
Converters for music21 objects to musicxml using ElementTree


class music21.musicxml.m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter(obj: ProtoM21Object | None = None)

Packs any Music21Object into a well-formed score and exports a bytes object MusicXML representation.

GeneralObjectExporter methods


Return a complete musicxml of the DiatonicScale

Overrides the general scale behavior to highlight the tonic and dominant.

>>> cMaj = scale.MajorScale('C')
>>> GEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter()
>>> m = GEX.fromDiatonicScale(cMaj)
>>> m
< 0x11d4f17b8>
{0.0} < 0x116a04b38>
    {0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
        {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
        {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 11/4>
        {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
        {4.0} <music21.note.Note D>
        {5.0} <music21.note.Note E>
        {6.0} <music21.note.Note F>
        {7.0} <music21.note.Note G>
        {9.0} <music21.note.Note A>
        {10.0} <music21.note.Note B>

Translate a music21 Duration into a complete MusicXML representation.

Rarely, rarely used. Only if you call .show() on a duration object


Provide a complete MusicXML string from a single dynamic by putting it into a Stream first.


Translate a music21 Note into an object ready to be parsed.

An attempt is made to find the best TimeSignature for quarterLengths <= 6:

>>> n = note.Note('c3')
>>> n.quarterLength = 3
>>> GEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter()
>>> sc = GEX.fromGeneralNote(n)
{0.0} < 0x1046afa90>
    {0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
        {0.0} <music21.clef.BassClef>
        {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 6/8>
        {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
        {3.0} < type=final>

But longer notes will be broken into tied components placed in 4/4 measures:

>>> long_note = note.Note('e5', quarterLength=40)
>>> GEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter()
>>> sc = GEX.fromGeneralNote(long_note)
>>> sc[meter.TimeSignature].first()
<music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
>>> len(sc[stream.Measure])
GeneralObjectExporter.fromGeneralObject(obj: ProtoM21Object)

Converts any Music21Object (or a duration or a pitch) to something that can be passed to ScoreExporter.

>>> GEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter()
>>> s = GEX.fromGeneralObject(duration.Duration(3.0))
>>> s
< 0x...>
{0.0} < 0x...>
    {0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
        {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
        {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 6/8>
        {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
        {3.0} < type=final>
>>> s[note.NotRest].first().duration
<music21.duration.Duration 3.0>
>>> v = stream.Voice(note.Note())
>>> m = stream.Measure([meter.TimeSignature(), v])
>>> GEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter(m)
>>> out = GEX.parse()  # out is bytes
>>> outStr = out.decode('utf-8')  # now is string
>>> '<note print-object="no" print-spacing="yes">' in outStr
>>> len(v[note.Rest])  # original stream unchanged

Translate a music21 Measure into a complete MusicXML string representation.

Note: this method is called for complete MusicXML representation of a Measure, not for partial solutions in Part or Stream production.


return a single TimeSignature as a musicxml document


From a part, put it in a new score.

GeneralObjectExporter.fromPitch(p: Pitch)

Translate a music21 Pitch into an object ready to be parsed.

>>> p = pitch.Pitch('c#3')
>>> GEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter()
>>> sc = GEX.fromPitch(p)
{0.0} < 0x1046afa90>
    {0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
        {0.0} <music21.clef.BassClef>
        {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 1/4>
        {0.0} <music21.note.Note C#>

Generate the pitches from this scale and put it into a stream.Measure, then call fromMeasure on it.

>>> cMaj = scale.MajorScale('C')
>>> GEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter()
>>> m = GEX.fromScale(cMaj)
>>> m
< 0x11d4f17b8>
{0.0} < 0x116a04b38>
    {0.0} < 1 offset=0.0>
        {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
        {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 10/4>
        {0.0} <music21.note.Note C>
        {4.0} <music21.note.Note D>
        {5.0} <music21.note.Note E>
        {6.0} <music21.note.Note F>
        {7.0} <music21.note.Note G>
        {8.0} <music21.note.Note A>
        {9.0} <music21.note.Note B>

Runs makeNotation() on the copy.

GeneralObjectExporter.parse(obj: ProtoM21Object | None = None) bytes

Return a bytes object representation of anything from a Score to a single pitch.

When makeNotation is True (default), wraps obj in a well-formed Score, makes a copy, and runs makeNotation() on each of the parts. To skip copying and making notation, set .makeNotation on this instance to False.

>>> p = pitch.Pitch('D#4')
>>> GEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.GeneralObjectExporter(p)
>>> out = GEX.parse()  # out is bytes
>>> outStr = out.decode('utf-8')  # now is string
>>> print(outStr.strip())
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE score-partwise
  PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML ... Partwise//EN"
<score-partwise version="...">
  <movement-title>Music21 Fragment</movement-title>
    <creator type="composer">Music21</creator>
      <software>music21 v...</software>
    <score-part id="...">
      <part-name />
  <!--=========================== Part 1 ===========================-->
  <part id="...">
    <!--========================= Measure 1 ==========================-->
    <measure implicit="no" number="1">
GeneralObjectExporter.parseWellformedObject(sc: Score) bytes

Parse an object that has already gone through the .fromGeneralObject conversion, which has produced a copy with makeNotation() run on it (unless makeNotation is False).

Returns bytes.


class music21.musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter(measureObj: Measure | None = None, parent: PartExporter | None = None)

MeasureExporter bases

MeasureExporter methods

MeasureExporter.appendArpeggioMarkSpannersToNotations(obj: Music21Object, noteIndexInChord: int, notations: list[Element], sb: SpannerBundle) None
MeasureExporter.arpeggioMarkToMxExpression(arpeggioMark, chordOrNote, noteIndexInChord)
MeasureExporter.articulationToXmlArticulation(articulationMark: Articulation) Element

Returns a class (mxArticulationMark) that represents the MusicXML structure of an articulation mark.

>>> a = articulations.Accent()
>>> a.placement = 'below'
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxArticulationMark = MEX.articulationToXmlArticulation(a)
>>> MEX.dump(mxArticulationMark)
<accent placement="below" />
>>> a = articulations.Staccatissimo()
>>> a.placement = 'below'
>>> mxArticulationMark = MEX.articulationToXmlArticulation(a)
>>> MEX.dump(mxArticulationMark)
<staccatissimo placement="below" />

Articulations can have style attached to them:

>>> a = articulations.Doit()
>>> = 'curved'
>>> = 'dashed'
>>> = 2
>>> = 1
>>> = 5
>>> = 2
>>> mxArticulationMark = MEX.articulationToXmlArticulation(a)
>>> MEX.dump(mxArticulationMark)
<doit dash-length="2" default-x="5" default-y="2"
    line-shape="curved" line-type="dashed" space-length="1" />
MeasureExporter.articulationToXmlTechnical(articulationMark: Articulation)

Returns a tag that represents the MusicXML structure of an articulation mark that is primarily a TechnicalIndication.

>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> a = articulations.UpBow()
>>> a.placement = 'below'
>>> mxTechnicalMark = MEX.articulationToXmlTechnical(a)
>>> MEX.dump(mxTechnicalMark)
<up-bow placement="below" />
>>> f = articulations.Fingering(4)
>>> f.substitution = True
>>> mxFingering = MEX.articulationToXmlTechnical(f)
>>> MEX.dump(mxFingering)
<fingering alternate="no" substitution="yes">4</fingering>

Technical marks too specific to express in musicxml just get other-technical.

>>> g = articulations.OrganIndication()
>>> g.displayText = 'unda maris'
>>> mxOther = MEX.articulationToXmlTechnical(g)
>>> MEX.dump(mxOther)
<other-technical>unda maris</other-technical>

Translate a music21 bar.Bar object to an mxBar while making two substitutions: double -> light-light and final -> light-heavy as shown below.

>>> b = bar.Barline('final')
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxBarline = MEX.barlineToXml(b)
>>> MEX.dump(mxBarline)
>>> b.location = 'right'
>>> mxBarline = MEX.barlineToXml(b)
>>> MEX.dump(mxBarline)
<barline location="right">

Returns an ElementTree Element from a Beam object

>>> a = beam.Beam()
>>> a.type = 'start'
>>> a.number = 1
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> b = MEX.beamToXml(a)
>>> b
<Element 'beam' at 0x104f3a728>
>>> MEX.dump(b)
<beam number="1">begin</beam>
>>> a.type = 'continue'
>>> b = MEX.beamToXml(a)
>>> MEX.dump(b)
<beam number="1">continue</beam>
>>> a.type = 'stop'
>>> b = MEX.beamToXml(a)
>>> MEX.dump(b)
<beam number="1">end</beam>
>>> a.type = 'partial'
>>> a.direction = 'left'
>>> b = MEX.beamToXml(a)
>>> MEX.dump(b)
<beam number="1">backward hook</beam>
>>> a.direction = 'right'
>>> = 'beam1'
>>> b = MEX.beamToXml(a)
>>> MEX.dump(b)
<beam id="beam1" number="1">forward hook</beam>
>>> a.direction = None
>>> b = MEX.beamToXml(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
music21.musicxml.xmlObjects.MusicXMLExportException: partial beam defined
    without a proper direction set (set to None)
>>> a.type = 'crazy'
>>> b = MEX.beamToXml(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
music21.musicxml.xmlObjects.MusicXMLExportException: unexpected beam type
    encountered (crazy)

Returns a list of <beam> tags from a Beams object

>>> a = beam.Beams()
>>> a.fill(2, type='start')
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxBeamList = MEX.beamsToXml(a)
>>> len(mxBeamList)
>>> for b in mxBeamList:
...     MEX.dump(b)
<beam number="1">begin</beam>
<beam number="2">begin</beam>
MeasureExporter.chordSymbolToXml(cs: ChordSymbol, *, append: bool = True) Element | list[Element]

Convert a ChordSymbol object to either a chord (if .writeAsChord is True) or a Harmony XML Element.

