- class music21.musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser(mxMeasure: Element | None = None, parent: PartParser | None = None)¶
parser to work with a single <measure> tag.
called out for simplicity.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL
>>> scoreMeasure = '<measure><note><rest/><duration>40320</duration></note></measure>' >>> mxMeasure = EL(scoreMeasure) >>> mp = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser(mxMeasure) >>> mp.parse() >>> mp.restAndNoteCount['rest'] 1 >>> mp.restAndNoteCount['note'] 0
fullMeasureRest indicates that a rest lasts the full measure of the current time signature.
>>> mp.fullMeasureRest True
- MeasureParser.addToStaffReference(mxObjectOrNumber, m21Object)¶
Utility routine for importing musicXML objects; here, we store a reference to the music21 object in a dictionary, where keys are the staff values. Staff values may be None, 1, 2, etc.
>>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.addToStaffReference(1, note.Note('C5')) >>> MP.addToStaffReference(2, note.Note('D3')) >>> MP.addToStaffReference(2, note.Note('E3')) >>> len(MP.staffReference) 2 >>> list(sorted(MP.staffReference.keys())) [1, 2] >>> MP.staffReference[1] [<music21.note.Note C>] >>> MP.staffReference[2] [<music21.note.Note D>, <music21.note.Note E>]
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> mxNote = EL('<note><staff>1</staff></note>') >>> MP.addToStaffReference(mxNote, note.Note('F5')) >>> MP.staffReference[1] [<music21.note.Note C>, <music21.note.Note F>]
No staff reference.
>>> mxNote = EL('<note />') >>> MP.addToStaffReference(mxNote, note.Note('G4')) >>> len(MP.staffReference) 3 >>> MP.staffReference[0] [<music21.note.Note G>]
- MeasureParser.findM21VoiceFromXmlVoice(mxVoice: Element | None = None) Voice | None ¶
Find the stream.Voice object from a <voice> tag or None.
- static MeasureParser.getStaffNumber(mxObjectOrNumber) int ¶
gets an int representing a staff number, or 0 (representing no staff assigned) from an mxObject or a number:
>>> mp = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL
>>> gsn = mp.getStaffNumber >>> gsn(1) 1 >>> gsn('2') 2
<note> tags store their staff numbers in a <staff> tag’s text:
>>> gsn(EL('<note><staff>2</staff></note>')) 2
Or if there is no <staff> tag, they get a special NO_STAFF_ASSIGNED value.
>>> el = EL('<note><pitch><step>C</step><octave>4</octave></pitch></note>') >>> gsn(el) == musicxml.xmlToM21.NO_STAFF_ASSIGNED True
Clefs, however, store their staff numbers in a number attribute.
>>> gsn(EL('<clef number="2"/>')) 2 >>> gsn(None) == musicxml.xmlToM21.NO_STAFF_ASSIGNED True
- MeasureParser.handleClef(mxClef)¶
Handles a clef object, appending it to the core, and setting self.lastClefs for the staff number.
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> mxClef = ET.fromstring('<clef><sign>G</sign><line>2</line></clef>')
>>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.handleClef(mxClef) >>> MP.lastClefs {0: <music21.clef.TrebleClef>}
>>> mxClefBC = ET.fromstring('<clef number="2"><sign>F</sign><line>4</line></clef>') >>> MP.handleClef(mxClefBC) >>> MP.lastClefs[2] <music21.clef.BassClef> >>> MP.lastClefs[0] <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
- MeasureParser.handleFingering(tech, mxObj)¶
A few specialized functions for dealing with fingering objects
- MeasureParser.handleKeySignature(mxKey)¶
convert mxKey to a Key or KeySignature and run insertCoreAndRef on it
- MeasureParser.handleMeasureStyle(mxMeasureStyle)¶
measure + multi-measure repeats, slashed repeats, etc.
But currently only multiMeasure rests are supported.
Each of these applies to the entire measure, so there’s no need to insert into the stream.
Does not support multiple staves yet.
- MeasureParser.handleStaffDetails(mxDetails)¶
StaffDetails (staff-details) handles attributes about the staff itself – its size, number of lines, tuning, frets, etc.
It is different from StaffLayout (staff-layout) which only handles relationship of one staff to another (the distance)
Rather than returning a StaffLayout object, it adds it to self.staffLayoutObjects checking to see if there is already an incomplete StaffLayout object for this staff.
- MeasureParser.handleTimeSignature(mxTime)¶
Creates a TimeSignature using xmlToTimeSignature and inserts it into the stream if it is appropriate to do so (now always yes.)
- MeasureParser.insertCoreAndRef(offset, mxObjectOrNumber, m21Object)¶
runs addToStaffReference and then insertCore.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> mxNote = EL('<note><staff>1</staff></note>')
>>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.insertCoreAndRef(1.0, mxNote, note.Note('F5'))
This routine leaves in an unusable state, because it runs insertCore. Thus, before querying the stream we need to run at end:
>>> >>>'text') {1.0} <music21.note.Note F>
- MeasureParser.insertInMeasureOrVoice(mxElement, el)¶
Adds an object to a measure or a voice. Needs a note element (obviously) but also mxNote to get the voice. Uses coreInsert and thus leaves insertStream on the inner voice in an unusable state.
- MeasureParser.mxKeyOctaves(mxKey, ks)¶
process the <key-octave> tags to potentially change a key signature to a non-standard key signature.
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> mxKey = ET.fromstring('<key><fifths>-4</fifths>' ... + '<key-octave number="1">3</key-octave>' ... + '<key-octave number="2">4</key-octave>' ... + '<key-octave number="4">3</key-octave>' ... + '</key>')
>>> ks = key.KeySignature(-4) >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.mxKeyOctaves(mxKey, ks) >>> ks.alteredPitches [<music21.pitch.Pitch B-3>, <music21.pitch.Pitch E-4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch A->, <music21.pitch.Pitch D-3>]
- MeasureParser.nonTraditionalKeySignature(mxKey)¶
Returns a KeySignature object that represents a nonTraditional Key Signature
called by xmlToKeySignature if <fifths> is not present.
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxKey = ET.fromstring('<key><key-step>E</key-step><key-alter>-1</key-alter></key>') >>> MP.nonTraditionalKeySignature(mxKey) <music21.key.KeySignature of pitches: [E-]>
Should be the same:
>>> MP.xmlToKeySignature(mxKey) <music21.key.KeySignature of pitches: [E-]>
Works with key-accidental also:
>>> mxKey = ET.fromstring('<key><key-step>G</key-step><key-alter>1</key-alter>' ... + '<key-accidental>sharp</key-accidental></key>') >>> MP.nonTraditionalKeySignature(mxKey) <music21.key.KeySignature of pitches: [G#]>
- MeasureParser.parse()¶
- MeasureParser.parseAttributesTag(mxAttributes)¶
Parses a single attributes tag (mxAttributes) and sets
self.attributesAreInternal to False, self.activeAttributes to mxAttributes, self.parent.activeAttributes to mxAttributes and then runs the appropriate attributeTagsToMethods for the attribute.
Also sets self.divisions for the current divisions (along with self.parent.lastDivisions) and self.transposition and to the current transpose.
- MeasureParser.parseMeasureAttributes()¶
parses the attributes of the <measure> tag. Not the <attributes> tag inside the measure tag.
calls parseMeasureNumbers(), and gets the width from the width tag.
# TODO: non-controlling # may need to do a format/unit conversion?
- MeasureParser.parseMeasureNumbers(mNumRaw=None)¶
Gets the measure number from the ‘number’ attribute of the <measure> tag. (Or, for testing, from the mNumRaw argument). Sets and possibly
>>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.parseMeasureNumbers('5') >>> 5
Sets not only stream.number, but also MeasureParser.measureNumber and MeasureParser.numberSuffix
>>> MP.parseMeasureNumbers('44b') >>> 44 >>> 'b' >>> MP.measureNumber 44 >>> MP.numberSuffix 'b'
>>> MP.parseMeasureNumbers('X1') >>> 1 >>> 'X'
- MeasureParser.setDirectionInDirectionType(mxDir: Element, mxDirection: Element, staffKey: int, totalOffset: float)¶
- MeasureParser.setDynamicsDirection(mxDir: Element, mxDyn: Element, mxDirection: Element, staffKey: int, totalOffset: float)¶
Add a single dynamic element to the core and staffReference.
