets=True, suppressOctaveMarks=False, upperFirstInNoteFingering=True)

Takes in a Part.

Returns a list of BrailleSegment instances.

Five functions or methods get called in the generation of segments:

>>> from music21.braille import test
>>> example = test.example11_2()
>>> allSegments = braille.segment.findSegments(example)
>>> print(str(allSegments[0]))
---begin segment---
<music21.braille.segment BrailleSegment>
Measure 0, Signature Grouping 1:
<music21.key.KeySignature of 3 flats>
<music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
Measure 0, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note B->
Measure 1, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note G>
<music21.note.Note E->
<music21.note.Note D>
<music21.note.Note E->
Measure 2, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note G>
<music21.note.Note F>
<music21.note.Note E->
Measure 3, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note A->
<music21.note.Note G>
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Note C>
Measure 4, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note B->
<music21.note.Note B->
Measure 5, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note E->
<music21.note.Note B->
<music21.note.Note A->
<music21.note.Note G>
Measure 6, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note G>
<music21.note.Note F>
<music21.note.Note C>
Measure 7, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Note F>
<music21.note.Note A->
<music21.note.Note D>
Measure 8, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note E->
music hyphen ⠐
---end segment---

Second segment

>>> print(str(allSegments[1]))
---begin segment---
<music21.braille.segment BrailleSegment>
Measure 8, Note Grouping 2:
<music21.note.Note G>
Measure 9, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note G>
<music21.note.Note F>
<music21.note.Note F>
<music21.note.Note F>
Measure 10, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note A->
<music21.note.Note G>
<music21.note.Note B->
Measure 11, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note B->
<music21.note.Note A>
<music21.note.Note A>
<music21.note.Note C>
Measure 12, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note B->
<music21.note.Note B->
Measure 13, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note E->
<music21.note.Note B->
<music21.note.Note A->
<music21.note.Note G>
Measure 14, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note G>
<music21.note.Note F>
<music21.note.Note C>
Measure 15, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Rest quarter>
<music21.note.Note F>
<music21.note.Rest quarter>
Measure 16, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note A->
<music21.note.Note D>
Measure 17, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note E->
< type=final>
---end segment---
music21.braille.segment.getRawSegments(music21Part, *, setHand=None, maxLineLength: int = 40)

Takes in a Part, divides it up into segments (i.e. instances of BrailleSegment). This function assumes that the Part is already divided up into measures (see Measure). An acceptable input is shown below.

This will automatically find appropriate segment breaks at BrailleSegmentDivision or BrailleOptionalSegmentDivision or after 48 elements if a double bar or repeat sign is encountered.

Two functions are called for each measure during the creation of segments:

>>> tn = converter.parse("tinynotation: 3/4 c4 c c e e e g g g c'2.")
>>> tn = tn.makeNotation(cautionaryNotImmediateRepeat=False)
{0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
    {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
    {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/4>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
    {1.0} <music21.note.Note C>
    {2.0} <music21.note.Note C>
{3.0} < 2 offset=3.0>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note E>
    {1.0} <music21.note.Note E>
    {2.0} <music21.note.Note E>
{6.0} < 3 offset=6.0>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note G>
    {1.0} <music21.note.Note G>
    {2.0} <music21.note.Note G>
{9.0} < 4 offset=9.0>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
    {3.0} < type=final>

By default, there is no break anywhere within the Part, and a segmentList of size 1 is returned.

>>> import copy
>>> from music21.braille import segment
>>> tnA = copy.deepcopy(tn)
>>> rawSegments = segment.getRawSegments(tnA)
>>> len(rawSegments)
>>> rawSegments[0]
<music21.braille.segment.BrailleSegment 1 line, 0 headings, 40 cols>
>>> print(rawSegments[0])
---begin segment---
<music21.braille.segment BrailleSegment>
Measure 1, Signature Grouping 1:
<music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/4>
Measure 1, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Note C>
Measure 2, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note E>
<music21.note.Note E>
<music21.note.Note E>
Measure 3, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note G>
<music21.note.Note G>
<music21.note.Note G>
Measure 4, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note C>
< type=final>
---end segment---

Now, a segment break occurs at measure 2, offset 1.0 within that measure. The two segments are shown below.

