
This module contains tools for using MuseScore to do conversions from music21. It was formerly mostly in subConverters.


music21.converter.museScore.findLastPNGPath(inputFp: Path) Path

Find the last numbered file path corresponding to the provided NUMBERED file path ending in “.png”. Raises an exception if no file can be found.

For instance, if there was a file named abc-01.png it might find abc-22.png.

music21.converter.museScore.findNumberedPNGPath(inputFp: str | Path) Path

Find the first numbered file path corresponding to the provided unnumbered file path ending in “.png”. Raises an exception if no file can be found.

Renamed in v7. Returns a pathlib.Path

music21.converter.museScore.findPNGRange(firstFp: Path, lastFp: Path | None = None) tuple[int, int]

Return a 2-tuple of the maximum PNG number and the number of digits used to specify the PNG (for MuseScore generated PNGs, for use in the widget)

music21.converter.museScore.runThroughMuseScore(fp, subformats=(), *, dpi: int | None = None, trimEdges: bool = True, leaveMargin: int = 0, **keywords) Path

Take the output of the conversion process and run it through MuseScore to convert it to a png.

  • dpi: specifies the dpi of the output file. If None, then the default is used.

  • trimEdges: if True (default) the image is trimmed to the edges of the music.

  • leaveMargin: if trimEdges is True, then this number of pixels is left around the trimmed image.