>>> cs = harmony.ChordSymbol()
>>> cs.root('E-')
>>> cs.bass('B-', allow_add=True)
>>> cs.inversion(2, transposeOnSet=False)
>>> cs.chordKind = 'major'
>>> cs.chordKindStr = 'M'
>>> cs
<music21.harmony.ChordSymbol E-/B->
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> MEX.currentDivisions = 10
>>> mxHarmony = MEX.chordSymbolToXml(cs)
>>> MEX.dump(mxHarmony)
  <kind text="M">major</kind>

Now give function:

>>> cs.romanNumeral = 'I64'
>>> mxHarmony = MEX.chordSymbolToXml(cs)
>>> MEX.dump(mxHarmony)
  <kind text="M">major</kind>
>>> hd = harmony.ChordStepModification()
>>> hd.modType = 'alter'
>>> hd.interval = -1
>>> = 3
>>> cs.addChordStepModification(hd)
>>> mxHarmony = MEX.chordSymbolToXml(cs)
>>> MEX.dump(mxHarmony)
  <kind text="M">major</kind>

Test altered chords:

>>> f = harmony.ChordSymbol('F sus add 9')
>>> f
<music21.harmony.ChordSymbol F sus add 9>
>>> mxHarmony = MEX.chordSymbolToXml(f)
>>> MEX.dump(mxHarmony)

MusicXML uses “dominant” for “dominant-seventh” so check aliases back…

>>> dom7 = harmony.ChordSymbol('C7')
>>> dom7.chordKind
>>> mxHarmony = MEX.chordSymbolToXml(dom7)
>>> MEX.dump(mxHarmony)

set writeAsChord to not get a symbol, but the notes. Will return a list of notes.

>>> dom7.writeAsChord = True
>>> harmonyList = MEX.chordSymbolToXml(dom7)
>>> len(harmonyList)
>>> MEX.dump(harmonyList[0])
MeasureExporter.chordToXml(c: ChordBase) list[Element]

Returns a list of <note> tags, all but the first with a <chord/> tag on them. And appends them to self.xmlRoot

Attributes of notes are merged from different locations: first from the duration objects, then from the pitch objects. Finally, GeneralNote attributes are added.

>>> ch = chord.Chord()
>>> ch.quarterLength = 2
>>> b = pitch.Pitch('A-2')
>>> c = pitch.Pitch('D3')
>>> d = pitch.Pitch('E4')
>>> e = [b, c, d]
>>> ch.pitches = e
>>> len(ch.pitches)
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> len(MEX.xmlRoot)
>>> mxNoteList = MEX.chordToXml(ch)
>>> len(mxNoteList)  # get three mxNotes
>>> len(MEX.xmlRoot)
>>> MEX.dump(mxNoteList[0])
>>> MEX.dump(mxNoteList[1])
  <chord />
>>> MEX.dump(mxNoteList[2])
  <chord />

Test that notehead and style translation works:

>>> g = pitch.Pitch('g3')
>>> h = note.Note('b4')
>>> h.notehead = 'diamond'
>>> = 'gold'
>>> = 176
>>> ch2 = chord.Chord([g, h])
>>> ch2.quarterLength = 2.0
>>> mxNoteList = MEX.chordToXml(ch2)
>>> MEX.dump(mxNoteList[1])
<note color="#FFD700" default-x="176">
  <chord />
  <notehead color="#FFD700" parentheses="no">diamond</notehead>

And unpitched chord members:

>>> perc = percussion.PercussionChord([note.Unpitched(), note.Unpitched()])
>>> for n in MEX.chordToXml(perc):
...     MEX.dump(n)
  <chord />

Test articulations of chords with fingerings. Superfluous fingerings will be ignored.

>>> testChord = chord.Chord('E4 C5')
>>> testChord.articulations = [articulations.Fingering(1),
...        articulations.Accent(), articulations.Fingering(5), articulations.Fingering(3)]
>>> for n in MEX.chordToXml(testChord):
...     MEX.dump(n)
      <accent />
      <fingering alternate="no" substitution="no">1</fingering>
  <chord />
      <fingering alternate="no" substitution="no">5</fingering>
MeasureExporter.chordWithFretBoardToXml(cwf: tablature.ChordWithFretBoard) Element

Deals with both chords and frets. Generate harmony and append xml to it.


Given a music21 Clef object, return a MusicXML clef tag.

>>> gc = clef.GClef()
>>> gc
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxc = MEX.clefToXml(gc)
>>> MEX.dump(mxc)
>>> b = clef.Treble8vbClef()
>>> b.octaveChange
>>> mxc2 = MEX.clefToXml(b)
>>> MEX.dump(mxc2)
>>> pc = clef.PercussionClef()
>>> mxc3 = MEX.clefToXml(pc)
>>> MEX.dump(mxc3)

Clefs without signs get exported as G clefs with a warning

>>> generic = clef.Clef()
>>> mxc4 = MEX.clefToXml(generic)
Clef with no .sign exported; setting as a G clef
>>> MEX.dump(mxc4)
MeasureExporter.codaToXml(coda: Coda) Element

returns a coda inside a direction-type inside a direction IF coda.useSymbol is True; otherwise returns a TextExpression and appends to score:

>>> c = repeat.Coda()
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxCodaDir = MEX.codaToXml(c)
>>> MEX.dump(mxCodaDir)
    <coda default-y="20" />

turn coda.useSymbol to False to get a text expression instead

>>> c.useSymbol = False
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxCodaText = MEX.codaToXml(c)
>>> MEX.dump(mxCodaText)
    <words default-y="20" enclosure="none"
MeasureExporter.dealWithNotehead(mxNote: Element, n: GeneralNote, chordParent: Chord | None = None) None

Determine if an <notehead> element needs to be added to this <note> element (mxNote) and if it does then get the <notehead> element from noteheadToXml and add it to mxNote.

Complicated because the chordParent might have notehead set, which would affect every note along the way.

Returns nothing. The mxNote is modified in place.

MeasureExporter.durationXml(dur: Duration)

Convert a duration.Duration object to a <duration> tag using self.currentDivisions

>>> d = duration.Duration(1.5)
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> MEX.currentDivisions = 10
>>> mxDuration = MEX.durationXml(d)
>>> MEX.dump(mxDuration)
MeasureExporter.dynamicToXml(d: Dynamic) Element

return a nested tag: <direction><direction-type><dynamic><ff> or whatever:

>>> ppp = dynamics.Dynamic('ppp')
>>> print('%.2f' % ppp.volumeScalar)
>>> = -10
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxDirection = MEX.dynamicToXml(ppp)
>>> MEX.dump(mxDirection)
    <dynamics default-x="-36" default-y="-80" relative-y="-10">
      <ppp />
  <sound dynamics="19" />

appends to score.

Now with offset not zero.

>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> ppp.offset = 1.0
>>> mxDirection = MEX.dynamicToXml(ppp)
>>> MEX.dump(mxDirection)
    <dynamics default-x="-36" default-y="-80" relative-y="-10">
      <ppp />
  <offset sound="yes">10080</offset>
  <sound dynamics="19" />
MeasureExporter.expressionToXml(expression: Expression) Element

Convert a music21 Expression (expression or ornament) to a musicxml tag; return None if no conversion is possible.

Expressions apply only to the first note of chord.

>>> invTurn = expressions.InvertedTurn()
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxExpression = MEX.expressionToXml(invTurn)
>>> MEX.dump(mxExpression)
<inverted-turn placement="above" />
>>> invDelayedTurn = expressions.InvertedTurn(delay=1.)
>>> invDelayedTurn.placement = 'below'
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxExpression = MEX.expressionToXml(invDelayedTurn)
>>> MEX.dump(mxExpression)
<delayed-inverted-turn placement="below" />

Some special types:

>>> f = expressions.Fermata()
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxExpression = MEX.expressionToXml(f)
>>> MEX.dump(mxExpression)
<fermata type="inverted" />
>>> f.shape = 'angled'
>>> mxExpression = MEX.expressionToXml(f)
>>> MEX.dump(mxExpression)
<fermata type="inverted">angled</fermata>
>>> trem = expressions.Tremolo()
>>> trem.numberOfMarks = 4
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxExpression = MEX.expressionToXml(trem)
>>> MEX.dump(mxExpression)
<tremolo type="single">4</tremolo>
>>> arp = expressions.ArpeggioMark()
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxExpression = MEX.expressionToXml(arp)
>>> MEX.dump(mxExpression)
<arpeggiate />
>>> arp.type = 'down'
>>> mxExpression = MEX.expressionToXml(arp)
>>> MEX.dump(mxExpression)
<arpeggiate direction="down" />
>>> nonArp = expressions.ArpeggioMark('non-arpeggio')
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxExpression = MEX.expressionToXml(nonArp)
>>> MEX.dump(mxExpression)
<non-arpeggiate />
MeasureExporter.fretBoardToXml(fretBoard) Element | None

The ChordWithFretBoard Object combines chord symbols with FretNote objects.

>>> myFretNote1 = tablature.FretNote(1, 2, 2)
>>> myFretNote2 = tablature.FretNote(2, 3, 3)
>>> myFretNote3 = tablature.FretNote(3, 2, 1)
>>> guitarChord = tablature.ChordWithFretBoard('DM', numStrings=6,
...                    fretNotes=[myFretNote1, myFretNote2, myFretNote3])
>>> guitarChord.tuning = tablature.GuitarFretBoard().tuning
>>> guitarChord.getPitches()
[None, None, None,
 <music21.pitch.Pitch A3>, <music21.pitch.Pitch D4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch F#4>]
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> MEXChordWithFret = MEX.fretBoardToXml(guitarChord)
>>> MEX.dump(MEXChordWithFret)
MeasureExporter.fretNoteToXml(fretNote) Element

Converts a FretNote Object to MusicXML readable format.