- static MeasureParser.setHarmonic(mxh, harm)¶
From the artificial or natural tag (or no tag) and zero or one of base-pitch, sounding-pitch, touching-pitch, sets .harmonicType and .pitchType on an articulations.Harmonic object
Called from xmlTechnicalToArticulation
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxTech = EL('<harmonic><artificial/><sounding-pitch/></harmonic>') >>> a = MP.xmlTechnicalToArticulation(mxTech) >>> a <music21.articulations.StringHarmonic>
>>> a.harmonicType 'artificial' >>> a.pitchType 'sounding'
- MeasureParser.updateLyricsFromList(n, lyricList)¶
Takes a list of <lyric> elements and update the note’s lyrics from that list.
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxLyric1 = ET.fromstring('<lyric><text>Hi</text><elision/><text>There</text></lyric>') >>> mxLyric2 = ET.fromstring('<lyric><text>Bye</text></lyric>') >>> n = note.Note() >>> MP.updateLyricsFromList(n, [mxLyric1, mxLyric2]) >>> n.lyrics [<music21.note.Lyric number=1 syllabic=composite text='Hi There'>, <music21.note.Lyric number=2 text='Bye'>]
- MeasureParser.updateVoiceInformation()¶
Finds all the “voice” information in <note> and <forward> tags and updates the set of .voiceIndices to be a set of all the voice texts, and if there is more than one voice in the measure, sets .useVoices to True and creates a voice for each.
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.mxMeasure = ET.fromstring('<measure><note><voice>1</voice></note></measure>') >>> MP.updateVoiceInformation()
Puts a set object in .voiceIndices
>>> MP.voiceIndices {'1'} >>> MP.useVoices False
>>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.mxMeasure = ET.fromstring('<measure><note><voice>1</voice></note>' ... + '<note><voice>2</voice></note></measure>') >>> MP.updateVoiceInformation() >>> sorted(list(MP.voiceIndices)) ['1', '2'] >>> MP.useVoices True >>> len( 2 >>> list( [< 1>, < 2>] >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.mxMeasure = ET.fromstring('<measure><note><voice>1</voice></note>' ... + '<forward><voice>2</voice></forward></measure>') >>> MP.updateVoiceInformation() >>> sorted(list(MP.voiceIndices)) ['1', '2'] >>> MP.useVoices True >>> len( 2 >>> list( [< 1>, < 2>]
- MeasureParser.xmlBackup(mxObj: Element)¶
Parse a backup tag by changing
.A floor of 0.0 is enforced in case of float rounding issues.
>>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.divisions = 100 >>> MP.offsetMeasureNote = 1.9979
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> mxBackup = EL('<backup><duration>100</duration></backup>') >>> MP.xmlBackup(mxBackup) >>> MP.offsetMeasureNote 0.9979
>>> MP.xmlBackup(mxBackup) >>> MP.offsetMeasureNote 0.0
- MeasureParser.xmlBarline(mxBarline)¶
Handles everything for putting a barline into a Stream and updating repeat characteristics.
- MeasureParser.xmlDirection(mxDirection)¶
convert a <direction> tag to one or more expressions, metronome marks, etc. and add them to the core and staffReference.
- MeasureParser.xmlDirectionTypeToSpanners(mxObj)¶
Some spanners, such as MusicXML wedge, bracket, dashes, and ottava are encoded as MusicXML directions.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> n1 = note.Note('D4') >>> MP.nLast = n1
>>> len(MP.spannerBundle) 0 >>> mxDirectionType = EL('<wedge type="crescendo" number="2"/>') >>> retList = MP.xmlDirectionTypeToSpanners(mxDirectionType) >>> retList [<music21.dynamics.Crescendo>]
>>> len(MP.spannerBundle) 1 >>> sp = MP.spannerBundle[0] >>> sp <music21.dynamics.Crescendo>
>>> mxDirectionType2 = EL('<wedge type="stop" number="2"/>') >>> retList = MP.xmlDirectionTypeToSpanners(mxDirectionType2)
retList is empty because nothing new has been added.
>>> retList []
>>> len(MP.spannerBundle) 1 >>> sp = MP.spannerBundle[0] >>> sp <music21.dynamics.Crescendo <music21.note.Note D>>
- MeasureParser.xmlForward(mxObj: Element)¶
Parse a forward tag by changing
- MeasureParser.xmlGraceToGrace(mxGrace, noteOrChord)¶
Given a completely formed, non-grace Note or Chord that should become one create and return a m21 grace version of the same.
- MeasureParser.xmlHarmony(mxHarmony)¶
Create a ChordSymbol object and insert it to the core and staff reference.
- MeasureParser.xmlNotations(mxNotations: Element, n: GeneralNote)¶
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxNotations = EL('<notations>' + ... '<fermata type="upright">angled</fermata>' + ... '</notations>') >>> n = note.Note() >>> MP.xmlNotations(mxNotations, n) >>> n.expressions [<music21.expressions.Fermata>] >>> n.expressions[0].type 'upright' >>> n.expressions[0].shape 'angled'
- MeasureParser.xmlNotationsToSpanners(mxNotations, n)¶
- MeasureParser.xmlNoteToGeneralNoteHelper(n, mxNote, freeSpanners=True)¶
Combined function to work on all <note> tags, where n can be a Note or Rest.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> n = note.Note() >>> mxNote = EL('<note color="silver"></note>') >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> n = MP.xmlNoteToGeneralNoteHelper(n, mxNote) >>> 'silver'
- MeasureParser.xmlNotehead(n, mxNotehead)¶
Set notehead information from the mxNotehead object
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> n = note.Note() >>> nh = EL('<notehead color="#FF0000" filled="no" parentheses="yes">' ... + 'diamond</notehead>')
>>> MP.xmlNotehead(n, nh) >>> n.notehead 'diamond' >>> n.noteheadFill False >>> n.noteheadParenthesis True >>> '#FF0000'
- MeasureParser.xmlOneSpanner(mxObj, target, spannerClass, *, allowDuplicateIds=False)¶
Some spanner types do not have an id necessarily, we allow duplicates of them if allowDuplicateIds is True. Wedges are one.
Returns the new spanner created.
- MeasureParser.xmlOrnamentToExpression(mxObj, *, mostRecentOrnament: Ornament | None = None)¶
Convert mxOrnament into a music21 ornament.
This only processes non-spanner ornaments. Many mxOrnaments are spanners: these are handled elsewhere.
Returns None if it cannot be converted or is not defined, or if the mxObj is an accidental-mark (in which case the accidental is placed in the mostRecentOrnament instead).
Return an articulation from an mxObj, setting placement
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxOrn = EL('<inverted-turn placement="above" font-size="24"/>') >>> a = MP.xmlOrnamentToExpression(mxOrn) >>> a <music21.expressions.InvertedTurn> >>> a.placement 'above' >>> 24
If it can’t be converted, return None
>>> mxOrn = EL('<crazy-slide placement="above"/>') >>> a = MP.xmlOrnamentToExpression(mxOrn) >>> a is None True
If it is ‘accidental-mark’, add to mostRecentOrnament, and return None
>>> turn = expressions.Turn() >>> turn.lowerAccidental is None True >>> turn.upperAccidental is None True >>> mxOrn = EL('<accidental-mark placement="below">flat</accidental-mark>') >>> a = MP.xmlOrnamentToExpression(mxOrn, mostRecentOrnament=turn) >>> a is None True >>> turn.lowerAccidental <music21.pitch.Accidental flat> >>> turn.upperAccidental is None True
Not supported currently: ‘vertical-turn’
- MeasureParser.xmlPrint(mxPrint: Element)¶
<print> handles changes in pages, numbering, layout, etc. so can generate PageLayout, SystemLayout, or StaffLayout objects.