>>> tnB = copy.deepcopy(tn)
>>> tnB.measure(2).insert(1.0, braille.objects.BrailleSegmentDivision())
>>> allSegments = segment.getRawSegments(tnB)
>>> len(allSegments)
>>> allSegments[0]
<music21.braille.segment.BrailleSegment 1 line, 0 headings, 40 cols>
>>> print(allSegments[0])
---begin segment---
<music21.braille.segment BrailleSegment>
Measure 1, Signature Grouping 1:
<music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/4>
Measure 1, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Note C>
Measure 2, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note E>
---end segment---
>>> allSegments[1]
<music21.braille.segment.BrailleSegment 1 line, 0 headings, 40 cols>
>>> print(allSegments[1])
---begin segment---
<music21.braille.segment BrailleSegment>
Measure 2, Note Grouping 2:
<music21.note.Note E>
<music21.note.Note E>
Measure 3, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note G>
<music21.note.Note G>
<music21.note.Note G>
Measure 4, Note Grouping 1:
<music21.note.Note C>
< type=final>
---end segment---

If we insert an optional division, the division only appears if there are 48 elements in the current segment:

>>> tnC = copy.deepcopy(tn)
>>> tnC.measure(1).insert(1.0, braille.objects.BrailleOptionalSegmentDivision())
>>> allSegments = segment.getRawSegments(tnC)
>>> len(allSegments)

If by happenstance a segment division object is encountered where a division has just been created (or the very beginning), no unnecessary empty segment will be created:

>>> tnD = copy.deepcopy(tn)
>>> tnD.measure(1).insert(0, braille.objects.BrailleSegmentDivision())
>>> allSegments = segment.getRawSegments(tnD)
>>> len(allSegments)

Takes in a Measure and labels beamed notes of smaller value than an 8th with beamStart and beamContinue keywords in accordance with beaming rules in braille music.

A more in-depth explanation of beaming in braille can be found in Chapter 15 of Introduction to Braille Music Transcription, Second Edition, by Mary Turner De Garmo.

>>> from music21.braille import segment
>>> tn = converter.parse('tinynotation: 2/4 c16 c c c d d d d')
>>> tn = tn.makeNotation(cautionaryNotImmediateRepeat=False)
{0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
    {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
    {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 2/4>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
    {0.25} <music21.note.Note C>
    {0.5} <music21.note.Note C>
    {0.75} <music21.note.Note C>
    {1.0} <music21.note.Note D>
    {1.25} <music21.note.Note D>
    {1.5} <music21.note.Note D>
    {1.75} <music21.note.Note D>
    {2.0} < type=final>
>>> measure = tn[0]
>>> segment.prepareBeamedNotes(measure)
>>> measure.notes[0].beamStart
>>> measure.notes[1].beamContinue
>>> measure.notes[2].beamContinue
>>> measure.notes[3].beamContinue
music21.braille.segment.prepareSlurredNotes(music21Part, *, slurLongPhraseWithBrackets=True, showShortSlursAndTiesTogether=False, showLongSlursAndTiesTogether: bool | None = None)

Takes in a Part and three keywords:

  • slurLongPhraseWithBrackets

  • showShortSlursAndTiesTogether

  • showLongSlursAndTiesTogether

For any slurs present in the Part, the appropriate notes are labeled with attributes indicating where to put the symbols that represent slurring in braille. For purposes of slurring in braille, there is a distinction between short and long phrases. In a short phrase, a slur covers up to four notes. A short slur symbol should follow each note except the last.

>>> import copy
>>> from music21.braille import segment
>>> short = converter.parse('tinynotation: 3/4 c4 d e')
>>> s1 = spanner.Slur(short.recurse().notes.first(), short.recurse().notes.last())
>>> short.append(s1)
{0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
    {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
    {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/4>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
    {1.0} <music21.note.Note D>
    {2.0} <music21.note.Note E>
    {3.0} < type=final>
{3.0} <music21.spanner.Slur <music21.note.Note C><music21.note.Note E>>
>>> shortA = copy.deepcopy(short)
>>> segment.prepareSlurredNotes(shortA)
>>> shortA.recurse().notes[0].shortSlur
>>> shortA.recurse().notes[1].shortSlur

In a long phrase, a slur covers more than four notes. There are two options for slurring long phrases. The first is by using the bracket slur. By default, slurLongPhraseWithBrackets is True. The opening bracket sign is put before the first note, and the closing bracket sign is put before the last note.

>>> long = converter.parse('tinynotation: 3/4 c8 d e f g a')
>>> s2 = spanner.Slur(long[note.Note].first(), long[note.Note].last())
>>> long.append(s2)
{0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
    {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
    {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/4>
    {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
    {0.5} <music21.note.Note D>
    {1.0} <music21.note.Note E>
    {1.5} <music21.note.Note F>
    {2.0} <music21.note.Note G>
    {2.5} <music21.note.Note A>
    {3.0} < type=final>
{3.0} <music21.spanner.Slur <music21.note.Note C><music21.note.Note A>>
>>> longA = copy.deepcopy(long)
>>> segment.prepareSlurredNotes(longA)
>>> longA[note.Note].first().beginLongBracketSlur
>>> longA[note.Note].last().endLongBracketSlur

The other way is by using the double slur, setting slurLongPhraseWithBrackets to False. The opening sign of the double slur is put after the first note (i.e. before the second note) and the closing sign is put before the last note (i.e. before the second to last note).