Note that, although music21 is referring to FretNotes as FretNotes, musicxml refers to them as frame notes. To convert between the two formats, each ‘Fret-Note’ must be converted to ‘Frame-Note’.

>>> fn = tablature.FretNote(string=3, fret=1, fingering=2)
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> MEXFretNote = MEX.fretNoteToXml(fn)
>>> MEX.dump(MEXFretNote)

Without fingering!

>>> fn2 = tablature.FretNote(string=5, fret=2)
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> MEXOtherFretNote = MEX.fretNoteToXml(fn2)
>>> MEX.dump(MEXOtherFretNote)
MeasureExporter.getArpeggioNumber(arp: ArpeggioMarkSpanner) int
>>> ME = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> i = interval.Interval('P5')
>>> mxTranspose = ME.intervalToXmlTranspose(i)
>>> ME.dump(mxTranspose)
>>> i = interval.Interval('A13')
>>> mxTranspose = ME.intervalToXmlTranspose(i)
>>> ME.dump(mxTranspose)
>>> i = interval.Interval('-M6')
>>> mxTranspose = ME.intervalToXmlTranspose(i)
>>> ME.dump(mxTranspose)
>>> i = interval.Interval('-M9')
>>> mxTranspose = ME.intervalToXmlTranspose(i)
>>> ME.dump(mxTranspose)

returns a key tag from a music21 key.KeySignature or key.Key object

>>> ks = key.KeySignature(-3)
>>> ks
<music21.key.KeySignature of 3 flats>
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxKey = MEX.keySignatureToXml(ks)
>>> MEX.dump(mxKey)
>>> ks.mode = 'major'
>>> mxKey = MEX.keySignatureToXml(ks)
>>> MEX.dump(mxKey)
>>> ksNonTrad = key.KeySignature(sharps=None)
>>> ksNonTrad.alteredPitches = ['C#', 'E-4']
>>> ksNonTrad
<music21.key.KeySignature of pitches: [C#, E-4]>
>>> mxKeyNonTrad = MEX.keySignatureToXml(ksNonTrad)
>>> MEX.dump(mxKeyNonTrad)
  <key-octave number="2">4</key-octave>
MeasureExporter.lyricToXml(ly: Lyric)

Translate a music21 Lyric object to a <lyric> tag.

Lyrics have attribute list %justify, %position, %placement, %color, %print-object


deals with parsing all the elements in a stream, whether it has voices or not.


return a <measure-style> Element or None according to the contents of the Stream.

Currently, only multiple-rest is supported.

MeasureExporter.moveBackward(byOffset: OffsetQL)

Moves self.offsetInMeasure backward by an OffsetQL, appending the appropriate <backup> tag (expressed in divisions) to self.xmlRoot.

>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> len(MEX.xmlRoot)
>>> MEX.moveBackward(2)
>>> MEX.dump(MEX.xmlRoot)
>>> len(MEX.xmlRoot)
MeasureExporter.moveForward(byOffset: OffsetQL)

Moves self.offsetInMeasure forward by an OffsetQL, appending the appropriate <forward> tag (expressed in divisions) to self.xmlRoot.

>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> len(MEX.xmlRoot)
>>> MEX.moveForward(1)
>>> MEX.dump(MEX.xmlRoot)
>>> len(MEX.xmlRoot)
MeasureExporter.noChordToXml(cs: NoChord) Element

Convert a NoChord object to an mxHarmony object (or a rest if .writeAsChord = True).

Expected attributes of the NoChord object:

>>> nc = harmony.NoChord()
>>> nc.chordKind
>>> nc.chordKindStr

Other values may not export:

>>> nc.chordKindStr = ''
>>> nc.write()
Traceback (most recent call last):
     In part (None), measure (1): NoChord object's chordKindStr must be non-empty
>>> nc.chordKind = None
>>> nc.write()
Traceback (most recent call last):
     In part (None), measure (1): NoChord object's chordKind must be 'none'

To realize the NoChord as a rest:

>>> nc2 = harmony.NoChord()
>>> nc2.writeAsChord = True
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxNote = MEX.noChordToXml(nc2)
>>> MEX.dump(mxNote)
    <rest />
MeasureExporter.noteToNotations(n: GeneralNote, noteIndexInChord: int = 0, chordParent: Chord | None = None) list[Element]

Take information from .expressions, .articulations, and spanners to make the <notations> tag for a note.

MeasureExporter.noteToXml(n: GeneralNote, noteIndexInChord=0, chordParent=None)

Translate a music21 Note or a Rest into a ElementTree, note element.

Note that, some note-attached spanners, such as octave shifts, produce direction (and direction types) in this method.

>>> n = note.Note('D#5')
>>> n.quarterLength = 3
>>> n.volume.velocityScalar = 0.5
>>> = 'silver'
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> len(MEX.xmlRoot)
>>> mxNote = MEX.noteToXml(n)
>>> mxNote
<Element 'note' at 0x10113cb38>
>>> MEX.dump(mxNote)
<note color="#C0C0C0" dynamics="70.56">
  <dot />
  <notehead color="#C0C0C0" parentheses="no">normal</notehead>
>>> len(MEX.xmlRoot)
>>> r = note.Rest()
>>> r.quarterLength = 1/3
>>> r.duration.tuplets[0].type = 'start'
>>> mxRest = MEX.noteToXml(r)
>>> MEX.dump(mxRest)
  <rest />
    <tuplet bracket="yes" number="1" placement="above" type="start">
>>> len(MEX.xmlRoot)
>>> n.notehead = 'diamond'
>>> n.articulations.append(articulations.Pizzicato())
>>> mxNote = MEX.noteToXml(n)
>>> MEX.dump(mxNote)
<note color="#C0C0C0" dynamics="70.56" pizzicato="yes">
  <notehead color="#C0C0C0" parentheses="no">diamond</notehead>

Notes with complex durations need to be simplified before coming here otherwise they raise MusicXMLExportException:

>>> nComplex = note.Note()
>>> nComplex.duration.quarterLength = 5.0
>>> mxComplex = MEX.noteToXml(nComplex)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Cannot convert complex durations to MusicXML.
Try exporting with makeNotation=True or manually running splitAtDurations()

TODO: Test with spanners

MeasureExporter.noteheadToXml(n: NotRest) Element

Translate a music21 NotRest object such as a Note, or Chord into a <notehead> tag.

>>> n = note.Note('C#4')
>>> n.notehead = 'diamond'
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxN = MEX.noteheadToXml(n)
>>> MEX.dump(mxN)
<notehead parentheses="no">diamond</notehead>
>>> n1 = note.Note('c3')
>>> = 'red'
>>> n1.notehead = 'diamond'
>>> n1.noteheadParenthesis = True
>>> n1.noteheadFill = False
>>> mxN = MEX.noteheadToXml(n1)
>>> MEX.dump(mxN)
<notehead color="#FF0000" filled="no" parentheses="yes">diamond</notehead>
>>> n1 = note.Note('c3')
>>> = 'red'
>>> n1.notehead = 'diamond'
>>> n1.noteheadParenthesis = True
>>> n1.noteheadFill = False
>>> mxN = MEX.noteheadToXml(n1)
>>> MEX.dump(mxN)
<notehead color="#FF0000" filled="no" parentheses="yes">diamond</notehead>
MeasureExporter.objectAttachedSpannersToNotations(obj: Music21Object, noteIndexInChord: int = 0, objectSpannerBundle: SpannerBundle | None = None) list[Element]

return a list of <notations> from spanners related to the object that should appear in the notations tag (slurs, slides, etc.)

>>> n0 = note.Note('C')
>>> n1 = note.Note('D')
>>> trem = expressions.TremoloSpanner([n0, n1])
>>> m = stream.Measure()
>>> m.insert(0, trem)
>>> m.append(n0)
>>> m.append(n1)
>>> mex = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter(m)
>>> out = mex.objectAttachedSpannersToNotations(n0, objectSpannerBundle=m.spannerBundle)
>>> out
[<Element 'ornaments' at 0x1114d9408>]
>>> mex.dump(out[0])
  <tremolo type="start">3</tremolo>
>>> out = mex.objectAttachedSpannersToNotations(n1, objectSpannerBundle=m.spannerBundle)
>>> mex.dump(out[0])
  <tremolo type="stop">3</tremolo>
MeasureExporter.objectAttachedSpannersToTechnicals(obj, objectSpannerBundle=None)

return a list of <technical> from spanners related to the object that should appear in the technical tag of the notations tag (hammer-on, pull-off etc.)

>>> n0 = note.Note('C')
>>> n1 = note.Note('D')
>>> n2 = note.Note('F')
>>> n3 = note.Note('E')
>>> hammerOn01 = articulations.HammerOn([n0, n1])
>>> pullOff23 = articulations.PullOff([n2, n3])
>>> m = stream.Measure()
>>> m.insert(0, hammerOn01)
>>> m.insert(0, pullOff23)
>>> m.append(n0)
>>> m.append(n1)
>>> m.append(n2)
>>> m.append(n3)
>>> mex = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter(m)
>>> out = mex.objectAttachedSpannersToTechnicals(n0, m.spannerBundle)
>>> out
[<Element 'hammer-on' at 0x102857f40>]
>>> mex.dump(out[0])
<hammer-on number="1" type="start">H</hammer-on>
>>> out = mex.objectAttachedSpannersToTechnicals(n3, m.spannerBundle)
>>> mex.dump(out[0])
<pull-off number="1" type="stop" />
MeasureExporter.ornamentToMxAccidentalMarks(ornamentObj: Ornament) list[Element]

main parse call.

deals with transposing, repeat brackets, setting measureNumber and width, the first mxPrint, the first <attributes> tag, the left barline, parsing all internal elements, setting the right barline, then returns the root <measure> tag.