Should also be able to set measure attributes on
- MeasureParser.xmlStaffLayoutFromStaffDetails(mxDetails, m21staffLayout: StaffLayout | None = None) StaffLayout | None ¶
Returns a new StaffLayout object from staff-details or sets attributes on an existing one
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> mxDetails = EL('<details number="2" print-object="no">' ... + '<staff-size>21.2</staff-size><staff-lines>4</staff-lines>' ... + '</details>') >>> stl = MP.xmlStaffLayoutFromStaffDetails(mxDetails) >>> stl.staffSize 21.2 >>> stl.staffLines 4 >>> stl.staffNumber 2 >>> stl.hidden True
staffType defaults to Regular:
>>> stl.staffType <StaffType.REGULAR: 'regular'> >>> mxDetails2 = EL(r'<details number="2"><staff-type>cue</staff-type></details>') >>> MP.xmlStaffLayoutFromStaffDetails(mxDetails2, m21staffLayout=stl) >>> stl.staffType <StaffType.CUE: 'cue'>
- MeasureParser.xmlTechnicalToArticulation(mxObj)¶
Convert an mxArticulationMark to a music21.articulations.Articulation object or one of its subclasses.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxTech = EL('<down-bow placement="below"/>') >>> a = MP.xmlTechnicalToArticulation(mxTech) >>> a <music21.articulations.DownBow> >>> a.placement 'below'
Fingering might have substitution or alternate
>>> mxTech = EL('<fingering substitution="yes">5</fingering>') >>> f = MP.xmlTechnicalToArticulation(mxTech) >>> f <music21.articulations.Fingering 5> >>> f.substitution True >>> f.alternate False
FingerNumbers get converted to ints if possible
>>> f.fingerNumber 5
>>> mxTech = EL('<fingering alternate="yes">4-3</fingering>') >>> f = MP.xmlTechnicalToArticulation(mxTech) >>> <music21.articulations.Fingering 4-3> >>> f.alternate True >>> f.fingerNumber '4-3'
- MeasureParser.xmlToAccidental(mxAccidental: Element, inputM21: Accidental | None = None) Accidental ¶
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> a = EL('<accidental parentheses="yes">sharp</accidental>') >>> b = MP.xmlToAccidental(a) >>> 'sharp' >>> b.alter 1.0 >>> b.displayStyle 'parentheses'
>>> a = EL('<accidental>half-flat</accidental>') >>> b = pitch.Accidental() >>> unused = MP.xmlToAccidental(a, b) >>> 'half-flat' >>> b.alter -0.5
>>> a = EL('<accidental bracket="yes">sharp</accidental>') >>> b = MP.xmlToAccidental(a) >>> b.displayStyle 'bracket'
>>> a = EL('<accidental bracket="yes" parentheses="yes">sharp</accidental>') >>> b = MP.xmlToAccidental(a) >>> b.displayStyle 'both'
- MeasureParser.xmlToArticulation(mxObj)¶
Return an articulation from an mxObj, setting placement
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxArt = EL('<spiccato placement="above"/>') >>> a = MP.xmlToArticulation(mxArt) >>> a <music21.articulations.Spiccato> >>> a.placement 'above'
>>> mxArt = EL('<doit dash-length="2" default-x="5" default-y="2" ' ... + 'line-shape="curved" line-type="dashed" space-length="1" />') >>> a = MP.xmlToArticulation(mxArt) >>> a <music21.articulations.Doit> >>> a.placement is None True >>> 2 >>> 5 >>> 'curved'
- MeasureParser.xmlToBarline(mxBarline, inputM21=None)¶
Given an mxBarline, fill the necessary parameters
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxBarline = ET.fromstring( ... '<barline location="right"><bar-style>light-light</bar-style></barline>') >>> b = MP.xmlToBarline(mxBarline) >>> b < type=double> >>> b.type # music21.type is different from 'double' >>> b.location 'right'
- MeasureParser.xmlToBeam(mxBeam: Element, inputM21=None)¶
given an mxBeam object return a
object>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxBeam = EL('<beam>begin</beam>') >>> a = MP.xmlToBeam(mxBeam) >>> a.type 'start'
>>> mxBeam = EL('<beam>continue</beam>') >>> a = MP.xmlToBeam(mxBeam) >>> a.type 'continue'
>>> mxBeam = EL('<beam>end</beam>') >>> a = MP.xmlToBeam(mxBeam) >>> a.type 'stop'
>>> mxBeam = EL('<beam>forward hook </beam>') >>> a = MP.xmlToBeam(mxBeam) >>> a.type 'partial' >>> a.direction 'right'
>>> mxBeam = EL('<beam>backward hook</beam>') >>> a = MP.xmlToBeam(mxBeam) >>> a.type 'partial' >>> a.direction 'left'
>>> mxBeam = EL('<beam>crazy</beam>') >>> a = MP.xmlToBeam(mxBeam) Traceback (most recent call last): music21.musicxml.xmlObjects.MusicXMLImportException: unexpected beam type encountered (crazy)
- MeasureParser.xmlToBeams(mxBeamList, inputM21=None)¶
given a list of mxBeam objects, sets the beamsList
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxBeam1 = EL('<beam>begin</beam>') >>> mxBeam2 = EL('<beam>begin</beam>') >>> mxBeamList = [mxBeam1, mxBeam2] >>> b = MP.xmlToBeams(mxBeamList) >>> b <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/start>/<music21.beam.Beam 2/start>>
- MeasureParser.xmlToChord(mxNoteList: list[Element]) ChordBase ¶
Given a list of mxNotes, fill the necessary parameters
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.divisions = 10080
>>> qnDuration = r'<duration>7560</duration><type>quarter</type>'
>>> a = EL(r'<note><pitch><step>A</step><octave>3</octave></pitch>' ... + qnDuration + '</note>') >>> b = EL(r'<note><chord/><pitch><step>B</step><octave>3</octave></pitch>' ... + qnDuration + '</note>')
>>> c = MP.xmlToChord([a, b]) >>> len(c.pitches) 2 >>> c.pitches[0] <music21.pitch.Pitch A3> >>> c.pitches[1] <music21.pitch.Pitch B3> >>> c.duration <music21.duration.Duration unlinked type:quarter quarterLength:0.75>
>>> a = EL('<note><pitch><step>A</step><octave>3</octave></pitch>' ... + qnDuration ... + '<notehead>diamond</notehead></note>') >>> c = MP.xmlToChord([a, b]) >>> c.getNotehead(c.pitches[0]) 'diamond'
>>> a = EL('<note><unpitched><display-step>A</display-step>' ... + '<display-octave>3</display-octave></unpitched>' ... + qnDuration ... + '<notehead>diamond</notehead></note>') >>> MP.xmlToChord([a, b]) <music21.percussion.PercussionChord [unpitched[A3] B3]>
- MeasureParser.xmlToChordSymbol(mxHarmony: Element) ChordSymbol | NoChord | ChordWithFretBoard ¶
Convert a <harmony> tag to a harmony.ChordSymbol object:
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> elStr = '<harmony><root><root-step>D</root-step><root-alter>-1</root-alter>' >>> elStr += '</root><kind>major-seventh</kind></harmony>' >>> mxHarmony = EL(elStr)
>>> cs = MP.xmlToChordSymbol(mxHarmony) >>> cs <music21.harmony.ChordSymbol D-maj7>
>>> cs.figure 'D-maj7'
>>> cs.pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch D-3>, <music21.pitch.Pitch F3>, <music21.pitch.Pitch A-3>, <music21.pitch.Pitch C4>)
>>> cs.root() <music21.pitch.Pitch D-3>
TODO: this is very classically-oriented. Make more Jazz/Rock like possible/default?.
>>> mxHarmony.find('kind').text = 'major-sixth' >>> cs = MP.xmlToChordSymbol(mxHarmony) >>> cs <music21.harmony.ChordSymbol D-6>
>>> cs.figure 'D-6'
>>> cs.pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch D-3>, <music21.pitch.Pitch F3>, <music21.pitch.Pitch A-3>, <music21.pitch.Pitch B-3>)
>>> cs.root() <music21.pitch.Pitch D-3>
- MeasureParser.xmlToClef(mxClef)¶
Returns a music21 Clef object from an mxClef element.