If a value is not supplied for showLongSlursAndTiesTogether, it will take the value set for slurLongPhraseWithBrackets, which defaults True.

>>> longB = copy.deepcopy(long)
>>> segment.prepareSlurredNotes(longB, slurLongPhraseWithBrackets=False)
>>> longB.recurse().notes[1].beginLongDoubleSlur
>>> longB.recurse().notes[-2].endLongDoubleSlur

In the event that slurs and ties are shown together in print, the slur is redundant. Examples are shown for slurring a short phrase; the process is identical for slurring a long phrase.

Below, a tie has been added between the first two notes of the short phrase defined above. If showShortSlursAndTiesTogether is set to its default value of False, then the slur on either side of the phrase is reduced by the amount that ties are present, as shown below.

>>> short.recurse().notes[0].tie = tie.Tie('start')
>>> shortB = copy.deepcopy(short)
>>> segment.prepareSlurredNotes(shortB)
>>> shortB.recurse().notes[0].shortSlur
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'Note' object has no attribute 'shortSlur'
>>> shortB.recurse().notes[0].tie
<music21.tie.Tie start>
>>> shortB.recurse().notes[1].shortSlur

If showShortSlursAndTiesTogether is set to True, then the slurs and ties are shown together (i.e. the note has both a shortSlur and a tie).

>>> shortC = copy.deepcopy(short)
>>> segment.prepareSlurredNotes(shortC, showShortSlursAndTiesTogether=True)
>>> shortC.recurse().notes[0].shortSlur
>>> shortC.recurse().notes[0].tie
<music21.tie.Tie start>

TODO: This should not add attributes to Note objects but instead return a collection of sets of notes that have each element applied to it.

music21.braille.segment.setAffinityCode(music21Object: Music21Object)

Takes in a Music21Object, and does two things:

  • Modifies the classSortOrder attribute of the object to fit the slightly modified ordering of objects in braille music.

  • Adds an affinity code to the Editorial for the object. This code indicates which surrounding objects the object should be grouped with.

A BrailleSegmentException is raised if an affinity code cannot be assigned to the object.

As seen in the following example, the affinity code of a Note and a TrebleClef are the same, because they should be grouped together. However, the classSortOrder indicates that the TrebleClef should come first in the braille.

>>> n1 = note.Note('D5')
>>> braille.segment.setAffinityCode(n1)
>>> n1.editorial.affinityCode
<Affinity.NOTEGROUP: 9>
>>> n1.classSortOrder
>>> c1 = clef.TrebleClef()
>>> braille.segment.setAffinityCode(c1)
>>> c1.editorial.affinityCode
<Affinity.NOTEGROUP: 9>
>>> c1.classSortOrder

sets defaults for grouping globals. Called first time anything in Braille is run, but saves creating two expensive objects if never run

music21.braille.segment.splitMeasure(music21Measure, beatDivisionOffset=0, useTimeSignature=None)

Takes a Measure, divides it in two parts, and returns a two-tuple of (leftMeasure, rightMeasure). The parameters are as follows:

  • beatDivisionOffset => Adjusts the end offset of the first partition by a certain amount of beats to the left.

  • useTimeSignature => In the event that the Measure comes from the middle of a Part and thus does not define an explicit TimeSignature. If not provided, a TimeSignature is retrieved by using bestTimeSignature().

>>> m = stream.Measure()
>>> m.append(note.Note('C4'))
>>> m.append(note.Note('D4'))
>>> left, right = braille.segment.splitMeasure(m)
{0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
{1.0} <music21.note.Note D>
music21.braille.segment.splitNoteGrouping(noteGrouping, beatDivisionOffset=0)

Almost identical to splitMeasure(), but functions on a BrailleElementGrouping instead.

>>> from music21.braille import segment
>>> bg = segment.BrailleElementGrouping()
>>> bg.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('2/2')
>>> s = converter.parse('tinyNotation: 2/2 c4 d r e')
>>> for n in s.recurse().notesAndRests:
...     bg.append(n)
>>> left, right = segment.splitNoteGrouping(bg)
>>> left
    [<music21.note.Note C>, <music21.note.Note D>]>
>>> print(left)
<music21.note.Note C>
<music21.note.Note D>
>>> right
    [<music21.note.Rest quarter>, <music21.note.Note E>]>

Now split one beat division earlier than it should be. For 2/2 that means one half of a beat, or one quarter note earlier:

>>> left, right = segment.splitNoteGrouping(bg, beatDivisionOffset=1)
>>> left
    [<music21.note.Note C>]>
>>> right
    [<music21.note.Note D>, <music21.note.Rest quarter>, <music21.note.Note E>]>