MeasureExporter.parseFlatElements(m: Measure | Voice, *, backupAfterwards: bool = False) None

Deals with parsing all the elements in .elements, assuming that .elements is flat.

m here can be a Measure or Voice, but it must be flat.

If m is a ‘Voice’ class, we use the .id element to set self.currentVoiceId and then send a backup tag to go back to the beginning of the measure.

Note that if the .id is high enough to be an id(x) memory location, then a small voice number is used instead.

MeasureExporter.parseOneElement(obj, appendSpanners: ~music21.common.enums.AppendSpanners = <AppendSpanners.NORMAL>)

parse one element completely and add it to xmlRoot, updating offsetInMeasure, etc.

MeasureExporter.pitchToXml(p: Pitch)

Convert a Pitch to xml. Does not create the <accidental> tag.

>>> p = pitch.Pitch('D#5')
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxPitch = MEX.pitchToXml(p)
>>> MEX.dump(mxPitch)
MeasureExporter.placeInDirection(mxObj: Element, m21Obj: Music21Object | None = None, *, setSound: bool = True) Element

Places the mxObj <element> inside <direction><direction-type> and sets <offset> if needed.

MeasureExporter.rehearsalMarkToXml(rm: RehearsalMark) Element

Convert a RehearsalMark object to a MusicXML <direction> tag with a <rehearsal> tag inside it.

>>> rm = expressions.RehearsalMark('II')
>>> = 'square'
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxRehearsal = MEX.rehearsalMarkToXml(rm)
>>> MEX.dump(mxRehearsal)
    <rehearsal enclosure="square" halign="center" valign="middle">II</rehearsal>
MeasureExporter.relatedSpanners(target: Music21Object) tuple[Sequence[Element], Sequence[Element]]

return two lists or empty tuples: (1) spanners related to the object that should appear before the object to the <measure> tag. (2) spanners related to the object that should appear after the object in the measure tag.


returns a <repeat> tag from a barline object.

>>> b = bar.Repeat(direction='end')
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxRepeat = MEX.repeatToXml(b)
>>> MEX.dump(mxRepeat)
<repeat direction="backward" />
>>> b.times = 3
>>> mxRepeat = MEX.repeatToXml(b)
>>> MEX.dump(mxRepeat)
<repeat direction="backward" times="3" />
MeasureExporter.restToXml(r: Rest)

Convert a Rest object to a <note> with a <rest> tag underneath it.

>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> r = note.Rest(quarterLength=2.0)

Give the rest some context:

>>> m = stream.Measure()
>>> m.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('4/4')
>>> m.append(r)
>>> mxNoteRest = MEX.restToXml(r)
>>> MEX.dump(mxNoteRest)
  <rest />

Now it is a full measure:

>>> m.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('2/4')
>>> mxNoteRest = MEX.restToXml(r)
>>> MEX.dump(mxNoteRest)
  <rest measure="yes" />

Unless we specify that it should not be converted to a full measure:

>>> r.fullMeasure = False
>>> mxNoteRest = MEX.restToXml(r)
>>> MEX.dump(mxNoteRest)
  <rest />

With True or “always” it will be converted to full measure even if it does not match:

>>> m.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('4/4')
>>> r.duration.dots = 1
>>> r.fullMeasure = True
>>> mxNoteRest = MEX.restToXml(r)
>>> MEX.dump(mxNoteRest)
  <rest measure="yes" />

Note that if a measure has paddingLeft/paddingRight (such as a pickup) then a fullMeasure duration might not match the TimeSignature duration.

The display-step and display-octave are set from a Rest’s stepShift:

>>> r = note.Rest()
>>> r.stepShift = 1
>>> mxNoteRest = MEX.restToXml(r)
>>> MEX.dump(mxNoteRest)

Clef context matters:

>>> m = stream.Measure()
>>> m.clef = clef.BassClef()
>>> m.append(r)
>>> mxNoteRest = MEX.restToXml(r)
>>> MEX.dump(mxNoteRest)
MeasureExporter.romanNumeralToXml(rn: roman.RomanNumeral) Element | list[Element]

Convert a RomanNumeral object to either a chord (if .writeAsChord is True) or a Harmony XML Element.

>>> rnI = roman.RomanNumeral('I', 'C')
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> MEX.currentDivisions = 10
>>> listMxChords = MEX.romanNumeralToXml(rnI)
>>> len(listMxChords)
>>> MEX.dump(listMxChords[1])
  <chord />

If writeAsChord is False, we create a MusicXML 4.0 <numeral> tag. This does not work in the current version of MuseScore (which only supports MusicXML 3.1) but outputs decently well in Finale.

>>> rnI.writeAsChord = False
>>> mxHarmonyFromRN = MEX.romanNumeralToXml(rnI)
>>> MEX.dump(mxHarmonyFromRN)
    <numeral-root text="I">1</numeral-root>
    <numeral-key print-object="no">
>>> complexRn = roman.RomanNumeral('#iio65', 'e-')
>>> complexRn.followsKeyChange = True
>>> complexRn.writeAsChord = False
>>> mxHarmonyFromRN = MEX.romanNumeralToXml(complexRn)
>>> MEX.dump(mxHarmonyFromRN)
    <numeral-root text="#iio65">2</numeral-root>
    <numeral-alter location="left">1.0</numeral-alter>
>>> maj6 = roman.RomanNumeral('VI7', 'd')
>>> maj6.writeAsChord = False
>>> mxHarmonyFromRN = MEX.romanNumeralToXml(maj6)
>>> MEX.dump(mxHarmonyFromRN)
    <numeral-root text="VI7">6</numeral-root>
    <numeral-key print-object="no">
      <numeral-mode>natural minor</numeral-mode>
>>> min6 = roman.RomanNumeral('vi', 'd')
>>> min6.writeAsChord = False
>>> mxHarmonyFromRN = MEX.romanNumeralToXml(min6)
>>> mxHarmonyFromRN.find('.//numeral-mode').text
'melodic minor'
>>> dim7 = roman.RomanNumeral('viiø65', 'd')
>>> dim7.writeAsChord = False
>>> mxHarmonyFromRN = MEX.romanNumeralToXml(dim7)
>>> mxHarmonyFromRN.find('.//numeral-mode').text
'harmonic minor'
>>> mxHarmonyFromRN.find('kind').text
>>> maj7 = roman.RomanNumeral('VII64', 'd')
>>> maj7.writeAsChord = False
>>> mxHarmonyFromRN = MEX.romanNumeralToXml(maj7)
>>> mxHarmonyFromRN.find('.//numeral-mode').text
'natural minor'
MeasureExporter.segnoToXml(segno: Segno) Element

returns a segno inside a direction-type inside a direction.

appends to score

>>> s = repeat.Segno()
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxSegnoDir = MEX.segnoToXml(s)
>>> MEX.dump(mxSegnoDir)
    <segno default-y="20" />
>>> = 'segno0'
>>> = 'left'
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxSegnoDir = MEX.segnoToXml(s)
>>> MEX.dump(mxSegnoDir)
    <segno default-y="20" halign="left" id="segno0" />
MeasureExporter.setBarline(barline, position)

sets either a left or right barline from a bar.Barline() object or bar.Repeat() object

static MeasureExporter.setHarmonic(mxh: Element, harm: StringHarmonic) None

Sets the artificial or natural tag (or no tag) and zero or one of base-pitch, sounding-pitch, touching-pitch

Called from articulationToXmlTechnical

>>> MEXClass = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter
>>> a = articulations.StringHarmonic()
>>> a.harmonicType = 'artificial'
>>> a.pitchType = 'sounding'
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
>>> mxh = Element('harmonic')
>>> MEXClass.setHarmonic(mxh, a)
>>> MEXClass.dump(mxh)
  <artificial />
  <sounding-pitch />

Harmonic is probably too general for most uses, but if you use it, you get a harmonic tag with no details:

>>> b = articulations.Harmonic()
>>> mxh2 = Element('harmonic')
>>> MEXClass.setHarmonic(mxh2, b)
>>> MEXClass.dump(mxh2)
<harmonic />

Calls self.setBarline for the left side if the measure has a .leftBarline set.

MeasureExporter.setLineStyle(mxObject, m21Object)

Sets four additional elements for line elements, conforms to entity %line-shape, %line-type, %dashed-formatting (dash-length and space-length)


sets the attributes (x=y) for a measure, that is, number, implicit, and layoutWidth

Does not create the <attributes> tag. That’s elsewhere.


creates an <attributes> tag at the start of the measure.

We create one for each measure unless it is identical to self.parent.mxAttributes


Creates a <print> element and appends it to root, if one is needed.

MeasureExporter.setNoteInstrument(n: NotRest, mxNote: Element, chordParent: Chord | None)

Insert <instrument> tags if necessary, that is, when there is more than one instrument anywhere in the same musicxml <part>.

MeasureExporter.setOffsetOptional(m21Obj: Music21Object, mxObj: Element | None = None, *, setSound: bool = True) Element | None

If this object has an offset different from self.offsetInMeasure, then create and return an offset Element.

If mxObj is not None then the offset element will be appended to it.


Makes a set of spanners from repeat brackets


Calls self.setBarline for the right side if the measure has a .rightBarline set.


Set the transposition interval based on whether the active instrument for this period has a transposition object.

