
Tools for working with strings


class music21.common.stringTools.ParenthesesMatch(start: 'int', end: 'int', text: 'str', nested: 'list[ParenthesesMatch]')

ParenthesesMatch methods


Return self==value.


music21.common.stringTools.camelCaseToHyphen(usrStr: str, replacement: str = '-') str

Given a camel-cased string, or a mixture of numbers and characters, create a space separated string.

The replacement can be specified to be something besides a hyphen, but only a single character and not (for internal reasons) an uppercase character.

code from

>>> common.camelCaseToHyphen('movementName')

First letter can be uppercase as well:

>>> common.camelCaseToHyphen('MovementName')
>>> common.camelCaseToHyphen('movementNameName')
>>> common.camelCaseToHyphen('fileName', replacement='_')

Some things you cannot do:

>>> common.camelCaseToHyphen('fileName', replacement='NotFound')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Replacement must be a single character.
>>> common.camelCaseToHyphen('fileName', replacement='A')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Replacement cannot be an uppercase character.
music21.common.stringTools.formatStr(msg, *rest_of_message, **keywords) str

DEPRECATED: do not use. May be removed at any time.

Format one or more data elements into string suitable for printing straight to stderr or other outputs

>>> a = common.formatStr('test', '1', 2, 3)
>>> print(a)
test 1 2 3
music21.common.stringTools.getMd5(value=None) str

Return an md5 hash from a string. If no value is given then the current time plus a random number is encoded.

>>> common.getMd5('test')
music21.common.stringTools.getNumFromStr(usrStr: str, numbers: str = '0123456789') tuple[str, str]

Given a string, extract any numbers. Return two strings, the numbers (as strings) and the remaining characters.

>>> common.getNumFromStr('23a')
('23', 'a')
>>> common.getNumFromStr('23a954Hello')
('23954', 'aHello')
>>> common.getNumFromStr('')
('', '')
music21.common.stringTools.hyphenToCamelCase(usrStr: str, replacement: str = '-') str

Given a hyphen-connected-string, change it to a camelCaseConnectedString.

The replacement can be specified to be something besides a hyphen.

>>> common.hyphenToCamelCase('movement-name')
>>> common.hyphenToCamelCase('movement_name', replacement='_')

Safe to call on a string lacking the replacement character:

>>> common.hyphenToCamelCase('voice')

And on “words” beginning with numbers:

>>> common.hyphenToCamelCase('music-21')
music21.common.stringTools.normalizeFilename(name: str) str

take a name that might contain unicode characters, punctuation, or spaces and normalize it so that it is POSIX compliant (except for the limit on length).

Takes in a string or unicode string and returns a string (unicode in Py3) without any accented characters.

>>> common.normalizeFilename('03-Niccolò all’lessandra.not really.xml')
music21.common.stringTools.parenthesesMatch(s: str, open: str = '(', close: str = ')') list[music21.common.stringTools.ParenthesesMatch]

Utility tool to return a list of parentheses matches for a string using a dataclass called ParenthesesMatch which has indices of the start and end of the match, and the text of the match, and a set of nested ParenthesesMatch objects (which may have their own nested objects).

>>> st = r'Bologne wrote (a (whole) (lot) \(of\)) sym\(ph(on)ies\) concertantes.'
>>> common.stringTools.parenthesesMatch(st)
[ParenthesesMatch(start=15, end=37, text='a (whole) (lot) \\(of\\)',
                  nested=[ParenthesesMatch(start=18, end=23, text='whole', nested=[]),
                          ParenthesesMatch(start=26, end=29, text='lot', nested=[])]),
 ParenthesesMatch(start=47, end=49, text='on', nested=[])]

Other brackets can be used:

>>> st = r'[Whammy bars] and [oboes] do [not [mix] very] [well.]'
>>> common.stringTools.parenthesesMatch(st, open='[', close=']')
[ParenthesesMatch(start=1, end=12, text='Whammy bars', nested=[]),
 ParenthesesMatch(start=19, end=24, text='oboes', nested=[]),
 ParenthesesMatch(start=30, end=44, text='not [mix] very',
                  nested=[ParenthesesMatch(start=35, end=38, text='mix', nested=[])]),
 ParenthesesMatch(start=47, end=52, text='well.', nested=[])]