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> mxClef = ET.fromstring('<clef><sign>G</sign><line>2</line></clef>')
>>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.xmlToClef(mxClef) <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
>>> mxClef = ET.fromstring('<clef><sign>G</sign><line>2</line>' ... + '<clef-octave-change>-1</clef-octave-change></clef>') >>> MP.xmlToClef(mxClef) <music21.clef.Treble8vbClef>
>>> mxClef = ET.fromstring('<clef><sign>TAB</sign></clef>') >>> MP.xmlToClef(mxClef) <music21.clef.TabClef>
- MeasureParser.xmlToDuration(mxNote, inputM21=None)¶
Translate a MusicXML <note> object’s <duration>, <type>, <dot>, tuplets, etc. to a music21
object.>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> MP.divisions = 10080
>>> mxNote = EL('<note><pitch><step>D</step>' + ... '<alter>-1</alter><octave>6</octave></pitch>' + ... '<duration>7560</duration>' + ... '<type>eighth</type><dot/></note>')
>>> c = duration.Duration() >>> MP.xmlToDuration(mxNote, c) >>> c <music21.duration.Duration 0.75> >>> c.quarterLength 0.75 >>> c.type 'eighth' >>> c.dots 1
If the <duration> doesn’t match the <type> and <dots>, an unlinked duration is created so that .quarterLength agrees with <duration> but the notated types can still be represented.
Create a second dot on mxNote and parse again, observing the identical quarterLength:
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import SubElement >>> unused = SubElement(mxNote, 'dot') >>> c2 = MP.xmlToDuration(mxNote) >>> c2 <music21.duration.Duration unlinked type:eighth quarterLength:0.75> >>> c2.quarterLength 0.75 >>> c2.type 'eighth' >>> c2.dots 2
Grace note durations will be converted later to GraceDurations:
>>> mxDuration = mxNote.find('duration') >>> mxNote.remove(mxDuration) >>> mxGrace = SubElement(mxNote, 'grace') >>> MP.xmlToDuration(mxNote, inputM21=c2) >>> c2 <music21.duration.Duration unlinked type:eighth quarterLength:0.0> >>> gn1 = note.Note(duration=c2) >>> gn2 = MP.xmlGraceToGrace(mxGrace, gn1) >>> gn2.duration <music21.duration.GraceDuration unlinked type:eighth quarterLength:0.0>
- MeasureParser.xmlToKeySignature(mxKey)¶
Returns either a KeySignature (traditional or non-traditional) or a Key object based on whether fifths and mode is present.
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> mxKey = ET.fromstring('<key><fifths>-4</fifths></key>')
>>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.xmlToKeySignature(mxKey) <music21.key.KeySignature of 4 flats>
>>> mxKey = ET.fromstring('<key><fifths>-4</fifths><mode>minor</mode></key>')
>>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.xmlToKeySignature(mxKey) <music21.key.Key of f minor>
Invalid modes get ignored and returned as KeySignatures
>>> mxKey = ET.fromstring('<key><fifths>-4</fifths><mode>crazy</mode></key>')
>>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.xmlToKeySignature(mxKey) <music21.key.KeySignature of 4 flats>
- MeasureParser.xmlToLyric(mxLyric, inputM21=None) Lyric | None ¶
Translate a MusicXML <lyric> tag to a music21
object or return None if no Lyric object should be created (empty lyric tags, for instance)If inputM21 is a
object, then the values of the mxLyric are transferred there and nothing returned.Otherwise, a new Lyric object is created and returned.
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxLyric = ET.fromstring('<lyric number="4" color="red">' ... + '<syllabic>single</syllabic>' ... + '<text>word</text></lyric>') >>> lyricObj = note.Lyric() >>> MP.xmlToLyric(mxLyric, lyricObj) >>> lyricObj <music21.note.Lyric number=4 syllabic=single text='word'> >>> 'red'
Non-numeric MusicXML lyric “number”s are converted to identifiers:
>>> mxLyric.set('number', 'part2verse1') >>> l2 = MP.xmlToLyric(mxLyric) >>> l2 <music21.note.Lyric number=0 identifier='part2verse1' syllabic=single text='word'>
Multiple texts can be created and result in composite lyrics
>>> mxBianco = ET.fromstring('<lyric>' ... + '<syllabic>end</syllabic>' ... + '<text>co</text>' ... + '<elision>_</elision>' ... + '<syllabic>single</syllabic>' ... + '<text>e</text>' ... + '</lyric>') >>> bianco = MP.xmlToLyric(mxBianco) >>> bianco <music21.note.Lyric number=0 syllabic=composite text='co_e'> >>> bianco.components [<music21.note.Lyric number=1 syllabic=end text='co'>, <music21.note.Lyric number=1 syllabic=single text='e'>]
- MeasureParser.xmlToNote(mxNote: Element) None ¶
Handles everything for creating a Note or Rest or Chord
Does not actually return the note, but sets self.nLast to the note.
This routine uses coreInserts for speed, so it can leave either or a Voice object within in an unstable state.
- MeasureParser.xmlToOffset(mxObj)¶
Finds an <offset> inside the mxObj and returns it as a music21 offset (in quarterLengths)
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.divisions = 40 >>> off = EL(r'<direction><offset>100</offset></direction>') >>> MP.xmlToOffset(off) 2.5
Returns a float, not fraction.
>>> MP.divisions = 30 >>> off = EL(r'<direction><offset>10</offset></direction>') >>> MP.xmlToOffset(off) 0.33333...
- MeasureParser.xmlToPitch(mxNote, inputM21=None)¶
Given a MusicXML Note object, set this Pitch object to its values.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> b = EL('<note><pitch><step>E</step><alter>-1</alter>' ... + '<octave>3</octave></pitch></note>') >>> a = MP.xmlToPitch(b) >>> print(a) E-3
Conflicting alter and accidental – alter is still stored, but name is :
>>> b = EL('<note><pitch><step>E</step><alter>-1</alter><octave>3</octave></pitch>' ... + '<accidental>sharp</accidental></note>') >>> a = MP.xmlToPitch(b) >>> print(a) E#3 >>> a.fullName 'E-sharp in octave 3'
>>> a.accidental.alter -1.0
>>> 'sharp'
>>> a.accidental.modifier '#'
- MeasureParser.xmlToRehearsalMark(mxRehearsal)¶
Return a rehearsal mark from a rehearsal tag.
- MeasureParser.xmlToRepeat(mxBarline, inputM21=None)¶
Given an mxBarline (not an mxRepeat object) with repeatObj as a parameter, file the necessary parameters and return a bar.Repeat() object
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxBarline = ET.fromstring('<barline><bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>' + ... '<repeat direction="backward"/></barline>') >>> r = MP.xmlToRepeat(mxBarline) >>> r < direction=end>
Test that the music21 type for a backwards repeat is called “final” (because it resembles a final barline) even though the musicxml style is called light-heavy.
>>> r.type 'final' >>> r.direction 'end'
Test that a forward repeat with times doesn’t raise an exception, and that the resulting Repeat doesn’t have times set.
>>> mxStartBarline = ET.fromstring('<barline><bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>' + ... '<repeat direction="forward" times="2"/></barline>') >>> rs = MP.xmlToRepeat(mxStartBarline) >>> rs < direction=start>
- MeasureParser.xmlToRest(mxRest)¶
Takes a <note> tag that has been shown to have a <rest> tag in it and return a rest.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.divisions = 10
>>> mxr = EL('<note><rest/><duration>5</duration><type>eighth</type></note>') >>> r = MP.xmlToRest(mxr) >>> r <music21.note.Rest eighth> >>> r.duration.quarterLength 0.5
>>> mxr = EL('<note><rest><display-step>G</display-step>' + ... '<display-octave>4</display-octave>' + ... '</rest><duration>5</duration><type>eighth</type></note>') >>> r = MP.xmlToRest(mxr) >>> r <music21.note.Rest eighth>
A rest normally lies at B4 in treble clef, but here we have put it at G4, so we’ll shift it down two steps.
>>> r.stepShift -2
Clef context matters, here we will set it for notes that don’t specify a staff:
>>> MP.lastClefs[musicxml.xmlToM21.NO_STAFF_ASSIGNED] = clef.BassClef() >>> r = MP.xmlToRest(mxr)
Now this is a high rest:
>>> r.stepShift 10
Test full measure rest defined with measure=”yes” and a duration indicating four quarter notes:
>>> mxr = EL('<note><rest measure="yes"/><duration>40</duration></note>') >>> r = MP.xmlToRest(mxr) >>> MP.fullMeasureRest True
Note that here set r’s .fullMeasure to True or always because it has no type.