Stores in self.transpositionInterval. Returns None

MeasureExporter.staffLayoutToXmlPrint(staffLayout, mxPrint=None)

Convert a StaffLayout object to a <staff-details> element.

>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> sl = layout.StaffLayout()
>>> sl.staffLines = 3  # tenor drums?
>>> sl.staffType = stream.enums.StaffType.CUE
>>> sl.hidden = True
>>> mxDetails = MEX.staffLayoutToXmlStaffDetails(sl)
>>> MEX.dump(mxDetails)
<staff-details print-object="no">
MeasureExporter.tempoIndicationToXml(ti: TempoIndication) Element

returns a <direction> tag for a single tempo indication.

note that two direction tags may be added to xmlroot, the second one as a textExpression, but only the first will be returned.

>>> mm = tempo.MetronomeMark('slow', 40, note.Note(type='half'))
>>> = 'left'
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxDirection = MEX.tempoIndicationToXml(mm)
>>> MEX.dump(mxDirection)
    <metronome parentheses="no">
  <sound tempo="80" />

In this case, two directions were added to xmlRoot. Here is the other one:

>>> MEX.dump(MEX.xmlRoot.findall('direction')[1])
    <words default-y="45" enclosure="none" font-weight="bold"
>>> mm = tempo.MetronomeMark('slow', 40, duration.Duration(quarterLength=1.5))
>>> mxDirection = MEX.tempoIndicationToXml(mm)
>>> MEX.dump(mxDirection)
    <metronome parentheses="no">
      <beat-unit-dot />
  <sound tempo="60" />
>>> mmod1 = tempo.MetricModulation()
>>> mmod1.oldReferent = 0.75  # quarterLength
>>> mmod1.newReferent = 'quarter'  # type
>>> mxDirection = MEX.tempoIndicationToXml(mmod1)
>>> MEX.dump(mxDirection)
    <metronome parentheses="no">
      <beat-unit-dot />
>>> mmod1.newReferent = 'longa'  # music21 type w/ different musicxml name
>>> mxDirection = MEX.tempoIndicationToXml(mmod1)
>>> MEX.dump(mxDirection)
    <metronome parentheses="no">
      <beat-unit-dot />

This is the case where only a sound tag is added and no metronome mark

>>> mm = tempo.MetronomeMark()
>>> mm.numberSounding = 60
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxDirection = MEX.tempoIndicationToXml(mm)
>>> MEX.dump(mxDirection)
    <words />
  <sound tempo="60" />

This is the case of a TempoText.

>>> tt = tempo.TempoText('Andante')
>>> mxDirection = MEX.tempoIndicationToXml(tt)
>>> MEX.dump(mxDirection)
    <words default-y="45" enclosure="none" font-weight="bold">Andante</words>
MeasureExporter.textExpressionToXml(teOrRe: TextExpression | RepeatExpression) Element

Convert a TextExpression or RepeatExpression to a MusicXML mxDirection type. returns a musicxml.mxObjects.Direction object

MeasureExporter.tieToXmlTie(m21Tie: Tie)

returns a list of ties from a Tie object.

A ‘continue’ tie requires two <tie> tags to represent.

>>> tieObj = tie.Tie('continue')
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> tieList = MEX.tieToXmlTie(tieObj)
>>> for mxT in tieList:
...     MEX.dump(mxT)
<tie type="stop" />
<tie type="start" />
MeasureExporter.tieToXmlTied(m21Tie: Tie)

In musicxml, a tie is represented in sound by the tie tag (near the pitch object), and the <tied> tag in notations. This creates the <tied> tag.

Returns a list since a music21 “continue” tie type needs two tags in musicxml. List may be empty if == “hidden”

>>> tieObj = tie.Tie('continue')
>>> = 'tied1'
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> tiedList = MEX.tieToXmlTied(tieObj)
>>> for mxT in tiedList:
...     MEX.dump(mxT)
<tied id="tied1" type="stop" />
<tied type="start" />
>>> = 'hidden'
>>> tiedList = MEX.tieToXmlTied(tieObj)
>>> len(tiedList)
MeasureExporter.timeSignatureToXml(ts: TimeSignature | SenzaMisuraTimeSignature)

Returns a single <time> tag from a meter.TimeSignature object.

Compound meters are represented as multiple pairs of beat and beat-type elements

>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> a = meter.TimeSignature('3/4')
>>> b = MEX.timeSignatureToXml(a)
>>> MEX.dump(b)
>>> a = meter.TimeSignature('3/4+2/4')
>>> b = MEX.timeSignatureToXml(a)
>>> MEX.dump(b)
>>> a.setDisplay('5/4')
>>> b = MEX.timeSignatureToXml(a)
>>> MEX.dump(b)
>>> a = meter.TimeSignature('4/4')
>>> a.symbol = 'common'
>>> b = MEX.timeSignatureToXml(a)
>>> MEX.dump(b)
<time symbol="common">
>>> a.symbol = ''
>>> a.symbolizeDenominator = True
>>> b = MEX.timeSignatureToXml(a)
>>> MEX.dump(b)
<time symbol="note">
>>> sm = meter.SenzaMisuraTimeSignature('free')
>>> b = MEX.timeSignatureToXml(sm)
>>> MEX.dump(b)
MeasureExporter.tupletToTimeModification(tup) Element
>>> tup = duration.Tuplet(11, 8)
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxTimeMod = MEX.tupletToTimeModification(tup)
>>> MEX.dump(mxTimeMod)
>>> tup.setDurationType('eighth', dots=2)
>>> mxTimeMod = MEX.tupletToTimeModification(tup)
>>> MEX.dump(mxTimeMod)
  <normal-dot />
  <normal-dot />
MeasureExporter.tupletToXmlTuplet(tuplet, tupletIndex=1)

In musicxml, a tuplet is represented by a timeModification and visually by the <notations><tuplet> tag. This method creates the latter.

Returns a list of them because a startStop type tuplet needs two tuplet brackets.

TODO: make sure something happens if

makeTupletBrackets is not set.

>>> tup = duration.Tuplet(11, 8)
>>> tup.type = 'start'
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxTup = MEX.tupletToXmlTuplet(tup)
>>> len(mxTup)
>>> MEX.dump(mxTup[0])
<tuplet bracket="yes" number="1" placement="above" type="start">
>>> tup.tupletActualShow = 'both'
>>> tup.tupletNormalShow = 'type'
>>> mxTup = MEX.tupletToXmlTuplet(tup)
>>> MEX.dump(mxTup[0])
<tuplet bracket="yes" number="1" placement="above"
    show-number="actual" show-type="both" type="start">...</tuplet>
MeasureExporter.unpitchedToXml(up: Unpitched, noteIndexInChord: int = 0, chordParent: ChordBase | None = None) Element

Convert an Unpitched to a <note> with an <unpitched> subelement.

>>> up = note.Unpitched(displayName='D5')
>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> mxUnpitched = MEX.unpitchedToXml(up)
>>> MEX.dump(mxUnpitched)
>>> graceUp = up.getGrace()
>>> mxUnpitched = MEX.unpitchedToXml(graceUp)
>>> MEX.dump(mxUnpitched)
  <grace slash="yes" />
MeasureExporter.wrapObjectInAttributes(objectToWrap: Music21Object, methodToMx: Callable[[Any], Element]) Element | None

given a Clef, KeySignature, or TimeSignature which is in .elements and not m.clef, etc. insert it in self.xmlRoot as part of the current mxAttributes using methodToMx as a wrapper function.

(or insert into a new mxAttributes if Clef/KeySignature/etc. is not at the beginning of the measure and not at the same point as an existing mxAttributes)

>>> MEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.MeasureExporter()
>>> MEX.offsetInMeasure = 3.0
>>> cl = clef.BassClef()
>>> methodToMx = MEX.clefToXml
>>> mxAttributes = MEX.wrapObjectInAttributes(cl, methodToMx)
>>> MEX.dump(mxAttributes)

Also puts it in MEX.xmlRoot.

If offsetInMeasure is 0.0 then nothing is done or returned:

>>> MEX.offsetInMeasure = 0.0
>>> nothing = MEX.wrapObjectInAttributes(cl, methodToMx)
>>> nothing is None

Methods inherited from XMLExporterBase:


class music21.musicxml.m21ToXml.PartExporter(partObj: Part | Score | None = None, parent: ScoreExporter | None = None)

Object to convert one Part stream to a <part> tag on .parse()

PartExporter bases

PartExporter methods


Runs makeNotation on a flatStream, such as one lacking measures.


Checks to see if there are any attributes in the part stream and moves them into the first measure if necessary.

Checks if makeAccidentals is run, and haveBeamsBeenMade is done, and tuplets have been made.

  • Changed in v7: no longer accepts measureStream argument.


make a <score-part> from a music21 Part object and a parsed mxPart (<part>) element.

contains details about instruments, etc.

called directly by the ScoreExporter as a late part of the processing.


Sets self.instrumentStream and self.firstInstrumentObject for the stream, checks for a unique midiChannel and then blocks it off from future use.

>>> p = converter.parse('tinyNotation: 4/4 c1 d1 e1')
>>> p.getElementsByClass(stream.Measure)[0].insert(0, instrument.Clarinet())
>>> p.getElementsByClass(stream.Measure)[1].insert(0, instrument.BassClarinet())
>>> PEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.PartExporter(p)
>>> PEX.instrumentStream is None
>>> PEX.firstInstrumentObject is None
>>> PEX.instrumentSetup()
>>> PEX.instrumentStream
< 0x10ae02780>

The “P” signifies that it is the main instrument associated with a Part.