The open and close parameters can be multiple characters:

>>> st = r'Did you eat <<beans>> today <<Pythagoreas<<?>>>>'
>>> common.stringTools.parenthesesMatch(st, open='<<', close='>>')
[ParenthesesMatch(start=14, end=19, text='beans', nested=[]),
 ParenthesesMatch(start=30, end=46, text='Pythagoreas<<?>>',
                  nested=[ParenthesesMatch(start=43, end=44, text='?', nested=[])])]

They cannot, however, be empty:

>>> common.stringTools.parenthesesMatch(st, open='', close='')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Neither open nor close can be empty.

Unmatched opening or closing parentheses will raise a ValueError:

>>> common.stringTools.parenthesesMatch('My (parentheses (sometimes (continue',)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError:  Opening '(' at index 3 was never closed
>>> common.stringTools.parenthesesMatch('This is a <bad> example>', open='<', close='>')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Closing '>' without '<' at index 23.

Note that using multiple characters like a prefix can have unintended consequences:

>>> st = r'[Pitch("C4"), [Pitch("D5"), Pitch("E6")], Pitch("Pity("Z9")")]'
>>> common.stringTools.parenthesesMatch(st, open='Pitch("', close='")')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Closing '")' without 'Pitch("' at index 59.

So to do something like this, you might need to get creative:

>>> out = common.stringTools.parenthesesMatch(st, open='("', close='")')
>>> out
[ParenthesesMatch(start=8, end=10, text='C4', nested=[]),
 ParenthesesMatch(start=22, end=24, text='D5', nested=[]),
 ParenthesesMatch(start=35, end=37, text='E6', nested=[]),
 ParenthesesMatch(start=49, end=59, text='Pity("Z9")',
                  nested=[ParenthesesMatch(start=55, end=57, text='Z9', nested=[])])]
>>> extractedPitches = []
>>> for match in out:
...     if st[match.start - 7:match.start] == 'Pitch("':
...          extractedPitches.append(match.text)
>>> extractedPitches
['C4', 'D5', 'E6', 'Pity("Z9")']
  • New in v9.3.

music21.common.stringTools.removePunctuation(s: str) str

Remove all punctuation from a string.

>>> common.removePunctuation('This, is! my (face).')
'This is my face'
music21.common.stringTools.spaceCamelCase(usrStr: str, replaceUnderscore=True, fixMeList=None) str

Given a camel-cased string, or a mixture of numbers and characters, create a space separated string.

If replaceUnderscore is True (default) then underscores also become spaces (but without the _)

>>> common.spaceCamelCase('thisIsATest')
'this Is A Test'
>>> common.spaceCamelCase('ThisIsATest')
'This Is A Test'
>>> common.spaceCamelCase('movement3')
'movement 3'
>>> common.spaceCamelCase('opus41no1')
'opus 41 no 1'
>>> common.spaceCamelCase('opus23402no219235')
'opus 23402 no 219235'
>>> common.spaceCamelCase('opus23402no219235').title()
'Opus 23402 No 219235'

There is a small list called fixMeList that can fix mistakes.

>>> common.spaceCamelCase('PMFC22')
'PMFC 22'
>>> common.spaceCamelCase('hello_myke')
'hello myke'
>>> common.spaceCamelCase('hello_myke', replaceUnderscore=False)
music21.common.stringTools.stripAccents(inputString: str) str

removes accents from unicode strings.

>>> s = 'trés vite'
>>> 'é' in s
>>> common.stripAccents(s)
'tres vite'

Also handles the German Eszett

>>> common.stripAccents('Muß')
music21.common.stringTools.whitespaceEqual(a: str, b: str) bool

returns True if a and b are equal except for whitespace differences

>>> a = '    hello \n there '
>>> b = 'hello there'
>>> c = ' bye there '
>>> common.whitespaceEqual(a, b)
>>> common.whitespaceEqual(a, c)