>>> r.fullMeasure True
Same goes for rests which define type of whole (or breve), regardless of duration:
>>> mxr = EL('<note><rest measure="yes"/><duration>40</duration><type>whole</type></note>') >>> r = MP.xmlToRest(mxr) >>> MP.fullMeasureRest True >>> r.fullMeasure True
But a rest that defines measure=”yes” but has a type other than whole or breve will set MeasureParser to fullMeasureRest but not set fullMeasure = True on the music21 Rest object itself because pickup measures often use measure=”yes” in Finale, but display as quarter rests, etc. See
>>> mxr = EL('<note><rest measure="yes"/><duration>10</duration>' ... + '<type>quarter</type></note>') >>> r = MP.xmlToRest(mxr) >>> MP.fullMeasureRest True >>> r.fullMeasure 'auto'
- MeasureParser.xmlToSimpleNote(mxNote, freeSpanners=True) Note | Unpitched ¶
Translate a MusicXML <note> (without <chord/>) to a
.The spannerBundle parameter can be a list or a Stream for storing and processing Spanner objects.
if freeSpanners is False then pending spanners will not be freed.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> MP.divisions = 10080
>>> mxNote = EL('<note pizzicato="yes"><pitch><step>D</step>' ... + '<alter>-1</alter><octave>6</octave></pitch>' ... + '<duration>7560</duration>' ... + '<type>eighth</type><dot/></note>')
>>> n = MP.xmlToSimpleNote(mxNote) >>> n <music21.note.Note D-> >>> n.octave 6 >>> n.duration <music21.duration.Duration 0.75> >>> n.articulations [<music21.articulations.Pizzicato>]
>>> beams = EL('<beam>begin</beam>') >>> mxNote.append(beams) >>> n = MP.xmlToSimpleNote(mxNote) >>> n.beams <music21.beam.Beams <music21.beam.Beam 1/start>>
>>> stem = EL('<stem>up</stem>') >>> mxNote.append(stem) >>> n = MP.xmlToSimpleNote(mxNote) >>> n.stemDirection 'up'
# TODO: beams over rests?
- MeasureParser.xmlToTempoIndication(mxMetronome, mxWords=None)¶
Given an mxMetronome, convert to either a TempoIndication subclass, either a tempo.MetronomeMark or tempo.MetricModulation.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> m = EL(r'<metronome><per-minute>125</per-minute>' + ... '<beat-unit>half</beat-unit></metronome>') >>> MP.xmlToTempoIndication(m) <music21.tempo.MetronomeMark Half=125>
Metric modulation:
>>> m = EL(r'<metronome><beat-unit>long</beat-unit><beat-unit>32nd</beat-unit>' + ... '<beat-unit-dot/></metronome>') >>> MP.xmlToTempoIndication(m) <music21.tempo.MetricModulation <music21.tempo.MetronomeMark Imperfect Longa=None>=<music21.tempo.MetronomeMark Dotted 32nd=None>>
- MeasureParser.xmlToTextExpression(mxWords)¶
Given an mxWords, create a
and set style attributes, fonts, position, etc.Calls setTextFormatting, which calls setPrintStyleAlign.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> m = EL('<words default-y="17" font-family="Courier" ' + ... 'font-style="italic" relative-x="-6">a tempo</words>') >>> te = MP.xmlToTextExpression(m) >>> te.content 'a tempo' >>> -6 >>> ['Courier']
- MeasureParser.xmlToTie(mxNote)¶
Translate a MusicXML <note> with <tie> SubElements
object>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
Create the incomplete part of a Note.
>>> mxNote = ET.fromstring('<note><tie type="start" />' ... + '<notations>' ... + '<tied line-type="dotted" placement="below" type="start" />' ... + '</notations></note>') >>> m21Tie = MP.xmlToTie(mxNote) >>> m21Tie.type 'start' >>> 'dotted' >>> m21Tie.placement 'below'
Same thing but with orientation instead of placement, which both get mapped to placement in Tie objects
>>> mxNote = ET.fromstring('<note><tie type="start" />' ... + '<notations>' ... + '<tied line-type="dotted" orientation="over" type="start" />' ... + '</notations></note>') >>> tieObj = MP.xmlToTie(mxNote) >>> tieObj.placement 'above'
- MeasureParser.xmlToTimeSignature(mxTime: Element) TimeSignature | SenzaMisuraTimeSignature ¶
Returns a TimeSignature or SenzaMisuraTimeSignature (for senza-misura) from a <time> block.
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxTime = ET.fromstring('<time><beats>3</beats><beat-type>8</beat-type></time>') >>> MP.xmlToTimeSignature(mxTime) <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/8>
>>> mxTime = ET.fromstring('<time symbol="common"><beats>4</beats>' + ... '<beat-type>4</beat-type></time>') >>> MP.xmlToTimeSignature(mxTime).symbol 'common'
Multiple times:
>>> mxTime = ET.fromstring('<time><beats>3</beats><beat-type>8</beat-type>' + ... '<beats>4</beats><beat-type>4</beat-type></time>') >>> MP.xmlToTimeSignature(mxTime) <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/8+4/4>
>>> mxTime = ET.fromstring('<time><beats>3+2</beats><beat-type>8</beat-type></time>') >>> ts32 = MP.xmlToTimeSignature(mxTime) >>> ts32 <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/8+2/8>
Senza Misura
>>> mxSenza = ET.fromstring('<time><senza-misura>0</senza-misura></time>') >>> MP.xmlToTimeSignature(mxSenza) <music21.meter.SenzaMisuraTimeSignature 0>
Small Duration Time Signatures
>>> mxTime = ET.fromstring('<time><beats>3</beats><beat-type>32</beat-type></time>') >>> MP.xmlToTimeSignature(mxTime) <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/32>
>>> mxTime = ET.fromstring('<time><beats>3</beats><beat-type>64</beat-type></time>') >>> MP.xmlToTimeSignature(mxTime) <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/64>
>>> mxTime = ET.fromstring('<time><beats>3</beats><beat-type>128</beat-type></time>') >>> MP.xmlToTimeSignature(mxTime) <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/128>
- MeasureParser.xmlToTremolo(mxTremolo, n)¶
Converts an mxTremolo to either an expression to be added to n.expressions or to a spanner, returning either.
- MeasureParser.xmlToTuplets(mxNote: Element) list[Tuplet] ¶
Given an mxNote, based on mxTimeModification and mxTuplet objects, return a list of Tuplet objects
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxNote = ET.fromstring('<note><type>16th</type>' + ... '<time-modification><actual-notes>5</actual-notes>' + ... '<normal-notes>4</normal-notes></time-modification></note>') >>> tups = MP.xmlToTuplets(mxNote) >>> tups [<music21.duration.Tuplet 5/4/16th>]
>>> mxNote = ET.fromstring('<note><type>eighth</type>' + ... '<time-modification><actual-notes>5</actual-notes>' + ... '<normal-notes>3</normal-notes>' + ... '<normal-type>16th</normal-type><normal-dot /><normal-dot />' + ... '</time-modification></note>') >>> tup = MP.xmlToTuplets(mxNote) >>> tup [<music21.duration.Tuplet 5/3/16th>] >>> tup[0].durationNormal DurationTuple(type='16th', dots=2, quarterLength=0.4375)
- MeasureParser.xmlToUnpitched(mxUnpitched: Element, inputM21: Unpitched | None = None) Unpitched ¶
Set displayStep and displayOctave from mxUnpitched.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser() >>> MP.divisions = 10080
>>> mxNote = EL('<note><duration>7560</duration><type>eighth</type></note>') >>> unpitched = EL('<unpitched>' ... + '<display-step>E</display-step>' ... + '<display-octave>5</display-octave>' ... + '</unpitched>') >>> mxNote.append(unpitched) >>> n = MP.xmlToSimpleNote(mxNote) >>> n.displayStep 'E' >>> n.displayOctave 5 >>> n.displayPitch().midi 76
- MeasureParser.xmlTransposeToInterval(mxTranspose)¶
Convert a MusicXML Transpose object to a music21 Interval object.