{0.0} <music21.instrument.Clarinet 'P...: Clarinet'>
{4.0} <music21.instrument.BassClarinet 'Bass clarinet'>

Convert an instrument object to a <midi-instrument> tag and return the element

>>> i = instrument.Clarinet()
>>> i.instrumentId = 'clarinet1'
>>> i.midiChannel = 4
>>> PEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.PartExporter()
>>> mxMidiInstrument = PEX.instrumentToXmlMidiInstrument(i)
>>> PEX.dump(mxMidiInstrument)
<midi-instrument id="clarinet1">
>>> m = instrument.Maracas()
>>> m.instrumentId = 'my maracas'
>>> m.midiChannel  # 0-indexed
>>> m.percMapPitch
>>> PEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.PartExporter()
>>> mxMidiInstrument = PEX.instrumentToXmlMidiInstrument(m)
>>> PEX.dump(mxMidiInstrument)  # 1-indexed in MusicXML
<midi-instrument id="my maracas">

Convert an Instrument object to a <score-instrument> element and return it.

>>> i = instrument.Clarinet()
>>> i.instrumentId = 'clarinet1'
>>> i.midiChannel = 4
>>> PEX = musicxml.m21ToXml.PartExporter()
>>> mxScoreInstrument = PEX.instrumentToXmlScoreInstrument(i)
>>> PEX.dump(mxScoreInstrument)
<score-instrument id="clarinet1">
>>> i.instrumentName = "Klarinette 1."
>>> i.instrumentAbbreviation = 'Kl.1'
>>> mxScoreInstrument = PEX.instrumentToXmlScoreInstrument(i)
>>> PEX.dump(mxScoreInstrument)
<score-instrument id="clarinet1">
  <instrument-name>Klarinette 1.</instrument-name>
PartExporter.mergeInstrumentStreamPartStaffAware() bool

Merges instrument streams from subsequent parts in a PartStaff group.

Does nothing in the normal case of single staves.

Returns whether instrument processing should short circuit, which is False for the general case and True for subsequent PartStaff objects after the first in a group.


Set up instruments, convert sounding pitch to written pitch, create a partId (if no good one exists) and set it on <part>, fixes up the notation (fixupNotationFlat() or fixupNotationMeasured()), setIdLocals() on spanner bundle. Run parse() on each measure’s MeasureExporter and append the output to the <part> object.

In other words, one-stop shopping.

makeNotation when False, will avoid running makeNotation() on the Part. Generally this attribute is set on GeneralObjectExporter or ScoreExporter and read from there. Running with makeNotation as False will raise MusicXMLExportException if no measures are present. If makeNotation is False, the transposition to written pitch is still performed and thus will be done in place.

>>> from music21.musicxml.m21ToXml import PartExporter
>>> noMeasures = stream.Part(note.Note())
>>> pex = PartExporter(noMeasures)
>>> pex.makeNotation = False
>>> pex.parse()
Traceback (most recent call last):
Cannot export with makeNotation=False if there are no measures

Methods inherited from XMLExporterBase:

PartExporter instance variables


If the part being exported is a PartStaff, this attribute will be used to store the immediately previous PartStaff in the StaffGroup, if any. (E.g. if this is the left hand, store a reference to the right hand.)


class music21.musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(score: Score | None = None, makeNotation: bool = True)

Convert a Score (or outer stream with .parts) into a musicxml Element.

ScoreExporter bases

ScoreExporter methods


Optionally add an <appearance> tag (using styleToXmlAppearance) and <music-font>, <word-font>, zero or more <lyric-font> tags, and zero or more <lyric-language> tags to mxDefaults

Demonstrating round tripping:

>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
>>> defaults = ET.fromstring('<defaults>'
...          + '<music-font font-family="Maestro, Opus" font-weight="bold" />'
...          + '<word-font font-family="Garamond" font-style="italic" />'
...          + '<lyric-font name="verse" font-size="12" />'
...          + '<lyric-font name="chorus" font-size="14" />'
...          + '<lyric-language name="verse" xml:lang="fr" />'
...          + '<lyric-language name="chorus" xml:lang="en" />'
...          + '</defaults>')
>>> MI = musicxml.xmlToM21.MusicXMLImporter()
>>> MI.styleFromXmlDefaults(defaults)
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(
>>> mxDefaults = ET.Element('defaults')
>>> SX.addStyleToXmlDefaults(mxDefaults)
>>> SX.dump(mxDefaults)
    <music-font font-family="Maestro,Opus" font-weight="bold" />
    <word-font font-family="Garamond" font-style="italic" />
    <lyric-font font-size="12" name="verse" />
    <lyric-font font-size="14" name="chorus" />
    <lyric-language name="verse" xml:lang="fr" />
    <lyric-language name="chorus" xml:lang="en" />

Return a <creator> tag from a Contributor object.

>>> md = metadata.Metadata()
>>> md.composer = 'Oliveros, Pauline'
>>> contrib = md.contributors[0]
>>> contrib
<music21.metadata.primitives.Contributor composer:Oliveros, Pauline>
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter()
>>> mxCreator = SX.contributorToXmlCreator(contrib)
>>> SX.dump(mxCreator)
<creator type="composer">Oliveros, Pauline</creator>
ScoreExporter.emptyObject() Element

Creates a cheeky “This Page Intentionally Left Blank” for a blank score

>>> emptySX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter()
>>> mxScore = emptySX.parse()  # will call emptyObject
>>> emptySX.dump(mxScore)
<score-partwise version="...">
    <work-title>This Page Intentionally Left Blank</work-title>
        <rest />

return a list of <supports> tags for what this supports. Does not append

Currently just supports new-system and new-page if s.definesExplicitSystemBreaks and s.definesExplicitPageBreaks is True.

>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter()
>>> SX.getSupports()
>>> = True
>>> SX.getSupports()
[<Element 'supports' at 0x...>]
>>> SX.dump(SX.getSupports()[0])
<supports attribute="new-system" element="print" type="yes" value="yes" />
>>> = True
>>> SX.dump(SX.getSupports()[1])
<supports attribute="new-page" element="print" type="yes" value="yes" />
ScoreExporter.metadataToMiscellaneous(md: Metadata | None = None) Element | None

Returns an mxMiscellaneous of information from metadata object md or from self.scoreMetadata if md is None. If the mxMiscellaneous object has any miscellaneous-fields, then it is appended to self.mxIdentification if it exists.

>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter()
>>> md = metadata.Metadata()
>>> = metadata.primitives.DateRelative('1689', 'onOrBefore')
>>> md.localeOfComposition = 'Rome'
>>> mxMisc = SX.metadataToMiscellaneous(md)
>>> SX.dump(mxMisc)
  <miscellaneous-field name="dcterms:created">1689/--/-- or earlier</miscellaneous-field>
  <miscellaneous-field name="humdrum:OPC">Rome</miscellaneous-field>
ScoreExporter.parse() Element

the main function to call.

If is empty, call self.emptyObject(). Otherwise, convert sounding to written pitch, set scorePreliminaries(), call parsePartlikeScore or parseFlatScore, then postPartProcess(), clean up circular references for garbage collection, and returns the <score-partwise> object.

>>> b = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(b)
>>> mxScore = SX.parse()
>>> SX.dump(mxScore)
<score-partwise version="...">...</score-partwise>
ScoreExporter.parseFlatScore() None

creates a single PartExporter for this Stream and parses it.

Note that the Score does not need to be totally flat, it just cannot have Parts inside it; measures are fine.

>>> c = converter.parse('tinyNotation: 3/4 c2. d e')
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(c)
>>> SX.parseFlatScore()
>>> len(SX.partExporterList)
>>> SX.partExporterList[0]
<music21.musicxml.m21ToXml.PartExporter object at 0x...>
>>> SX.dump(SX.partExporterList[0].xmlRoot)
<part id="...">
  <!--========================= Measure 1 ==========================-->
  <measure implicit="no" number="1">...</measure>
>>> del SX.partExporterList[:]  # for garbage collection
ScoreExporter.parsePartlikeScore() None

Called by .parse() if the score has individual parts. Creates a PartExporter for each part, and runs .parse() on that part. Appends the PartExporter to self.partExporterList and runs .parse() on that part. Appends the PartExporter to self.

ScoreExporter.postPartProcess() None

calls .joinPartStaffs() from the PartStaffExporterMixin, then calls .setScoreHeader(), then appends each PartExporter’s xmlRoot from self.partExporterList to self.xmlRoot.

Called automatically by .parse().

ScoreExporter.renumberVoicesWithinStaffGroups() None

Renumbers voices (as appropriate) in each StaffGroup, so that voices have unique numbers across the entire group.

Called automatically by .parse()

ScoreExporter.scorePreliminaries() None

Populate the exporter object with meterStream, scoreLayouts, spannerBundle, and textBoxes

>>> emptySX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter()
>>> emptySX.scorePreliminaries()  # will call emptyObject
>>> len(emptySX.textBoxes)
>>> emptySX.spannerBundle
<music21.spanner.SpannerBundle of size 0>

Returns a default object from self.firstScoreLayout or a very simple one if none exists.


>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter()
>>> mxDefaults = SX.setDefaults()
>>> SX.dump(mxDefaults)

These numbers come from the defaults module:

>>> defaults.scalingMillimeters
>>> defaults.scalingTenths

More complex:

>>> s = corpus.parse('schoenberg/opus19', 2)
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s)
>>> SX.setScoreLayouts()  # necessary to call before .setDefaults()
>>> mxDefaults = SX.setDefaults()
>>> mxDefaults.tag
>>> mxScaling = mxDefaults.find('scaling')
>>> SX.dump(mxScaling)
>>> mxPageLayout = mxDefaults.find('page-layout')
>>> SX.dump(mxPageLayout)
>>> mxSystemLayout = mxDefaults.find('system-layout')
>>> SX.dump(mxSystemLayout)
>>> mxStaffLayoutList = mxDefaults.findall('staff-layout')
>>> len(mxStaffLayoutList)
>>> SX.dump(mxStaffLayoutList[0])

Returns an encoding object that might have information about <supports> also. and appends to mxIdentification (if any)

Will use the date of generation as encoding-date.

>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter()
>>> mxEncoding = SX.setEncoding()
>>> SX.dump(mxEncoding)
  <software>music21 v...</software>

Encoding-date is in YYYY-MM-DD format.

ScoreExporter.setIdentification() Element

Returns an identification object from self.scoreMetadata and appends it to the score.

For defaults:

>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter()
>>> mxIdentification = SX.setIdentification()
>>> SX.dump(mxIdentification)
  <creator type="composer">Music21</creator>
    <software>music21 v...</software>

More realistic:

>>> md = metadata.Metadata()
>>> md.composer = 'Francesca Caccini'
>>> c = metadata.Contributor(role='arranger', name='Aliyah Shanti')
>>> md.addContributor(c)

Need a fresh ScoreExporter, or, it will otherwise append to the existing mxIdentification

>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter()
>>> SX.scoreMetadata = md
>>> mxIdentification = SX.setIdentification()
>>> SX.dump(mxIdentification)
  <creator type="composer">Francesca Caccini</creator>
  <creator type="arranger">Aliyah Shanti</creator>
    <software>music21 v...</software>

Overriding the default:

>>> = "Batch Conversion March 2022"
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter()
>>> mxIdentification = SX.setIdentification()
>>> SX.dump(mxIdentification)
  <creator type="composer">Batch Conversion March 2022</creator>
    <software>music21 v...</software>
ScoreExporter.setMeterStream() None

sets self.meterStream or uses a default.

Used in makeNotation in Part later.

>>> b = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(b)
>>> SX.setMeterStream()
>>> SX.meterStream
< bach/bwv66.6.mxl>
>>> len(SX.meterStream)
>>> SX.meterStream[0]
<music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
ScoreExporter.setPartExporterStaffGroups() None

Figures out the containing StaffGroup for every PartExporter that has one.

Called automatically by .parse()


Returns a <part-list> and appends it to self.xmlRoot.

This is harder than it looks because MusicXML and music21’s idea of where to store staff-groups are quite different.

We find each stream in self.partExporterList, then look at the StaffGroup spanners in self.spannerBundle. If the part is the first element in a StaffGroup then we add a <staff-group> object with ‘start’ as the starting point (and same for multiple StaffGroups) this is in staffGroupToXmlPartGroup(sg). then we add the <score-part> descriptor of the part and its instruments, etc. (currently just one!), then we iterate again through all StaffGroups and if this part is the last element in a StaffGroup we add a <staff-group> descriptor with type=”stop”.

This Bach example has four parts and one staff-group bracket linking them:

>>> b = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(b)

Needs some strange setup to make this work in a demo. .parse() takes care of all this.

>>> SX.scorePreliminaries()
>>> SX.parsePartlikeScore()
>>> mxPartList = SX.setPartList()
>>> SX.dump(mxPartList)
  <part-group number="1" type="start">...
  <score-part id="P1">...
  <score-part id="P2">...
  <score-part id="P3">...
  <score-part id="P4">...
  <part-group number="1" type="stop" />

Multi-staff parts (such as piano staves), should NOT receive <part-group> tags, since they are joined by <staff> tags:

>>> cpe = corpus.parse('cpebach')
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(cpe)
>>> SX.scorePreliminaries()
>>> SX.parsePartlikeScore()
>>> SX.joinPartStaffs()
>>> mxPartList = SX.setPartList()
>>> SX.dump(mxPartList)
  <score-part id="P1">...
ScoreExporter.setPartsAndRefStream() None

Transfers the offset of the inner stream to elements and sets self.highestTime

>>> b = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(b)
>>> SX.highestTime
>>> SX.setPartsAndRefStream()
>>> SX.highestTime
>>> SX.refStreamOrTimeRange
[0.0, 36.0]
>>> len(
>>> isinstance([0], stream.Part)
>>> b.insert(stream.Score())
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(b)
>>> SX.setPartsAndRefStream()
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exporting scores nested inside scores is not supported
ScoreExporter.setScoreHeader() None

Sets the group score-header in <score-partwise>. Note that score-header is not a separate tag, but just a way of grouping things from the tag.

runs setTitles(), setIdentification(), setDefaults(), changes textBoxes to <credit> and does the major task of setting up the part-list with setPartList().

ScoreExporter.setScoreLayouts() None

sets self.scoreLayouts and self.firstScoreLayout

>>> b = corpus.parse('schoenberg/opus19', 2)
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(b)
>>> SX.setScoreLayouts()
>>> SX.scoreLayouts
>>> len(SX.scoreLayouts)
>>> SX.firstScoreLayout
ScoreExporter.setTitles() None

puts work (with work-title), movement-number, movement-title into the self.xmlRoot


Create and configure an mxPartGroup object for the ‘start’ tag from a staff group spanner. Note that this object is not completely formed by this procedure (number isn’t done).

>>> b = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(b)
>>> firstStaffGroup = b.spannerBundle.getByClass(layout.StaffGroup)[0]
>>> mxPartGroup = SX.staffGroupToXmlPartGroup(firstStaffGroup)
>>> SX.dump(mxPartGroup)
<part-group type="start">

At this point, you should set the number of the mxPartGroup, since it is required:

>>> mxPartGroup.set('number', str(1))

What can we do with it?

>>> = 'Voices'
>>> firstStaffGroup.abbreviation = 'Ch.'
>>> firstStaffGroup.symbol = 'brace' # 'none', 'brace', 'line', 'bracket', 'square'
>>> firstStaffGroup.barTogether = False  # True, False, or 'Mensurstrich'
>>> mxPartGroup = SX.staffGroupToXmlPartGroup(firstStaffGroup)
>>> SX.dump(mxPartGroup)
<part-group type="start">

Now we avoid printing the name of the group:

>>> = True
>>> mxPartGroup = SX.staffGroupToXmlPartGroup(firstStaffGroup)
>>> SX.dump(mxPartGroup)
<part-group type="start">
  <group-name-display print-object="no" />

Populates the <appearance> tag of the <defaults> with information from the stream’s .style information.

>>> s = stream.Score()
>>>'beam', 5.0))
>>>'cue', 75))
>>>'hyphen', 0.1))
>>>'flags', 'wavy'))
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s)
>>> mxAppearance = SX.styleToXmlAppearance()
>>> SX.dump(mxAppearance)
  <line-width type="beam">5.0</line-width>
  <note-size type="cue">75</note-size>
  <distance type="hyphen">0.1</distance>
  <other-appearance type="flags">wavy</other-appearance>
ScoreExporter.textBoxToXmlCredit(textBox: TextBox) Element

Convert a music21 TextBox to a MusicXML Credit.

>>> tb = text.TextBox('testing')
>>> = 400
>>> = 300
>>> = 3
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter()
>>> mxCredit = SX.textBoxToXmlCredit(tb)
>>> SX.dump(mxCredit)
<credit page="3">
  <credit-words default-x="300" default-y="400"
       halign="center" valign="top">testing</credit-words>

Default of page 1:

>>> tb = text.TextBox('testing')
>>> mxCredit = SX.textBoxToXmlCredit(tb)
>>> SX.dump(mxCredit)
<credit page="1">...</credit>
  • Changed in v8: Multi-line text now exports as one <credit-words> element (preserving newlines).

>>> tb = text.TextBox('Snare\nCymbals')
>>> mxCredit = SX.textBoxToXmlCredit(tb)
>>> SX.dump(mxCredit)
<credit page="1">
    <credit-words default-x="500" default-y="500" halign="center" valign="top"

Methods inherited from XMLExporterBase:

Methods inherited from PartStaffExporterMixin:


class music21.musicxml.m21ToXml.XMLExporterBase

contains functions that could be called at multiple levels of exporting (Score, Part, Measure).

XMLExporterBase methods

XMLExporterBase.accidentalToMx(a: Accidental, *, elName: str = 'accidental') Element

Convert a pitch.Accidental object to a Element of tag ‘accidental’ (or other name)

>>> acc = pitch.Accidental()
>>> acc.set('half-sharp')
>>> acc.alter == 0.5
>>> XB = musicxml.m21ToXml.XMLExporterBase()
>>> a2m = XB.accidentalToMx
>>> XB.dump(a2m(acc))
>>> acc.set('double-flat')
>>> XB.dump(a2m(acc))
>>> acc.set('one-and-a-half-sharp')
>>> XB.dump(a2m(acc, elName='accidental-mark'))
>>> acc.set('half-flat')
>>> XB.dump(a2m(acc))
>>> acc.set('one-and-a-half-flat')
>>> XB.dump(a2m(acc))
>>> acc.set('sharp')
>>> acc.displayStyle = 'parentheses'
>>> XB.dump(a2m(acc))
<accidental parentheses="yes">sharp</accidental>
>>> acc.displayStyle = 'bracket'
>>> XB.dump(a2m(acc))
<accidental bracket="yes">sharp</accidental>
>>> acc.displayStyle = 'both'
>>> XB.dump(a2m(acc))
<accidental bracket="yes" parentheses="yes">sharp</accidental>
>>> acc = pitch.Accidental('flat')
>>> = -2
>>> XB.dump(a2m(acc))
<accidental relative-x="-2">flat</accidental>
>>> acc = pitch.Accidental()
>>> = 'double-sharp-down'  # musicxml 3.1
>>> XB.dump(a2m(acc))
>>> = 'funnyAccidental'  # unknown
>>> XB.dump(a2m(acc))
XMLExporterBase.accidentalToMxAccidentalMark(a: Accidental) Element
XMLExporterBase.addDividerComment(comment: str = '') None

Add a divider to xmlRoot.