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> t = ET.fromstring('<transpose><diatonic>-1</diatonic>' ... + '<chromatic>-2</chromatic></transpose>') >>> MP.xmlTransposeToInterval(t) <music21.interval.Interval M-2>
>>> t = ET.fromstring('<transpose><diatonic>-5</diatonic>' ... + '<chromatic>-9</chromatic></transpose>') >>> MP.xmlTransposeToInterval(t) <music21.interval.Interval M-6>
Not mentioned in MusicXML XSD but supported in (Finale; MuseScore): octave-change refers to both diatonic and chromatic, so we will deal:
>>> t = ET.fromstring('<transpose id="x"><diatonic>-1</diatonic><chromatic>-2</chromatic>' ... + '<octave-change>-1</octave-change></transpose>') >>> inv = MP.xmlTransposeToInterval(t) >>> inv <music21.interval.Interval M-9> >>> 'x'
Methods inherited from SoundTagMixin
Methods inherited from XMLParserBase
- class music21.musicxml.xmlToM21.MusicXMLImporter¶
Object for importing .xml, .mxl, .musicxml, MusicXML files into music21.
- MusicXMLImporter.creatorToContributor(creator: Element, inputM21: Contributor | None = None)¶
Given a <creator> tag, fill the necessary parameters of a Contributor.
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> creator = ET.fromstring('<creator type="composer">Beethoven, Ludwig van</creator>')
>>> MI = musicxml.xmlToM21.MusicXMLImporter() >>> c = MI.creatorToContributor(creator) >>> c <music21.metadata.primitives.Contributor composer:Beethoven, Ludwig van> >>> c.role 'composer' >>> 'Beethoven, Ludwig van'
Pass in a Contributor object and set it:
>>> c2 = metadata.Contributor() >>> MI.creatorToContributor(creator, c2) >>> c2.role 'composer'
- MusicXMLImporter.identificationToMetadata(identification: Element, inputM21: Metadata | None = None)¶
Convert an <identification> tag, containing <creator> tags, <rights> tags, and <miscellaneous> tag.
Not supported: source, relation
Only the first <rights> tag is supported
Encoding only parses “supports” and that only has new-system (definesExplicitSystemBreaks) and new-page (definesExplicitPageBreaks)
- static MusicXMLImporter.isRecognizableMetadataKey(miscFieldName: str) bool ¶
Returns bool on whether miscFieldName is a one of the names that is among the list of names we might see in <miscellaneous>, that this parser will interpret as supported metadata keys. Currently, this is all the uniqueName keys (e.g. ‘dateCreated’), the ‘namespace:name’ keys (e.g. ‘dcterms:created’), and the pre-v8 music21 workIds (e.g. ‘date’).
>>> MI = musicxml.xmlToM21.MusicXMLImporter() >>> MI.isRecognizableMetadataKey('dateCreated') True >>> MI.isRecognizableMetadataKey('dcterms:created') True >>> MI.isRecognizableMetadataKey('dateDestroyed') False
- MusicXMLImporter.parsePartList(mxScore)¶
Parses the <part-list> tag and adds <score-part> entries into self.mxScorePartDict[partId] and adds them to any open <part-group> entries, stored as PartGroup objects in self.partGroupList
- MusicXMLImporter.parseXMLText()¶
- MusicXMLImporter.partGroups()¶
set StaffGroup objects from the <part-group> tags.
- MusicXMLImporter.processEncoding(encoding: Element, md: Metadata) None ¶
Process all information in the <encoding> element and put it into the Metadata object passed in as md.
Currently only processes ‘software’ and these supports attributes:
new-system = Metadata.definesExplicitSystemBreaks
new-page = Metadata.definesExplicitPageBreaks
- MusicXMLImporter.readFile(filename)¶
- MusicXMLImporter.rightsToCopyright(rights)¶
Given a <rights> tag, fill the necessary parameters of a
object.>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> rights = ET.fromstring('<rights type="owner">CC-SA-BY</rights>')
>>> MI = musicxml.xmlToM21.MusicXMLImporter() >>> c = MI.rightsToCopyright(rights) >>> c <music21.metadata.primitives.Copyright CC-SA-BY> >>> c.role 'owner' >>> str(c) 'CC-SA-BY'
- MusicXMLImporter.scoreFromFile(filename)¶
main program: opens a file given by filename and returns a complete music21 Score from it.
- MusicXMLImporter.styleFromXmlDefaults(mxDefaults)¶
Set the appearance and font information from mxDefault <appearance>, <music-font>, <word-font>, <lyric-font> (multiple), and <lyric-language> tags.
Here the demo does not include the <appearance> tag since that is documented in xmlAppearanceToStyle
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> defaults = ET.fromstring('<defaults>' ... + '<music-font font-family="Maestro, Opus" font-weight="bold" />' ... + '<word-font font-family="Garamond" font-style="italic" />' ... + '<lyric-font name="verse" font-size="12" />' ... + '<lyric-font name="chorus" font-size="14" />' ... + '<lyric-language name="verse" xml:lang="fr" />' ... + '<lyric-language name="chorus" xml:lang="en" />' ... + '</defaults>')
>>> MI = musicxml.xmlToM21.MusicXMLImporter() >>> MI.styleFromXmlDefaults(defaults) >>> st = >>> st.musicFont < object at 0x10535c0f0> >>> st.musicFont.fontFamily ['Maestro', 'Opus'] >>> st.musicFont.fontWeight 'bold' >>> st.wordFont.fontFamily ['Garamond'] >>> st.wordFont.fontStyle 'italic' >>> len(st.lyricFonts) 2 >>> st.lyricFonts[0] ('verse', < object at 0x10535d438>) >>> st.lyricFonts[0][1].fontSize 12 >>> st.lyricLanguages [('verse', 'fr'), ('chorus', 'en')]
- MusicXMLImporter.xmlAppearanceToStyle(mxAppearance)¶
Parse the appearance tag for information about line widths and note sizes
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> appear = ET.fromstring('<appearance>' ... + '<line-width type="beam">5</line-width>' ... + '<line-width type="ledger">1.5625</line-width>' ... + '<note-size type="grace">60</note-size>' ... + '<distance type="hyphen">0.5</distance>' ... + '<other-appearance type="sharps">dotted</other-appearance>' ... + '</appearance>')
>>> MI = musicxml.xmlToM21.MusicXMLImporter() >>> MI.xmlAppearanceToStyle(appear) >>> st =
>>> st.lineWidths [('beam', 5), ('ledger', 1.5625)]
>>> st.noteSizes [('grace', 60)]
>>> st.distances [('hyphen', 0.5)]
>>> st.otherAppearances [('sharps', 'dotted')]
- MusicXMLImporter.xmlCreditToTextBox(mxCredit)¶
Convert a MusicXML credit to a music21 TextBox
>>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> credit = ET.fromstring( ... '<credit page="2"><credit-words>Testing</credit-words></credit>')
>>> MI = musicxml.xmlToM21.MusicXMLImporter() >>> tb = MI.xmlCreditToTextBox(credit) >>> 2 >>> tb.content 'Testing'
- MusicXMLImporter.xmlDefaultsToScoreLayout(mxDefaults, inputM21=None)¶
Convert a <defaults> tag to a
- MusicXMLImporter.xmlMetadata(el=None, inputM21=None)¶
Converts part of the root element into a metadata object
Supported: work-title, work-number, opus, movement-number, movement-title, identification
- MusicXMLImporter.xmlPartToPart(mxPart, mxScorePart)¶
Given a <part> object and the <score-part> object, parse a complete part.
- MusicXMLImporter.xmlRootToScore(mxScore, inputM21=None)¶
parse an xml file into a Score() object.
Methods inherited from XMLParserBase
- class music21.musicxml.xmlToM21.PartGroup(mxPartGroup)¶
Small helper class for keeping track of part-groups from XML since they are converted to StaffGroup spanners much later.
- PartGroup.add(partGroupId)¶
Add a partGroupId to self.partGroupIds
- class music21.musicxml.xmlToM21.PartParser(mxPart: Element | None = None, mxScorePart: Element | None = None, parent: MusicXMLImporter | None = None)¶
parser to work with a single <part> tag.
called out for multiprocessing potential in future
- PartParser.adjustTimeAttributesFromMeasure(m: Measure)¶
Adds padAsAnacrusis to pickup measures and other measures that do not fill the whole tile, if the first measure of the piece, or immediately follows an incomplete measure (such as a repeat sign mid-measure in a piece where each phrase begins with a pickup and ends with an incomplete measure).
Fills an empty measure with a measure of rest (bug in PDFtoMusic and other MusicXML writers).
Sets self.lastMeasureWasShort to True or False if it is an incomplete measure that is not a pickup and sets paddingRight.