>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
>>> e1 = Element('accidental')
>>> e2 = Element('accidental')
>>> XB = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter()
>>> XB.xmlRoot.append(e1)
>>> XB.addDividerComment('second accidental below')
>>> XB.xmlRoot.append(e2)
>>> XB.dump(XB.xmlRoot)
<score-partwise version="...">
  <accidental />
  <!--================== second accidental below ===================-->
  <accidental />
XMLExporterBase.asBytes(noCopy=True) bytes

returns the xmlRoot as a bytes object. If noCopy is True (default), modifies the file for pretty-printing in place. Otherwise, make a copy.

static XMLExporterBase.dump(obj)
XMLExporterBase.pageLayoutToXmlPageLayout(pageLayout, mxPageLayoutIn=None)

get a <page-layout> element from a PageLayout

Called out from pageLayoutToXmlPrint because it is also used in the <defaults> tag

XMLExporterBase.pageLayoutToXmlPrint(pageLayout, mxPrintIn=None)

Given a PageLayout object, set object data for <print>

>>> pl = layout.PageLayout()
>>> pl.pageHeight = 4000
>>> pl.isNew = True
>>> pl.rightMargin = 30.25
>>> pl.leftMargin = 20
>>> pl.pageNumber = 5
>>> XPBase = musicxml.m21ToXml.XMLExporterBase()
>>> mxPrint = XPBase.pageLayoutToXmlPrint(pl)
>>> XPBase.dump(mxPrint)
<print new-page="yes" page-number="5">
>>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> pl2 = MP.xmlPrintToPageLayout(mxPrint)
>>> pl2.isNew
>>> pl2.rightMargin
>>> pl2.leftMargin
>>> pl2.pageNumber
>>> pl2.pageHeight
XMLExporterBase.setColor(mxObject, m21Object)

Sets mxObject[‘color’] to a normalized version of

XMLExporterBase.setEditorial(mxObject, m21Object)
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El
>>> XB = musicxml.m21ToXml.XMLExporterBase()
>>> mxObj = El('<note />')
>>> n = note.Note('C-5')

Most common case: does nothing

>>> XB.setEditorial(mxObj, n)
>>> XB.dump(mxObj)
<note />
>>> fn = editorial.Comment('flat is obvious error for sharp')
>>> fn.levelInformation = 2
>>> fn.isFootnote = True
>>> n.editorial.footnotes.append(fn)
>>> XB.setEditorial(mxObj, n)
>>> XB.dump(mxObj)
  <footnote>flat is obvious error for sharp</footnote>
  <level reference="no">2</level>

Placing information in .editorial.comments only puts out the level:

>>> mxObj = El('<note />')
>>> n = note.Note('C-5')
>>> com = editorial.Comment('flat is obvious error for sharp')
>>> com.levelInformation = 'hello'
>>> com.isReference = True
>>> n.editorial.comments.append(com)
>>> XB.setEditorial(mxObj, n)
>>> XB.dump(mxObj)
  <level reference="yes">hello</level>
XMLExporterBase.setFont(mxObject, m21Object)

sets font-family, font-style, font-size, and font-weight as fontFamily (list), fontStyle, fontSize and fontWeight from an object into a TextStyle object

conforms to attr-group %font in the MusicXML DTD

>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El
>>> XB = musicxml.m21ToXml.XMLExporterBase()
>>> mxObj = El('<text>hi</text>')
>>> te = expressions.TextExpression('hi!')
>>> = ['Courier', 'monospaced']
>>> = 'italic'
>>> = 24.0
>>> XB.setFont(mxObj, te)
>>> XB.dump(mxObj)
<text font-family="Courier,monospaced" font-size="24" font-style="italic">hi</text>
>>> XB = musicxml.m21ToXml.XMLExporterBase()
>>> mxObj = El('<text>hi</text>')
>>> te = expressions.TextExpression('hi!')
>>> = 'bold'
>>> XB.setFont(mxObj, te)
>>> XB.dump(mxObj)
<text font-weight="bold">hi</text>
>>> = 'bolditalic'
>>> XB.setFont(mxObj, te)
>>> XB.dump(mxObj)
<text font-style="italic" font-weight="bold">hi</text>
XMLExporterBase.setPosition(mxObject, m21Object)

set positioning information for an mxObject from default-x, default-y, relative-x, relative-y from the .style attribute’s absoluteX, relativeX, etc. attributes.

XMLExporterBase.setPrintObject(mxObject, m21Object)

sets print-object to ‘no’ if is True or if m21Object is a StyleObject and has .hideObjectOnPrint set to True.

XMLExporterBase.setPrintStyle(mxObject, m21Object)

get position, font, and color information from the mxObject into the m21Object, which must have style.TextStyle as its Style class.

conforms to attr-group %print-style in the MusicXML DTD

XMLExporterBase.setPrintStyleAlign(mxObject, m21Object)

runs setPrintStyle and then sets horizontalAlign and verticalAlign, on an m21Object, which must have style.TextStyle as its Style class.

conforms to attr-group %print-style-align in the MusicXML DTD

XMLExporterBase.setStyleAttributes(mxObject, m21Object, musicXMLNames, m21Names=None)

Sets any attribute from .style, doing some conversions.

m21Object can also be a style.Style object itself.

XMLExporterBase.setTextFormatting(mxObject, m21Object)

sets the justification, print-style-align group, and text-decoration, text-rotation, letter-spacing, line-height, lang, text-direction, and enclosure, on an m21Object, which must have style.TextStyle as its Style class, and then calls setPrintStyleAlign

conforms to attr-group %text-formatting in the MusicXML DTD

XMLExporterBase.staffLayoutToXmlStaffLayout(staffLayout, mxStaffLayoutIn=None)

get a <staff-layout> tag from a StaffLayout object

In music21, the <staff-layout> and <staff-details> are intertwined in a StaffLayout object.

>>> sl = layout.StaffLayout()
>>> sl.distance = 40.0
>>> sl.staffNumber = 1
>>> XPBase = musicxml.m21ToXml.XMLExporterBase()
>>> mxSl = XPBase.staffLayoutToXmlStaffLayout(sl)
>>> XPBase.dump(mxSl)
<staff-layout number="1">
XMLExporterBase.systemLayoutToXmlPrint(systemLayout, mxPrintIn=None)

Given a SystemLayout tag, set a <print> tag

>>> sl = layout.SystemLayout()
>>> sl.distance = 55
>>> sl.isNew = True
>>> sl.rightMargin = 30.25
>>> sl.leftMargin = 20
>>> XPBase = musicxml.m21ToXml.XMLExporterBase()
>>> mxPrint = XPBase.systemLayoutToXmlPrint(sl)
>>> XPBase.dump(mxPrint)
<print new-system="yes">

Test return conversion

>>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> sl2 = MP.xmlPrintToSystemLayout(mxPrint)
>>> sl2.isNew
>>> sl2.rightMargin
>>> sl2.leftMargin
>>> sl2.distance
XMLExporterBase.systemLayoutToXmlSystemLayout(systemLayout, mxSystemLayoutIn=None)

get given a SystemLayout object configure <system-layout> or <print>

Called out from xmlPrintToSystemLayout because it is also used in the <defaults> tag

>>> sl = layout.SystemLayout()
>>> sl.distance = 40.0
>>> sl.topDistance = 70.0
>>> XPBase = musicxml.m21ToXml.XMLExporterBase()
>>> mxSl = XPBase.systemLayoutToXmlSystemLayout(sl)
>>> XPBase.dump(mxSl)
>>> sl = layout.SystemLayout()
>>> sl.leftMargin = 30.0
>>> mxSl = XPBase.systemLayoutToXmlSystemLayout(sl)
>>> XPBase.dump(mxSl)
XMLExporterBase.xmlHeader() bytes


music21.musicxml.m21ToXml.getMetadataFromContext(s: Stream) Metadata | None

Get metadata from site or context, so that a Part can be shown and have the rich metadata of its Score

>>> s = stream.Score()
>>> s2 = s.transpose(4)
>>> md = metadata.Metadata()
>>> md.title = 'emptiness'
>>> s.metadata = md
>>> s2.metadata is None
>>> musicxml.m21ToXml.getMetadataFromContext(s2).title
>>> musicxml.m21ToXml.getMetadataFromContext(s).title
>>> p = stream.Part()
>>> s2.insert(0, p)
>>> musicxml.m21ToXml.getMetadataFromContext(p).title
music21.musicxml.m21ToXml.normalizeColor(color: str) str

Normalize a css3 name to hex or leave it alone.

>>> musicxml.m21ToXml.normalizeColor('')
>>> musicxml.m21ToXml.normalizeColor('red')
>>> musicxml.m21ToXml.normalizeColor('#00ff00')
music21.musicxml.m21ToXml.typeToMusicXMLType(value: str) str

Convert a music21 type to a MusicXML type or raise a MusicXMLExportException

>>> musicxml.m21ToXml.typeToMusicXMLType('longa')
>>> musicxml.m21ToXml.typeToMusicXMLType('quarter')
>>> musicxml.m21ToXml.typeToMusicXMLType('duplex-maxima')
Traceback (most recent call last):
Cannot convert "duplex-maxima" duration to MusicXML (too long).
>>> musicxml.m21ToXml.typeToMusicXMLType('inexpressible')
Traceback (most recent call last):
Cannot convert inexpressible durations to MusicXML.
>>> musicxml.m21ToXml.typeToMusicXMLType('zero')
Traceback (most recent call last):
Cannot convert durations without types to MusicXML.