>>> m = stream.Measure([meter.TimeSignature('4/4'), harmony.ChordSymbol('C7')]) >>> m.highestTime 0.0 >>> pp = musicxml.xmlToM21.PartParser() >>> pp.setLastMeasureInfo(m) >>> pp.adjustTimeAttributesFromMeasure(m) >>> m.highestTime 4.0 >>> pp.lastMeasureWasShort False
Incomplete final measure:
>>> m = stream.Measure([meter.TimeSignature('6/8'), note.Note(), note.Note()]) >>> m.offset = 24.0 >>> pp = musicxml.xmlToM21.PartParser() >>> pp.lastMeasureOffset = 21.0 >>> pp.setLastMeasureInfo(m) >>> pp.adjustTimeAttributesFromMeasure(m) >>> m.paddingRight 1.0
- PartParser.applyMultiMeasureRest(r: Rest)¶
If there is an active MultiMeasureRestSpanner, add the Rest, r, to it:
>>> pp = musicxml.xmlToM21.PartParser() >>> mmrSpanner = spanner.MultiMeasureRest() >>> mmrSpanner <music21.spanner.MultiMeasureRest 0 measures>
>>> pp.activeMultiMeasureRestSpanner = mmrSpanner >>> pp.multiMeasureRestsToCapture = 2 >>> r1 = note.Rest(type='whole', id='r1') >>> pp.applyMultiMeasureRest(r1) >>> pp.multiMeasureRestsToCapture 1 >>> pp.activeMultiMeasureRestSpanner <music21.spanner.MultiMeasureRest 1 measure>
>>> pp.activeMultiMeasureRestSpanner is mmrSpanner True >>>'text') # Nothing shown!
>>> r2 = note.Rest(type='whole', id='r2') >>> pp.applyMultiMeasureRest(r2) >>> pp.multiMeasureRestsToCapture 0 >>> pp.activeMultiMeasureRestSpanner is None True
# spanner added to stream
>>>'text') {0.0} <music21.spanner.MultiMeasureRest 2 measures>
>>> r3 = note.Rest(type='whole', id='r3') >>> pp.applyMultiMeasureRest(r3) >>>'text') {0.0} <music21.spanner.MultiMeasureRest 2 measures>
- PartParser.getDefaultInstrument(mxScorePart: Element | None = None) Instrument ¶
Get a default instrument from the mxScorePart tag.
>>> scorePart = ('<score-part id="P4"><part-name>Bass</part-name>' ... + '<part-abbreviation>B.</part-abbreviation>' ... + '<score-instrument id="P4-I4">' ... + ' <instrument-name>Instrument 4</instrument-name>' ... + '</score-instrument>' ... + '<midi-instrument id="P4-I4">' ... + ' <midi-channel>4</midi-channel>' ... + '<midi-program>1</midi-program>' ... + '</midi-instrument>' ... + '</score-part>') >>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> pp = musicxml.xmlToM21.PartParser()
>>> mxScorePart = EL(scorePart) >>> i = pp.getDefaultInstrument(mxScorePart) >>> i <music21.instrument.Instrument ': Instrument 4'> >>> i.instrumentName 'Instrument 4'
Non-default transpositions captured as of v7.3:
>>> scorePart = ('<score-part id="P5"><part-name>C Trumpet</part-name>' ... + '<part-abbreviation>C Tpt.</part-abbreviation>' ... + '<score-instrument id="P5-I5">' ... + ' <instrument-name>C Trumpet</instrument-name>' ... + '</score-instrument>' ... + '<midi-instrument id="P5-I5">' ... + ' <midi-channel>2</midi-channel>' ... + '<midi-program>57</midi-program>' ... + '</midi-instrument>' ... + '</score-part>') >>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL >>> pp = musicxml.xmlToM21.PartParser()
>>> mxScorePart = EL(scorePart) >>> i = pp.getDefaultInstrument(mxScorePart) >>> i <music21.instrument.Trumpet ': C Trumpet'> >>> i.instrumentName 'C Trumpet' >>> i.transposition <music21.interval.Interval P1>
- PartParser.parse() None ¶
Run the parser on a single part
- PartParser.parseMeasures()¶
Parse each <measure> tag using self.xmlMeasureToMeasure
- PartParser.parseXmlScorePart()¶
The <score-part> tag contains a lot of information about the Part itself. It was found in the <part-list> in the ScoreParser but was not parsed and instead passed into the PartParser as .mxScorePart.
Sets the stream.partName, stream.partAbbreviation, self.activeInstrument, and inserts an instrument at the beginning of the stream.
The instrumentObj being configured comes from self.getDefaultInstrument.
- static PartParser.reclassifyInstrumentFromName(i: Instrument, mxScoreInstrument: Element) Instrument ¶
- PartParser.removeEndForwardRest()¶
If the last measure ended with a forward tag, as happens in some pieces that end with incomplete measures, and voices are not involved, remove the rest there (for backwards compatibility, esp. since bwv66.6 uses it)
New in v7.
- PartParser.separateOutPartStaves() list[PartStaff] ¶
Take a Part with multiple staves and make them a set of PartStaff objects.
There must be more than one staff to do this.
- PartParser.setLastMeasureInfo(m: Measure)¶
Sets self.lastMeasureNumber and self.lastMeasureSuffix from the measure, which is used in fixing Finale unnumbered measure issues.
Also sets self.lastTimeSignature from the timeSignature found in the measure, if any.
>>> pp = musicxml.xmlToM21.PartParser()
Here are the defaults:
>>> pp.lastMeasureNumber 0 >>> pp.lastNumberSuffix is None True >>> pp.lastTimeSignature is None True
After setLastMeasureInfo:
>>> m = stream.Measure(number=4) >>> m.numberSuffix = 'b' >>> ts38 = meter.TimeSignature('3/8') >>> m.timeSignature = ts38 >>> pp.setLastMeasureInfo(m)
>>> pp.lastMeasureNumber 4 >>> pp.lastNumberSuffix 'b' >>> pp.lastTimeSignature <music21.meter.TimeSignature 3/8> >>> pp.lastTimeSignature is ts38 True
Note that if there was no timeSignature defined in m, and no lastTimeSignature exists, the PartParser gets a default of 4/4, because after the first measure there’s going to be routines that need some sort of time signature:
>>> pp2 = musicxml.xmlToM21.PartParser() >>> m2 = stream.Measure(number=2) >>> pp2.setLastMeasureInfo(m2) >>> pp2.lastTimeSignature <music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4>
For obscure reasons relating to how Finale gives suffixes to unnumbered measures, if a measure has the same number as the lastMeasureNumber, the lastNumberSuffix is not updated:
>>> pp3 = musicxml.xmlToM21.PartParser() >>> pp3.lastMeasureNumber = 10 >>> pp3.lastNumberSuffix = 'X1'
>>> m10 = stream.Measure(number=10) >>> m10.numberSuffix = 'X2' >>> pp3.setLastMeasureInfo(m10) >>> pp3.lastNumberSuffix 'X1'
- PartParser.updateTransposition(newTransposition: Interval)¶
As one might expect, a measureParser that reveals a change in transposition is going to have an effect on the Part’s instrument list. This (totally undocumented) method deals with it.
If measureParser.transposition is None, does nothing.
NOTE: Need to test a change of instrument w/o a change of transposition such as: Bb clarinet to Bb Soprano Sax to Eb clarinet?
- PartParser.xmlMeasureToMeasure(mxMeasure: Element) Measure ¶
Convert a measure element to a Measure, using
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as EL
Full-measure rests get auto-assigned to match the time signature if they do not have a type, or have a type of “whole”.
Here is a measure with a rest that lasts 4 beats, but we will put it in a 3/4 context.
>>> scoreMeasure = '<measure><note><rest/><duration>40320</duration></note></measure>' >>> mxMeasure = EL(scoreMeasure) >>> pp = musicxml.xmlToM21.PartParser() >>> pp.lastDivisions 10080 >>> 40320 / 10080 4.0 >>> pp.lastTimeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('3/4') >>> m = pp.xmlMeasureToMeasure(mxMeasure)
Test that the rest lasts three, not four beats:
>>> measureRest = m.notesAndRests[0] >>> measureRest <music21.note.Rest dotted-half> >>> measureRest.duration.type 'half' >>> measureRest.duration.quarterLength 3.0
Methods inherited from XMLParserBase
- class music21.musicxml.xmlToM21.XMLParserBase¶
contains functions that could be called at multiple levels of parsing (Score, Part, Measure).
- XMLParserBase.setColor(mxObject, m21Object)¶
Sets to be the same as color.
- XMLParserBase.setEditorial(mxObj, m21Obj)¶
Set editorial information from an mxObj
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El >>> XP = musicxml.xmlToM21.XMLParserBase() >>> mxObj = El('<a/>') >>> n = note.Note('C#4')
Most common case:
>>> XP.setEditorial(mxObj, n) >>> n.hasEditorialInformation False
>>> mxObj = El('<note><footnote>Sharp is conjectural</footnote>' ... + '<level reference="yes">2</level></note>') >>> XP.setEditorial(mxObj, n) >>> n.hasEditorialInformation True >>> len(n.editorial.footnotes) 1 >>> fn = n.editorial.footnotes[0] >>> fn <music21.editorial.Comment 'Sharp is conjectu...'> >>> fn.isFootnote True >>> fn.levelInformation '2' >>> fn.isReference True
If no <footnote> tag exists, the editorial information will be found in comments:
>>> mxObj = El('<note><level reference="no">ed</level></note>') >>> n = note.Note('C#4') >>> XP.setEditorial(mxObj, n) >>> len(n.editorial.footnotes) 0 >>> len(n.editorial.comments) 1 >>> com = n.editorial.comments[0] >>> com.isReference False >>> com.text is None True >>> com.levelInformation 'ed'
- XMLParserBase.setFont(mxObject, m21Object)¶
sets font-family, font-style, font-size, and font-weight as fontFamily (list), fontStyle, fontSize and fontWeight from an object into a TextStyle object
conforms to attr-group %font in the MusicXML DTD
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El >>> XP = musicxml.xmlToM21.XMLParserBase() >>> mxObj = El('<text font-family="Courier,monospaced" font-style="italic" ' ... + 'font-size="24" font-weight="bold" />')
>>> te = expressions.TextExpression('hi!') >>> XP.setFont(mxObj, te) >>> ['Courier', 'monospaced'] >>> 'italic' >>> 24 >>> 'bold'
- XMLParserBase.setLineStyle(mxObject, m21Object)¶
Sets four additional elements for line elements, conforms to entity %line-shape, %line-type, %dashed-formatting (dash-length and space-length)
- XMLParserBase.setPlacement(mxObject, m21Object)¶
Sets the placement for objects that have a .placement attribute (most but not all spanners) and sets the style.placement for those that don’t.
- XMLParserBase.setPosition(mxObject, m21Object)¶
get positioning information for an object from default-x, default-y, relative-x, relative-y into the .style attribute’s absoluteX, relativeX, etc. attributes’
conforms to attr-group %position in the MusicXML DTD
- XMLParserBase.setPrintObject(mxObject, m21Object)¶
convert ‘print-object=”no”’ to = True
- XMLParserBase.setPrintStyle(mxObject, m21Object)¶
get position, font, and color information from the mxObject into the m21Object, which must have style.TextStyle as its Style class.
conforms to attr-group %print-style in the MusicXML DTD
- XMLParserBase.setPrintStyleAlign(mxObject, m21Object)¶
runs setPrintStyle and then sets horizontalAlign and verticalAlign, on an m21Object, which must have style.TextStyle as its Style class.
conforms to attr-group %print-style-align in the MusicXML DTD
- XMLParserBase.setStyleAttributes(mxObject, m21Object, musicXMLNames, m21Names=None)¶
Takes an mxObject, a music21Object, and a list/tuple of musicXML names and a list/tuple of m21Names, and assigns each of the mxObject’s attributes that fits this style name to the corresponding style object’s m21Name attribute.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El >>> XP = musicxml.xmlToM21.XMLParserBase() >>> mxObj = El('<a x="20.1" y="10.0" z="yes" />') >>> m21Obj = base.Music21Object() >>> musicXMLNames = ('w', 'x', 'y', 'z') >>> m21Names = ('justify', 'absoluteX', 'absoluteY', 'hideObjectOnPrint')
>>> XP.setStyleAttributes(mxObj, m21Obj, musicXMLNames, m21Names)
.justify requires a TextStyle object.
>>> Traceback (most recent call last): AttributeError: 'Style' object has no attribute 'justify'
>>> 20.1 >>> 10 >>> True
- XMLParserBase.setTextFormatting(mxObject, m21Object)¶
sets the justification, print-style-align group, and text-decoration, text-rotation, letter-spacing, line-height, lang, text-direction, and enclosure, on an m21Object, which must have style.TextStyle as its Style class, and then calls setPrintStyleAlign
conforms to attr-group %text-formatting in the MusicXML DTD
- XMLParserBase.xmlPageLayoutToPageLayout(mxPageLayout, inputM21=None)¶
get a PageLayout object from an mxPageLayout
Called out from mxPrintToPageLayout because it is also used in the <defaults> tag
- XMLParserBase.xmlPrintToPageLayout(mxPrint, inputM21=None)¶
Given an mxPrint object, set object data for the print section of a layout.PageLayout object
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxPrint = El('<print new-page="yes" page-number="5">' ... + ' <page-layout><page-height>4000</page-height>' ... + ' <page-margins><left-margin>20</left-margin>' ... + ' <right-margin>30.25</right-margin></page-margins>' ... + '</page-layout></print>')
>>> pl = MP.xmlPrintToPageLayout(mxPrint) >>> pl.isNew True >>> pl.rightMargin 30.25 >>> pl.leftMargin 20 >>> pl.pageNumber 5 >>> pl.pageHeight 4000
- XMLParserBase.xmlPrintToSystemLayout(mxPrint, inputM21=None)¶
Given an mxPrint object, set object data
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El >>> MP = musicxml.xmlToM21.MeasureParser()
>>> mxPrint = El('<print new-system="yes">' ... + ' <system-layout><system-distance>55</system-distance>' ... + ' <system-margins><left-margin>20</left-margin>' ... + ' <right-margin>30.25</right-margin></system-margins>' ... + '</system-layout></print>') >>> sl = MP.xmlPrintToSystemLayout(mxPrint) >>> sl.isNew True >>> sl.rightMargin 30.25 >>> sl.leftMargin 20 >>> sl.distance 55
- XMLParserBase.xmlStaffLayoutToStaffLayout(mxStaffLayout, inputM21=None)¶
get a StaffLayout object from an <staff-layout> tag
In music21, the <staff-layout> and <staff-details> are intertwined in a StaffLayout object.
- XMLParserBase.xmlSystemLayoutToSystemLayout(mxSystemLayout, inputM21=None)¶
get a SystemLayout object from an <system-layout> element
Called out from xmlPrintToSystemLayout because it is also used in the <defaults> tag
- music21.musicxml.xmlToM21.musicXMLTypeToType(value: str) str ¶
Utility function to convert a MusicXML duration type to a music21 duration type.
Changes ‘long’ to ‘longa’ and deals with a Guitar Pro 5.2 bug in MusicXML export, that exports a 32nd note with the type ‘32th’.
>>> musicxml.xmlToM21.musicXMLTypeToType('long') 'longa' >>> musicxml.xmlToM21.musicXMLTypeToType('32th') '32nd' >>> musicxml.xmlToM21.musicXMLTypeToType('quarter') 'quarter' >>> musicxml.xmlToM21.musicXMLTypeToType(None) Traceback (most recent call last): music21.musicxml.xmlObjects.MusicXMLImportException: found unknown MusicXML type: None
- music21.musicxml.xmlToM21.strippedText(mxObj: Element | None) str ¶
Returns the mxObj.text.strip() from an Element (or None) taking into account that .text might be None, or the Element might be undefined.
Replacement for the older textStripValid()
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element >>> e = Element('an-element') >>> musicxml.xmlToM21.strippedText(e) '' >>> e.text = ' ' >>> musicxml.xmlToM21.strippedText(e) '' >>> e.text = ' hello ' >>> musicxml.xmlToM21.strippedText(e) 'hello'
>>> musicxml.xmlToM21.strippedText(None) '' >>> musicxml.xmlToM21.strippedText(440.0) ''
New in v9.